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Holidays, celebrations

and festivals in
January August
1st New Year's Day (a public holiday) Good Friday ( a public holiday) Notting Hill Carnival
5th Twefth Night Easter Summ
Easter Monday ( a public er Bank Holiday ( a
25th Burns Night
holiday in public holiday)
April O
14th Valentine's Day ctober
1st April Fool's Day
M 31st
arch 23rd
St George's Day (in
1st St England) November
David's Day ( in Wales)
May 5th Bonfire Night
17th St.
May Day ( a public holiday) 11th
Patrick's Day (a public
Remembrance Day
holiday in Spring
Norther Bank Holiday ( a public 30th St
n Ireland) holiday) Andrew's Day (a public
holiday in
March/ June
April Shrove Tuesday Trooping the Colours
Lent Wimbledon Tennis Tournament ecember
Mothering J Advent
Twelfth Night and Epiphany (January 5–
Epiphany (крещение) is a Christian holiday
celebrates the coming of the Magi
(волхвы)after the birth of Christ.
Some people attend a church service on this day.
Christmas decorations
In the UK, some think it up
to bepast
bad the day of
luck to
leave so many people choose to take them
down on January 5, which is also known as
"Twelfth Night."
Some people have parties and serve Twelfth Night
cakes, with one dried pea (горошина) and one
dried bean (фасоль) baked into them. If you get a
piece of cake with a bean or a pea, you are
crowned "king" or "queen" of the evening.
Burns Night (January
Burns Night is celebrated in honor (в
честь) of the Scottish poet Robert
Burns (1759–1796). He is best
known for writing the song, "Auld
Lang Syne," which is traditionally
sung at midnight when New Year's
Eve becomes New Year's Day. Many
Scots celebrate Burns' Night by
eating haggis, a pudding made from
sheep offal and other ingredients,
and reading the poet's works aloud
with company. One such work,
entitled "Address tae the Haggis," is
a particular favorite.
St. David's Day (March 1)
Valentine's Day (February 14) St. David's Day commemorates
(чтит память) St. David, the
patron- saint of Wales, who
spread (распространил)
In the UK, couples (пары)often Christianity throughout the
celebrate Valentine's Day by giving
country. Many people go to
gifts to one another and sending
church services this day.
Valentine cards. Many couples also
spend the evening celebrating with
a special meal.
Shrove Tuesday ( Pancake
Day) (Day Before
Shrove Tuesday (ЖирныйLent) Вторник) takes place before the
start of Lent (пост) and is celebrated by Christians across the
country by making and eating pancakes.
In some places people hold "pancake races," in which they run
a distance while flipping (подбрасывая) pancakes in a frying
pan (сковорода). In order to win, contestants (участники)
must cross the finish line as quickly as possible without
burning (or dropping) breakfast.
This tradition is said to have started with a housewife from
Olney, Buckinghamshire, who loved cooking so much that
when the bells rang for church, she ran for the service with her
pan still in hand.
Mothering Sunday
(4th Sunday of Lent)
Lent (March/April)
Traditionally, Lent (пост) is a 40 On Mothering Sunday children
day period when religious people usually congratulate their
stop doing some things that they mothers by giving them a gift and
enjoy, for example eating fat a card and taking them out to a
food or meat. The first day of lent special brunch or lunch.
is 40 days before Easter, so its
starting date
varies (варьируется) from year
to year.
Easter (March/April)
Many people go to church on
Easter Sunday to celebrate the
Maundy Thursday resurrection (воскрешение) of
(Thursday Before Easter) Jesus Christ. Modern celebrations
also often include
Maundy Thursday (страстной четверг) and decorating holding
(also called Holy Thursday), is the beginning
of the three day celebration of Easter. hunts,
eggs during which eggs egg
Maundy Thursday celebrates the Last Supper hidden for children to find. are
of Jesus Christ with the Apostles.
Many people go a traditional church
service on this day.
There is a tradition when the Queen gives
Maundy Money in red and white bags to a
group of elderly people. The money in the red
bag is money for food and clothing while the
money in the white bag is the Maundy coins
the number of which match the Queen’s age.
St. George's Day ( England's
April Fool's Day (April 1) National Day) (April 23)
Like in other countries, April
Fool's Day in the UK is St. George's Day celebrates the
people play practical jokes
when life and death of St. George, who
on one another. is said to have defeated
(победил) a dragon. There are
usually parades, parties, and the
flying of flags with "St. George's
Trooping the Colour
Every June, there is a public celebration of the Queen's birthday called Trooping
the Colour (вынос знамени), though her real birthday is in April.Trooping the
Colour is a military (военный) parade. It is a ceremony performed by more than
1,400 parading soldiers, 200 horses and 400 musicians.
«Trooping the colour» comes from the days when the colours (flags) of the
different regiments (полки) of the British army were displayed (выставлять на
показ) ( or trooped) during the battle so that soldiers could easily see their unit
(отряд) when they were on the battlefield, because it used to be quite easy to
get lost in a battle.
The Trooping the Colour parade officially begins when the Queen leaves
Buckingham Palace in a golden carriage (карета). She travels down the Mall in
front of crowds towards Horse Guards Parade at Whitehall, near to Downing
When the Queen gets there, she is greeted by a royal salute(приветствие) from
the soldiers on parade.
Wimbledon Tennis Swan Upping
Tournament (June/July) (Third Week of July)
The Wimbledon Officially, all of the swans in England
belong to (принадлежат) the Queen.
Tennis Tournament (or Every year in July, an official census
"Wimbledon") is the oldest (перепись) is taken of all the swans
tennis championship in the living on certain parts of the River
Thames to check they are still there!
world and is the most The swans of the Thames
prestigious. It typically begins on ceremonially
are caught and released
(отпускать). . Many celebrate this day
the last Monday in June and lasts by going to the River Thames and
for over two weeks. watching a procession of swans and
traditional boats.
Notting Hill Carnival
(Last Monday in August) Halloween (October 31)
Much like in the United States,
On this day, there is a street people dress up in costumes, bob
festival that millions go to see for apples, and have bonfires on
and participate in every year. The Halloween night. Many go to
parade includes colorful floats parties and children go trick-or-
(платформы), bands (оркестры), treating.
and many other attractions.
Bonfire Night (Guy Fawkes Night) (November
Guy Fawkes Night is celebrated on the 5th of November each year.
The story behind it goes back to 1605, when a man called Guy Fawkes
wanted to blow up the British Houses of Parliament with a Protestant
king inside. He was caught and executed (казнен) and to celebrate
this people create a ‘Guy’, a dummy (чучело) made out of straw
(солома), paper and other materials, and burn it on a bonfire! It is
also celebrated with fireworks, bonfires in public parks and schools as
well as in people’s gardens.
Remembrance Day Advent (December 1–24)
(November 11) Advent starts on December, 1
and lasts until Christmas Day. It
Remembrance Day commemorates celebrates the coming of Jesus.
(чтит память) the men and women Some use interactive calendars
who died during World War I and with a small treat (угощение)
World War II. It is held in for each day of December
November with people wearing leading up to Christmas.
red poppies (маки) in their

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