SCI17CSC075 - Chapter 1-3

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Statement of the Problem
2 • The fashion industry is faced with numerous problems and some of which are related to design and
manufacturing of new styles.
• Lack of innovations in the fashion design sector.
• Poor designs, as the user does not know Which two images will be paired together, and what will the
design on the newly created cloth look like? (Singh et al., 2020).

Aim and Objectives

 The aim of this project is to build a system that can generate new fashion styles for men.
The objectives are as follows:
 To design a Male Fashion Generative Framework (MFGF).
 To build an image generation model that can generate new men’s fashion design.
 Deploy the model in a website.
Summary of Literature Review and Knowledge Gap
 Several research works and surveys have been carried out on the use of deep learning techniques
such as Generative Adversarial Networks for the generation of photo-realistic images.

 In this project, we will be building on some of their weakness and trying to make improvements
on already existing methods (Salami et al., 2021).

 Knowledge Gap: We will build on the proposed model by (Salami et al., 2021).

 The user cannot specify or pass in the sort of pattern or design that should be synthesized, hence
this model has a drawback in that it has complete control over the image that is generated. The
user should be allowed to specify the pattern that the system should create.
Description of Existing System

Description of Proposed System

Input Images Generator Discriminator
Generated Image
Subject Image Global

Style Image
Proposed Methodology
5  The methodology adopted for building the system is the Cross-Industry Standard for Data
Mining (CRISP-DM). CRISP-DM is a six-phased process model that accurately represents the
data science life cycle.

 The Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks (DCGAN) is an unsupervised

machine learning algorithm that will be used in building the models, the Python programming
language and other libraries created specifically for machine learning and other scientific
calculations will be used to implement it.

Expected Result
 The expected result at the end of this project is a working system that is able to generate new
fashion styles and designs for men.

 Users can specify the type of design or patterns they want.

6 References

Salami, M., Oyewusi, W., & Adekanmbi, O. (2021). AFRIGAN : African fashion style generator
using Generative Adversarial Networks ( GANs ). 35th Conference on Neural Information
Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021), December, 1–3.

Singh, M., Bajpai, U., Vijayarajan, V., & Prasath, S. (2020). Generation of fashionable clothes using
generative adversarial networks: A preliminary feasibility study. International Journal of Clothing
Science and Technology, 32(2), 177–187.

Thank You For Listening.

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