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using silica from rice husk ash in making cement to be used in

interlocking bricks industry

Basel Abdulsalam Abdulghani Ahmed
Key words: Silica – interlocking bricks – muffle furnace – power logic system
Purpose Procedures  The following is a detailed analysis of our approach to solve this problem That make this Results
brick reduce the amount of used cement on construction that its save a lot of amount of
“my powers are ordinary. Only my application brings me success.” We began
Nowadays, the industry is the key to the progress and the development cement which reduce the cost, when they make a wall by using interlocking bricks they
to make a prototype to make sure that this project will succeed and will meet “No earning with no erroring”,” Never give up from the first try”
of the country. It can be essential in the management of the economic need 4.8 kg/SQM comparing to the same wall but when we use a clay bricks (normal
the design requirements when it is applied in the future. We tried it for two We put some design requirements for the project as the cost, efficiency,
situations in the country ,so why do not we work on a type of industry bricks) it used 12.7kg/SQM approximately more than 60% and had a beauty shape that
times as in the first time the purity of rice husk ash wasn’t high enough in the environmental impact and durability .. we made cement with same of
to improve it ? differentiates it from clay bricks that is used in normal construction that makes us to
second time we leached it carefully so it achieved the design requirements so break up with eliminate plastering and painting our interface of our homes. efficiency and using interlocking bricks in building decrease the cost as

Background research our steps of making the prototype are: Firstly. we bring rice husk ash, then
we wash it by water to clean it. secondly, we leached rice husk ash by using
also, this brick had a lot of addition benefits like (fire proof, sound resistant, bullet proof)
when we compare interlocking bricks and clay bricks we found that the interlocking brick
we use only about 40% of cement needed in normal bricks building.
Then we started building our prototype to test our solutions, we have
HCL to remove heavy metals which leads to increase the purity of silica that done the prototype for two times.
Before selecting our solution, we made an extensive research about the industry of is more efficient than the clay bricks(ordinary one). These things make our project met a
we will have from It. Third, we put it in Muffle furnace on 650 C and left it The test plan outcomes that we have achieved:
Egypt and the problems that influences it. We found that the industry is the key to lot of design requirements such as: • purity of silica was about 97.6%
the progress and the development of the country. It can be essential in the for 15 minutes. Fourth We take silica from it and use it in cement industry by  Cost • we decreased the energy needed to extract silica by about 950 c degree
management of the economic situations in the country so by solving the industrial chemical combination of calcium, silicon, aluminum, iron and other Main part of our problem is to make a solution with a relatively low cost .For example, if as we extracted it from (RHA) by burning on 650 c degree instead of
problems that faces us this semester (increasing the efficiency of a certain ingredients as Common materials used to manufacture cement include we have a machine does something and its cost is defined, we can decrease its cost by sand that burns on 1600 c degree so that the cost decreased
industrial process) we will make a great effect to the complex chain that relate to limestone, shells, and chalk or marl combined with shale, clay, slate, blast removing the unneeded parts and still doing its job on the same way. • we can extract about 250gm of silica from 1kg of rice husk ash
these problem Our capstone challenge this semester is in the industrial base and as furnace slag, silica sand, and iron ore. These ingredients, when heated at high we can also replace some materials with other materials lower in cost and have the same or
we know Egypt suffers from many problems in many industries especially in the • we used silica in cement industry by ratio from 5 to 10 % cement
temperatures form a rock-like substance that is ground into the fine powder higher efficiency. As we said our interlocking bricks are reduce the used amount of cement usage decreased in building by ratio of 60 % The first test for
industries which have bad consequences and bad effects on our health and on our
economy which will effect on our education system and health system and will have that we commonly think of as cement. about 8% percent so that it decrease a lot amount of cost here. Another one is by reducing interlocking bricks
a tremendous effect on our society, so the problem or the challenge that we have in Then, our prototype goes two main part: The first one is the making of the cost in making cement as we see in results that the cement made by (RHA) is used about While calculating the input energy of our prototype, we found that:
this semester is to develop the industrial base in Egypt to solve the problem which press machine: • We calculate the dimensions of the compress arm and the 600 degree instead of 1500 degree so that it reduce the cost in cement industry about 40% • we did not need to use any source of energy, we only depend on the
found in these industries. So, we decided to choose a type of industry (interlocking MOULD and the outer body of the machine. -We started cutting the steel in a  Efficiency pressure, which made by rotating the arm of the machine . We also found
bricks + cement) and to identify the gap which is found in this industry and then work shop to get the MOULD and to get the compress arm. - • At the end, we As we see in (table(2)) the interlocking bricks is better than the clay bricks as it has higher that the cost for making our brick the lower than the cost of the clay
try to solve its future impact or to solve its consequences. strength and durability and its production is too fast as it produce about 6 bricks per brick, these things made our prototype pass this test. The second test for
connect them together to get our press machine. The second one is the
But first we studied some of the prior solution that are related to the problem minute, also the interlocking bricks does not required a high temperature to be constructed interlocking bricks (durability) we found it by throwing brick from this
facing us as the prior solution had many advantages and disadvanta0ges that we making of the brick: To make the brick, we start to mix (mud, sand and
cement) manually then put the water and mix them again. • After finishing like the clay one, the only disadvantage is that its machine cost is more expensive than the height (200 cm). but when we throw the clay brick it smashed
can take an idea from for example clay brick, it is more resistant to harsher
clay bricks machine cost but it’s not a problem as it is cheaper than the clay bricks in immediately.
weather condition and more reliable for using in permanent buildings, but it was we put the mixture into the machine and close its door then start to compress
require a high amount of thermal energy and too much cement to be attached material cost and the construction system, so after a long time we will get that money back. The last test (environmentally impact) The process that we used to make
the mixture by rotating the arm to make mixture take the shape of the brick .
together and harmful for the environment. Also, there was the cement brick its  Environmental impact our brick produce only 56.79 kg/m3 of carbon dioxide, but as for the clay
• After 5 minutes, we get the brick out and let it dry for 4 hours.• After brick they use heat to dry the brick which contain cement and that’s led
advantage is that its strength is higher than the normal bricks and easy to control
drying, it gets ready to make our test . More than 60% of carbon dioxide that exist in the air nowadays is produced by industry,
its color, the downside is that it takes about 5 days to be ready to use. use of cement and clay bricks produce carbon dioxide as it depends on burning of cement to produce 547.3 kg/m3 of carbon dioxide which so harmful for the
environment. And these results were the reason for making us sure that

Hypothesis Data and other component to be constructed, our brick didn`t need brick burning as it depends
only on pressure that compressed the brick and make it ready for using, we also reduce the our project going to solve industry problem in Egypt.
amount of cement that use to make brick and that would solve the carbon dioxide problem
• our hypothesis in our project exists in that farmers won’t burn rice husk In this table it makes a comparison
and make our project green to environment. (Outcome: CH.1.17) As shown in graph() the
ash in the farm which leads for pollution as they will sell it so pollution
rate will decrease be 35%
between the two trials to reach to
The perfect way to have more pure
interlocking bricks use the least percentage of electricity but what about making it? It conclusion
contains a very cheap material which is sand, mud, cement and water which are available
• the price of cement will decrease be 20 % . Silica as there is a difference After the great results that have been reached for and the efforts of our group,
Between two trials in the way of and easy to reach by people, and that make it passes about 10 machines (outcome: ES.2.09)
• building a house won’t take more than a week to be built . eventually, a conclusion has been reached. It has been concluded that for a more
Leaching rice husk ash ,also there High Speed Automatic Mixer: Up to 1,000kg mixing capacity. Under 3 minutes. Specially
successfully outcomes, a less percentage of cement had to be put in our prototype, in
Materials Is a difference in the heat energy
Used to burn rice husk ash . And
designed to mix soil, sand and cement. Homogeneously.
Soil Crusher: Crushed raw soils to the finest. Using the finest blade materials.
order to make the brick with a higher strength or durability. It also has been concluded
that the more clay exists in the bricks’ components, the more efficiency and strength it
The second trial has succeeded. Homogeneously. will be.
Weighing Station: Every batch of soil and sand is weighed. Giving the most consistent Eventually it has been concluded and decided that, the interlocking
strength and dimension. bricks is the best conclusion to be applied From all the previous we
can also conclude that
graphs Cement Silo: Cement stored securely.
Elevator Box: Eliminating buffer time by lifting whole batch of soil and sand directly to the 1 – the cost reduced by extracting the pozzolana (silica ), which is one the
components of cement from other cheaper resource from the burning rice husk ash.
mixer with just one drop.
2- the eco- friendly of the project by decreasing the amount of co2 from the
Screw Conveyor: Deliver cement powder directly from cement silo to the mixer. manufacturing or cement by utilizing pozzolana (silica) from another source to reduce
Platform: Solid enough to place a heavy mixer on top. the amount of co2.
Sieving: Filter small stones out of the soil source.
Conveyor Belt: Deliver materials from one machine to another - automatically.
Distributor Conveyor: Distribute mixed materials to several Auto Press machines.
auto press machine: this is the main machine as it the machine that make the bricks Rice husk ash will be one of the most efficient materials to extract silica.
Graph (1) Graph (2) Graph (3) through making the highest pressure to get the highest strength and a MOULDS in order As it needs less energy to be used than sand as its burning will reduce 950
• HCL-sulfuric acid – muffle furnace
to give the bricks their shapes, In order to reduce the force need to compress we increase c degree than sand burning .
the long of the arm, them the energy consumption decrease.
Variables As shown in (Graph (4)) found that our factor would require electricity more than the
Interlocking bricks will be one of the most efficient bricks used in
building in the near future. And it have many benefits such as it decrease
Our dependent variables are : ordinary factors, in order to solve this problem, we decide to use a new system to solve this the cost as we use only about 40% of cement needed in normal bricks
• Rice husk ash burns between 600 to 750 c degree. problem that called power logic. building., this brick had a lot of addition benefits like (fire proof, sound
• we can extract about 200 gm to 300 gm of silica from 1kg of rice husk - Power logic is the best solution for energy control as it makes the most of our energy by: resistant, bullet proof when we compare interlocking bricks and clay
ash Graph (4) Reducing energy-related costs through improved efficiency, lower emissions, reduced bricks we found that the interlocking brick is more efficient than the clay
Figure (2)

• cement usage decreased in building by ratio of 60 % but it may decrease per-unit energy costs and maximized use of your power distribution network. bricks (ordinary one).. the interlocking bricks is better than the clay

to 50% only  The third one is power logic system bricks as it has higher strength and durability and its production is too

• The process that we used to make our brick produce only 56.79 kg/m3 of Power logic is the best solution for energy control as it makes the most of our energy by: fast as it produces about 6 bricks per minute.
Table (1)
carbon dioxide but it may decrease for 51.37 kg/m3 . Reducing energy-related costs through improved efficiency, lower emissions, reduced per- Power logic system will reserve a huge amount of energy as it is a

Abstract Analysis unit energy costs and maximized use of your power distribution network.
Optimizing equipment utilization to make better use of capital assets by balancing loads
software system used to give the needed amount of energy only and
prevent any excess amount of energy.
One of the scariest challenges that faces our dear Egypt is industry and determine capacity requirements.-Improving the overall quality of power and
deterioration. It is a very difficult challenge as it faces most of the After the test that we have made for our prototype and after measuring the
efficiency we proved that we achieve the design requirements which are
reliability of your equipment and processes, as well as increase in safety through remote
monitoring versus risk of arc flesh.
Research sources
countries around the world. It is connected with the economy as if any
country did not succeed solving this problem, it will have a increasing in the efficiency, environmental Impact and cost. Power Logic technology gives professionals from fiancé to engineering the level of energy "MYIB - Introduction To Bricks". N.p., 2017. Web. 13 Feb.
deterioration in economy too. After a lot of researching for a solution In our project this semester we decided to reduce the cost in the industrial base intelligence and control needed to support strategic decisions and establish best energy 2017.
to this problem including the prior solutions, A decent solution has in Egypt , to do our aim we decide to mix three solutions to reach our goal practices. It reduces operational costs and meet new emissions standards without
 The first one is (the Rice Husk Ash): compromising production schedules or product quality. Key points are monitored "Power Monitoring And Control | Schneider Electric". Schneider-
been reached. It consists of two parts: ( the interlocking bricks) and
RHA acts as a pozzolan, so you need to have a certain amount of cement in the throughout the power distribution, building and backup systems: Maximize the use of the N.p., 2017. Web. 13 Apr. 2017.
(rice husk ash cement). The interlocking bricks are some kind of new
mixture which hydrates to produce calcium hydroxide. As RHA is almost pure existing energy assets.-Increase energy efficiency and cut emissions.
bricks that contain less cement with a higher strength and efficiency "Powerlogic System Compatible Devices". N.p., 2017.
silica, the optimum amount might be close to what has been used for silica fume - Improve safety and avoid the hidden power problems that can shorten equipment life or
and also with a lower cost. As for the rice husk ash cement this cement Web. 13 Apr. 2017.
- close to the 5-10% by mass of cement you are using now. Moreover, since cause costly downtime.
is produced by low cost and it help us to reduce the cost and silica (2004).cement manufacturing process. mYcem cement
RHA absorbs water from the mix due to its fine pore structure, the optimum  Power Logic ION ® EEM software
inside (RHA) is have purity about 99.9%. The design requirements
amount may also depend on the rheology of the mixture and on how much There are too many series of power logic we decide to work on “ION ® EEM” series, we (2009).pozzolanic characteristics of a natural raw. Iran: Iranian journal of
chosen are: (strength-efficiency-cost-environment friendly). The superplasticizer you want to add. choose it because it helps to view energy in financial terms and gain insight into the
prototype that has been selected is the machine that makes the science & technology .
Silica is cleaned by (hall-sulfuric acid)and distilled water and it extracted from impacts of power quality and reliability. It benchmarks performance to reveal
interlocking bricks and it’s called (auto press machine). Moreover, (RHA) with 600 degree instead of 1500 degree. (2005. pozzolanic materials – evolution of. Orlando : international building
inefficiencies and risks. Then it tracks the progress of initiatives and verifying. the results
after a lot of trying and non-good results, a great results have been  The second one is the interlocking bricks: of equipment upgrade or other improvements. Emissions reporting helps to meet lime symposium.
accomplished represents in: (strong-low cost bricks with a high As shown in results our interlocking bricks will be able to work as its succeeded environmental goals. Trend analysis supports strategies to avoid demand or power factor
efficiency-low cost cement). We finally concluded that we had to in tests and accomplished all the design requirements and by this it will solve penalties and reveals unused electrical system capacity. The software also helps optimize Understanding cement and its application.(2014 ,October 25). London,
decrease the amount of the cement again until 8%. By that percent of the industrial base problem in Egypt, but the main point is that our project procurement by forecasting needs, comparing rates, identifying billing errors and England.
cement it has been concluded that we can do it well and decrease work and apply in the real life (applicable). validating contract compliance. It also accurately allocates costs to tenants. University , a.(2014). Utilizing of crushed clay brick in concrete industry.
amount of cost energy used until 40% .

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