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1. Introduction
 Signal is a function of some independent variable.
 Independent variable :- time, distance, temp, etc.
 Signal Types:
 Continuous Time
 Discrete Time (only time is digitized)
 Digital
 All continuous time signal are analog signals. But not all analog signal are
continuous time.
 Ex: rain fall in GOA (statistics)

 Natural existing signals are all Analog signal

 Ex: ECG, EEG, Sound, etc.
Digital Signal:

xa(t) xa(nT) A/D x(n)

Continuous Discrete
Where n= -ꝏ, . . . -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, . . . .

T = 1/fs, fs= sampling frequency

Signal Processing

 Analog
 Digital
 Mixed
Advantages of Digital signal processing:

 High Accuracy: Less sensitive to component tolerance and environmental changes. (0 or 1-noise
margin) (small shift in power supply /R/L/C affects the performance of analog circuit)
 Volume production without the need for adjustment during construction or use.
 Amenable to full integration. (analog – not possible , because of inductor, transformer size not
 Accuracy increases as word-length increases (cost also increases).
 Dynamic range increase with floating point arithmetic. (in analog SP dynamic range is limited with
power supply , ex : opamp -- ±Vcc).
 Time multiplexing.
 Easy adjustment of processor characteristics by changing coefficient (adaptive filters).
 Exact linear phase (no delay distortion).
 Multirate systems (different sampling rate).
 Easy storage in tapes, disks.
 Very low frequency processing with ease (no induction problem).
 Flexibility in Configuration: For reconfiguring an analog system, we can only do it by redesign of
system hardware; where as a DSP System can be easily reconfigured only by changing the program.
Disadvantages of DSP

 Frequency range is limited (S&H, ADC).

 System Complexity: In DSP, due to the use of devices such
as D/A and A/D converters, the system complexity
increases. The reconstruction filters will also contributes
for system complexity.
 Power Consumption: The DSP chip consists of over 4 Lakh
transistors, which will yields to dissipate high power (1
Watt), whereas the analog signal processing includes only
passive circuit elements like resistors, capacitors and
inductors, which will leads to only low power dissipation.

DSP can be applicable in variety of fields such as

 Telecommunication
 Consumer Electronics
 Image Processing
 Instrumentation and Control
 Military Applications
 Speech Processing
 Seismology
 Medicine

 Even
 General
 Periodic
 Bounded
 Average power
Sampling of continuous time signals: Periodic sampling;
Frequency domain representation of sampling;
Reconstruction of a Band limited Signal from its samples;
Discrete-time processing of Continuous time signals;
Continuous time processing of discrete time signals;
changing the sampling rate using discrete time processing
Transform analysis of LTI systems: Introduction,
Frequency response of LTI systems, system functions for
systems characterized by linear constant coefficient
difference, Frequency response for rational system
functions, relationship between magnitude and phase, All-
pass systems, minimum phase systems Linear systems with
generalized linear phase; systems with linear phase.
 The Discrete Fourier transform: Introduction,
Representation of Periodic Sequences: The Discrete Fourier
Series, Properties of the Discrete Fourier series, The
Fourier transform of periodic signals; sampling the Fourier
transform, the discrete Fourier transform, Properties of
Discrete Fourier Transform, Linear Convolution using the
DFT. Computation of the Discrete Fourier transform
 Efficient computation of DFT: Decimation-in-time FFT (in-
place computations), Decimation-in-Frequency FFT (in-
place computations).
 Structures for discrete-time systems: Block diagram
representation of linear constant-coefficient difference
equations; Signal flow graph representation; Basic
structures of IIR systems; Direct, cascade, parallel;
Transposed Forms; Basic network structures for FIR
systems; Direct Cascade, Structures for linear-phase FIR
systems, causal generalized linear-phase systems
 Filter design techniques: Design of Discrete-time IIR
filters from continuous-time filters; Filter design by
impulse invariance, bilinear transformation, Examples of
bilinear transformation design, Butterworth , Chebyshev
filter design;
 Design of FIR filters by windowing: Properties of
commonly used windows, incorporation of generalized
linear phase, the Kaiser window filter design method.
Examples of FIR filter design by the Kaiser Window
 Optimum approximations of FIR filters: optimal type-I
low pass filters, optimum type-II low pass filters,
Characteristics of optimum FIR filters, Examples of
equiripple approximation: low pass filter.
 Multirate Signal Processing: Interchange filtering and
Downsampling/Upsampling; Polyphase decompositions;
Polyphase implementation of decimation filters,
Polyphase implementation of interpolation filters

 Discrete-Time Signal Processing by A. V.

Oppenheim and R. W. Schafer. (Unit I , II & III)
 Digital Signal Processing by S. Salivahanan. (Unit
 DigitalSignal Processing: Principles, Algorithms,
and Applications by J. G. Proakis and D. G.
Manolakis. (Unit IV)
Course Outcomes (Cos)
CO Bloom’s
Description Level
Code. Level
ETC/ECE Explain the sampling rate conversion and CL3
ETC/ECE Explain the sampling rate conversion and CL3
5.1.1 applications of multirate systems.
5.1.1 applications of multirate systems.
ETC/ECE Compute transform and inverse transform CL3
ETC/ECE Compute transform and inverse transform CL3
5.1.2 of a sequence and analyse using
5.1.2 of a sequence and analyse using
ETC/ECE Implement the hardware structures for CL3
ETC/ECE Implement the hardware structures for CL3
5.1.3 digital filters.
5.1.3 digital filters.
ETC/ECE Design digital filters to satisfy the given CL4
ETC/ECE Design digital filters to satisfy the given CL4
5.1.4 specifications verify the same by using
5.1.4 specifications verify the same by using
 What Is Seismology?
 Seismology is the study of earthquakes and seismic waves that move through and
around the earth. A seismologist is a scientist who studies earthquakes and seismic
 What Are Seismic Waves?
 Seismic waves are the waves of energy caused by the sudden breaking of rock
within the earth or an explosion. They are the energy that travels through the
earth and is recorded on seismographs.

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