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What is Software?

FAQs about Software Engineering What are Software Products?

Professional and Ethical What is Software Process?
Responsibility What is Software
What is Good Characteristics
What is Software? of Software?

A set of instructions, stored digitally within the

computer’s memory, which tells the computer system
what to do
Enable the user to interact with a computer, its hardware,
or perform tasks.
Software products may be developed for a particular customer
or may be developed for a general market.

Software Engineering Overview 3/

What is Software?
FAQs about Software Engineering What are Software Products?
Professional and Ethical What is Software Process?
Responsibility What is Software
What is Good Characteristics
What is Software of Software?


There are two main categories of software these are

system software and application software.
System software
It is software that directly operates the computer hardware and
provides the basic functionality to the users as well as to the
other software to operate smoothly.
System software basically controls a computer’s internal
functioning and also controls hardware devices such as
monitors, printers, and storage devices, etc.
Example of system software is operating system,

Software Engineering Overview 4/

What is Software?
FAQs about Software Engineering What are Software Products?
Professional and Ethical What is Software Process?
Responsibility What is Software
What is Good Characteristics
What is Software of Software?


Application Software
Software that performs special functions or provides functions
that are much more than the basic operation of the computer
is known as application software.
Application software is designed to perform a specific task for
It is a product or a program that is designed only to
fulfill end-users’ requirements.
Example of application software is word processors,
spreadsheets, database management, inventory, payroll
programs, etc.

Software Engineering Overview 5/

What is Software?
FAQs about Software Engineering What are Software Products?
Professional and Ethical What is Software Process?
Responsibility What is Software
What is Good Characteristics
What is Software of Software?


Components of Software : There are three components of

the software: These are : Program, Documentation, and
Operating Procedures.
Program :- A computer program is a list of instructions that
tell a computer what to do.
Documentation :- Source information about the product
contained in design documents, detailed code comments,
Operating Procedures :- Set of step-by-step instructions
compiled by an organization to help workers carry out
complex routine operations.

Software Engineering Overview 6/

What is Software?
FAQs about Software Engineering What are Software Products?
Professional and Ethical What is Software Process?
Responsibility What is Software
What is Good Characteristics
What is Software of Software?


Figure: Components of Software.

Software Engineering Overview 7/

What is Software?
FAQs about Software Engineering What are Software Products?
Professional and Ethical What is Software Process?
Responsibility What is Software
What is Good Characteristics
What are Software Products? of Software?

Software product is a product designated for delivery to the

Software systems delivered to the customer with the
documentation that describes how to install and use
the system.
In certain cases, software products may be part of system
products where hardware, as well as software, is delivered to
a customer.

Software Engineering Overview 8/

What is Software?
FAQs about Software Engineering What are Software Products?
Professional and Ethical What is Software Process?
Responsibility What is Software
What is Good Characteristics
What are Software Products? of Software?


Figure: List of Operating Procedures Manuals

Software Engineering Overview 9/

What is Software?
FAQs about Software Engineering What are Software Products?
Professional and Ethical What is Software Process?
Responsibility What is Software
What is Good Characteristics
What are Software Products? of Software?


Software products fall into two broad

1 Generic products

2 Customized

Software Engineering Overview 10 /

What is Software?
FAQs about Software Engineering What are Software Products?
Professional and Ethical What is Software Process?
Responsibility What is Software
What is Good Characteristics
What are Software Products? of Software?


Generic products
Stand-alone systems which are produced by a
development organization and sold on the open market to
any customer.
Generic product is the one done for general purpose
The generic software product is made according to
future updates and it’s for a limited period.
Examples: Microsoft Word, Microsoft power point, Microsoft
Excel, Database Application like Access, web browser, Gmail,
Messaging Apps, Social Media Websites and etc.
Software Engineering Overview 11 /
What is Software?
FAQs about Software Engineering What are Software Products?
Professional and Ethical What is Software Process?
Responsibility What is Software
What is Good Characteristics
What are Software Products? of Software?


Customized products:
Systems which are commissioned by a specific customer
and developed by some contractor.
Customize product is done to satisfy a particular need of
a particular client.
Custom software is made according to time, budget
and needs. So anytime you can update it.
Examples of this type of software include hotel
security system, hospital management system and

Software Engineering Overview 12 /

What is Software?
FAQs about Software Engineering What are Software Products?
Professional and Ethical What is Software Process?
Responsibility What is Software
What is Good Characteristics
What is Software Process? of Software?

It is a set of related activities that leads to the production

of the software.
These activities may involve the development of the
software from the scratch, or, modifying an existing system.
Any software process must include the following four
Software specification
Software design and implementation
Software verification and validation
Software evolution

Software Engineering Overview 13 /

What is Software?
FAQs about Software Engineering What are Software Products?
Professional and Ethical What is Software Process?
Responsibility What is Software
What is Good Characteristics
What is Software Engineering? of Software?

Software engineering is a systematic, disciplined,

quantifiable study and approach to the design,
development, operation, and maintenance of a software
It is a discipline that is concerned with all aspects of software
production from early stage of system specification through
to maintaining the system.
Software engineering is concerned with theories, methods
and tools for professional software development.

Software Engineering Overview 15 /

What is Software?
FAQs about Software Engineering What are Software Products?
Professional and Ethical What is Software Process?
Responsibility What is Software
What is Good Characteristics
What is Good Characteristics of Software? of Software?

The factors that decide the software properties are divided into
three categories:

Software Engineering Overview 16 /

What is Software?
FAQs about Software Engineering What are Software Products?
Professional and Ethical What is Software Process?
Responsibility What is Software
What is Good Characteristics
What is Good Characteristics of Software? of Software?


Operational:- This characteristic let us know about how

well software works in the operations which can be
measured on:
Security Software Engineering Overview 17 /
What is Software?
FAQs about Software Engineering What are Software Products?
Professional and Ethical What is Software Process?
Responsibility What is Software
What is Good Characteristics
What is Good Characteristics of Software? of Software?


Software Engineering Overview 17 /

What is Software?
FAQs about Software Engineering What are Software Products?
Professional and Ethical Responsibility What is Software Process?
What is Software
What is Good Characteristics
What is Good Characteristics of Software? of Software?


Transitional:- This is an essential aspect when the software is

moved from one platform to another:
Interoperability: ability of software to exchange information
with other applications.
Reusability: If we are able to use the software code with some
modifications for different purpose then we call software to be
Portability: ability of software to perform same functions
across all environments and platforms.

Software Engineering Overview 18 /

What is Software?
FAQs about Software Engineering What are Software Products?
Professional and Ethical What is Software Process?
Responsibility What is Software
What is Good Characteristics
What are Good Characteristics of Software? of Software?


Maintenance:- This aspect talks about how well software has

the capabilities to adapt itself in the quickly changing
Flexibility: Changes in the software should be easy to
Maintainability: Maintenance of the software should be
easy for any kind of user.
Modularity: Any software is said to made of units
and modules which are independent of each other.
Scalability: It should be very easy to upgrade it for
more work(or for more number of users).
Software Engineering Overview 19 /
FAQs about Software Engineering
Issues of Professional Responsibility
Professional and Ethical

Professional and Ethical Responsibility

Software engineering involves wider responsibilities

than simply the application of technical skills.
Software engineers must behave in an honest and ethically
responsible way if they are to be respected as

Software Engineering Overview 20 /

FAQs about Software Engineering
Issues of Professional Responsibility
Professional and Ethical

Issues of Professional Responsibility

Confidentiality:- You should normally respect the

confidentiality of your employers or clients irrespective of
whether or not a formal confidentiality agreement has been
Competence:- You should not misrepresent your level of
competence. You should not knowingly accept work that is
outside your competence.

Software Engineering Overview 21 /

FAQs about Software Engineering
Issues of Professional Responsibility
Professional and Ethical

Professional and Ethical Responsibility


Intellectual property rights:- You should be aware of local laws

governing the use of intellectual property such as patents
and copyright. You should be careful to ensure that the
intellectual property of employers and clients is protected.
Computer misuse:- You should not use your technical skills to
misuse other people’s computers. Computer misuse ranges
from relatively trivial (game playing on an employer’s
machine, say) to extremely serious (dissemination of viruses
or other malware).

Software Engineering Overview 22 /

General issues that affect most software
Application types

General issues that affect most software?

• Increasingly, systems are required to operate as distributed
systems across networks that include different types of computer
and mobile devices.
Business and social change
• Business and society are changing incredibly quickly as emerging
economies develop and new technologies become available. They
need to be able to change their existing software and to rapidly
develop new software.
Security and trust
• As software is intertwined with all aspects of our lives, it is
essential that we can trust that software.

Software Engineering Overview

General issues that affect most software
Application types

Application types

Stand-alone applications
• These are application systems that run on a local computer, such
as a PC. They include all necessary functionality and do not need
to be connected to a network.

Interactive transaction-based applications

• Applications that execute on a remote computer and are accessed
by users from their own PCs or terminals. These include web
applications such as e-commerce applications.

Embedded control systems

• These are software control systems that control and manage
hardware devices. Numerically, there are probably more
embedded systems than any other type of system.

Software Engineering Overview

General issues that affect most software
Application types

Application types
Batch processing systems

• These are business systems that are designed to process data in large
batches. They process large numbers of individual inputs to create
corresponding outputs.

Entertainment systems

• These are systems that are primarily for personal use and which are
intended to entertain the user.

Systems for modelling and simulation

• these are systems that are developed by scientists and engineers to

model physical processes or situations, which include many, separate,
interacting objects.
Software Engineering Overview
General issues that affect most software
Application types

Application types
Data collection systems

• These are systems that collect data from their environment using a
set of sensors and send that data to other systems for processing.
(usually in hostile environments)

Systems of systems

• These are systems that are composed of a number of other

software systems.

Software Engineering Overview

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