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7.1. Stages of Business Development

7.2. Business planning in the entrepreneurial activity

7.3. Innovations in water industry

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7.1. Stages of Business Development

Methods for searching for an entrepreneurial idea

Methods for Methods for Methods for search

individual collective search
creative search
Analogy method Brainstorm Checklist method

Inversion method Conference of Method of focal

ideas objects

Idealization method Collective Method of

notebook method morphological
Fig.1. Groups of methods for searching for an entrepreneurial idea
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It should be noted that entrepreneurial activity is the initiative activity of business
subject, which when possessing, using or disposing of any material assets (land,
buildings, equipment, know-how, information, cash resources), makes efforts with regard
to creation of products, rendering of services and performance of works on its own.

Besides, entrepreneurial business acts as one of the types of business activity.

Business means the activity aimed at gaining benefits.

Entrepreneurship as one of specific forms of manifestation of social relations

contributes both to increase in material and intellectual potential of the society and
creation of the favorable platform for practical implementation of abilities and talents of
each person, and becomes the way of life for many people.

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Way of life

Way of thinking




Natural Drive for self-

Ambitions Reveals realization

Creative Releases

Sphere of Provides
Fig.2. Entrepreneurial
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Emergence of an entrepreneurial idea

Evaluation of the idea, real situation and practical application of the idea

Attempt to transfer the entrepreneurial idea to a practical plane, taking into

account the market situation

Making the required entrepreneurial calculations in order

to determine the potential effect

Expert evaluation of information and results of

entrepreneurial calculations

Fig.3. Logic of entrepreneur’s actions in the preparatory phase

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Organization 5. Crisis

4. Crisis of “bans”
Growth through

3. Control cooperation

Growth through
2. Autonomy coordination

Growth through
1. Leadership delegation


Creative phase of growth Time


Fig.4. Company development

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7.2. Business planning in the entrepreneurial
Information required to develop a business plan
    
Marketing Production Financial General economic and Forecasts concerning
- consumers -technology -profitability sectoral -sales volumes
-similar products -machinery and -credit needs - economic situation -market share
- prices equipment -peculiarities of cash -social and political -possible prices
- competitors -raw materials and flow, taxation, conditions -rates of business growth
-peculiarities of supplies insurance etc. -legislation etc.
market promotion -workforce -trends in development
-production facilities of the relevant sector
etc. etc.

    
Information sources

 Own experience of practical activity

 Direct contacts with future customers, suppliers, sales agents

 Information about competitors

 Statistical information on the state and trends of the sector development (areas of future activity)

 Analytical reviews of the economic and market situation, mass media materials

 Advertising materials, materials of the exhibitions, fairs, scientific and practical conferences

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in the master slide plan information field 8
Fig.6. Factors on which the structure and contents of business plan depends

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Business plan is a written document which details the essence of the entrepreneurial idea, the
ways and means of its implementation, describes the market, production, organizational and
financial aspects of business, as well as peculiarities of its management.
Typically, the structure of such business plan includes 7. Production plan:
the components below: 7.1. Main production operations.
1. Title page. 7.2. Machines and equipment.
2. Business plan contents. 7.3. Raw materials, supplies and components.
3. Abstract. 7.4. Production and non-production premises.
4. Industry sector, firm and products (services): 8. Organizational plan:
4.1. Current situation and tendencies of industry 8.1. Form of business organization.
development. 8.2. Workforce requirements.
4.2. Description of products (services) of the firm. 8.3. Business owners and managers’ team.
4.3. Patents, trademarks, other proprietary rights. 8.4. Organizational structure of management.
4.4. Strategy of the firm’s development. 8.5. Personnel policy.
5. Market research: 9. Risk assessment:
5.1. General characteristic of the market. 9.1. Types of possible risks.
5.2. Target market. 9.2. Ways to respond to/ to minimize any threats.
5.3. Firm’s localization. 10. Financial plan:
5.4. Assessment of the impact of external factors. 10.1. Plan of incomes and expenditures.
6. Marketing plan: 10.2. Cash flow plan.
6.1. Marketing strategy. 10.3. Planned balance sheet.
6.2. Planned volume of sales. 10.4. Financial ratios.
11. Appendices.
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Choice of products (services)

Research of the market environment of business

Choice of the firm’s location

Forecasting of sales volumes

Determination of production parameters for the business

Development of pricing and sales policy

Substantiation of organizational parameters of the firm

Description of potential risks, measures for their minimization

Evaluation of financial indicators

Conclusions on the main provisions of the business plan

Fig.7. Business plan development logic

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Table 1 – Rules of effective
10-20-30 presentation
Delivering a presentation to you customers or investors, use“10-20-30” rule:
1. Only10 slides instead of 20, 30, or 50.
1) Name
2) Problem
3) Solution
4) Business model
5) Competitive differences
6) Marketing and sales
7) Competition
8) Team
9) Estimates
10)Current situation and plans
2. 20 minutes. Give your presentation maximum in 20 minutes. Even if you
have an hour time slot, it may take thirty minutes to make it work with the
3. 30 point font. Use a 30 points font size. It will force you to write only the
most important things on each slide.

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7.3. Innovations in water

Fig. 8. Top Technologies in Innovation Tracker

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Fig. 9. Key Water Industry Growth Drivers
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Fig. 10. Key Innovation Areas for Water
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1. Salltech BV (Holland) demonstrated

its development named DyVaR
designed for wastewater-free treatment
of effluents in oil and gas industry.

This technology is based on the use of

low-temperature distillation and
centrifugal separation of salts and other
contaminants in cyclone units.

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2. Interesting technologies KERATOX and
ODC were represented by the companies
ATG UV Technology and Arvia Technology
Ltd., respectively.

To destroy organic contaminants,

reagentless oxidation process based on
titanium dioxide was used.

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3. LG Sonic BV won the prize for
development of MPCBuoy technology for
monitoring and control of algae growth in
water bodies.

Special devices powered by sunlight float

on the surface of the water and wirelessly
transmit information about quality of

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4. Well-known Grundfos Company
presented online monitors of
microbiological contamination.

Such devices operate automatically and

continuously detect the presence of bacteria
and suspended solids in water without
using additional reagents, and
simultaneously transmit data to the
operator’s monitor.

5. Aquisense Technologies Company was

the winner in the area of innovative
developments that have not yet been

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6. Biopuremax development did not win a prize, but it nevertheless deserves
attention. This is the environmentally friendly technology for water pre-treatment
before reverse osmosis which is based on electrolysis, meant for precipitation of
impurities with high potential for deposit formation, and use of ultraviolet lamps for
destruction of active chlorine.

7. Applied Membranes, Inc. presented energy-independent autonomous reverse

osmosis unit for water desalination with the capacity of up to 25 m3/h. The units are
equipped with a set of solar cells and produced in the container version.

8. DOW Chemical presented IntegraFluxultra filtration modules based on new-

generation hollow fibers XP Fiber, whose permeability is 35% higher than that of the
predecessors. It increases the productivity of ultrafiltration plants, while reducing
their dimensions and consumption of water and reagents.

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Thank you for attention!

1. А.D. Ostapchuk, А.V. Zbarska. Organization of the company’s entrepreneurial activity:

Teaching tool [under the editorship of V.К. Zbarskyi, Professor. – К.: КiМU, 2015. – 273 p.
2. Business planning in the hotel and catering business [Text]: Teaching tool for students of
specialty 6.140101 “Hotel and catering business” of full-time and part-time mode of study / А.О.
Avetysova, N.S. Paliy, Yu.Yu. Yurchenko; Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade
named after М. Tugan-Baranovsky, Dept. of Economics and Management of Innovation Activity. -
Donetsk: DonNUЕТ, 2011. – 125 p.
3. Head waters MB Information portal [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:
4. PUB. The Singapore water story. Public Utilities Board of Singapore. Available at:
5. Grant J. Singapore seeks sustainable water supply. The Financial Times 201411 April.
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6. UKRAINIAN WATER COMMUNITY. Informational portal [Electronic resource]. – Access
7. Bosporus. Center of Water Technologies [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
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