S1 Unit 12

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• Shed (v) fall off or spill

• Pattering (n) a repeated light tapping

• Hastily (adv) hurriedly
• Trot (v) run/ jog
• Duchess (n) the wife or widow of a duke
• Savage (adj) fierce, violent, and uncontrolled
• Desperate (adj) feeling or showing a hopeless sense that a situation is
so bad as to be impossible to deal with
• Timid (adj) showing a lack of courage or confidence; easily frightened
• Scurry away (v) run away, especially fearfully
• Queer (adj) strange; odd
• Shrill (adj) (of a voice or sound) high-pitched and piercing
• Bristling (adj) aggressively brisk (active and energetic) or tense
• Nasty (adj) very bad or unpleasant
• Vulgar (adj) lacking sophistication or good taste
• Fleeting (adj) lasting for a very short time/ brief
• Far-off (adj) remote in time or space
Chimborazo (inactive stratovolcano{alternate layers of lava and ash})
• Startle (v) shock, surprise
• Trickle (v) drip, flow
• Seize (v) grab, take
• Wrench (n) a sudden violent twist or pull
• Fling (v) throw or hurl forcefully
• Precipice (n) a very steep rock face or cliff

• Rift (n) a crack, split, or break

• Chasm (n) a deep fissure in the earth's surface

• Gorge (n) a narrow valley between hills or mountains

• Bolt (v) fasten (a door or window) with a bar that slides into a socket

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