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What is Idealism?
• Oldest philosophy in the western culture
• ideas and knowledge are the only true reality, the
only thing worth knowing.
• Argues that reality is largely mental rather than
• The most important part of a person is the mind .
• Optimistic
Chief exponents of idealism

Socrates Plato
Fundamental Principles of Idealism:

•Two forms of the whole world

•Ideas are more important than object
•Importance of man over nature
•Faith in spiritual values
•Importance of personality development
Idealism in education

A branch of philosophy that aims to

identify and develop each individual’s
abilities and full moral excellence in
order to serve society better.
Idealism in Education Curriculum

Curriculum developed according to ideals and

eternal values
Humanistic subjects
• Religious studies
• Spiritual studies
• Literature studies
• History
Role of Teacher
•Supreme role
•Role model

-Lectures -intuition
-Discussion -insight
Implications of Idealism on Education
• Preservation, enrichment and transmission
of cultural values
• Idealism to education helps individual to be
more rational
• Develops good relationship between a
teacher and a student.
• Beaudrie, J. et al., (2015). EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHIES:
Idealism. WordPress.
• Maheshwari, V.K., (2011). Idealism in Education. WordPress.
• Rathi, K. N., (2014). Philosophy of Education and its application
on Education. ScribdCompany.

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