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1) Why is Eid celebrated?

 The 30 day success of fasting, a period of devotion is the reason for this
celebration. There are two Eids, Eid-ul-Fitra and Eid-ul-Adha. Out of which the
first one is celebrated in the 9th month of the Lunar calendar, while the second one is
celebrated in the 12th month(Zill Hajj). In the olden times Allah commanded Prophet
Ibrahim to slaughter his son, Ismail and the prophet and his son agreed to this
command. This made Allah really happy, thus at the time of slaughtering, he
replaced his son with a Dumba(sheep). This is why Eid is celebrated.
2) How is the entire festival’s celebration carried out?
 During this time of Ramadan, Muslims practice fasting for 30 days from dusk to
dawn, they prepare various delicacies and visit their family and friends. It also
involves an important eid payer in the morning(Eid-ul-Fitra Namaz). There is a lot
of donation done as well (Zakat, 2.5% of your total wealth). Salatul-Fitra given in
the morning, two extra Rakats.
3) Is there any special traditional outfit worn or food prepared? If so what sort of?
 The main traditional food items include authentic biryani and Sheer Khurma,
Other than this several other dishes are served. There is no such traditional outfit,
men mostly wear kurta-pajamas, pathani. While women are supposed to be covered
from head to toe.
4) Is there anything special conducted at the mosques at that time? If yes what?
 Yes, they have extra Eid prayers in the morning (Salatul Eid prayers or prayer
for Turakats).

5) Are there any environmental effects of celebrating Eid? If yes, which?

 No, there are no negative effects on the environment as there is no pollution
caused, Muslims just practice fasting. There are positive effects on the body
biologically due to fasting during eid.

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