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Lesson 4:
Methods,And Tools in
Different settings where Counselors work
1. Government Setting
2. Private Sector Setting
3. Civil Society Setting
4. School Setting
5. Community Setting
1. Government Setting

* Government agencies that have
counseling services such as social welfare,
correctional department, the court
system, child and women affair services,
schools, military , police, hospitals,
mental and foster homes, and
rehabilitation centers are some of the
government settings where counselors
are found.
2. Private Sector Setting
*Independent providers of services
or work for NGO’s are among the
range of counsellors in the private
sector. The processes, methods, and
tools used by counsellors in the
private setting remain exactly the
same as in the government setting.
3. Civil Society Setting
*Charities or non-profit and issue-
based centers or organizations such
as for abused women, abandoned
children and elderly, veterans,
teachers, professionals, or religious
groups comprises the civil society
setting where counselors are found.
4. School Setting
* The role of guidance counselor in school
setting is more complex since the needs of the
students are varied. Moreover, guidance
counselors assume many different
responsibilities and tasks based on the
particular needs of students and the school
5. Community Setting
The widest application of counseling services
includes the community setting considering
the diversity of people in the community
1.The Role of the Elementary Guidance Counselor (K-12)
The primary role of the elementary guidance counselors

* Intervention and prevention in connection to the common problems

mentioned that are likely to interfere with the ability of children to achieve their
greatest academic, social, and personal potential (Ward & Worsham, 1998)
* Address and remediate the student’s problems.
2. The role of the Junior High School Guidance Counselor
(Grade 7-10) The primary role of the Junior High School
counselors includes:
• Provide guidance and counseling in dealing with peer relationships and social
interactions, such as includes work with students, teachers, and parents in an attempt to
aid each understand the other (Ward & Worsham, 1998)
• Offers general guidance services such as consulting with teachers, parents, and staff
regarding meeting the developmental needs of each student.
• Interpreting tests, and providing orientation to transferees and new students
3. The Role of the Senior High School Guidance
Counselor (Grades 11-12)
• The primary role of senior high school guidance counselors is to provide
guidance and counseling pertaining to educational and career decisions as
well as college placement counseling.
• Provide orientation activities for transferees or new students to the school.

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