Business Ethics Presentation

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UZAIR 20191-26536
SAEED 20201-28777

• The Chocolate manufacturers association which includes

four major chocolate industries which are Hershey, M&M,
Nestle and Kraft Foods.

• This organization comprises of chocolate manufactures

who used tainted beans to product it.

• Organization was made so that they can speak up for their

rights and unethical practices done against them.
“Slaves lose everything in their chains,
even the desire of escaping from them:
they love their servitude.”
 Jean Jacques Rousseau, 1712-1778, 
Swiss-French philosopher
● The CMA uses cocoa beans produced by child slaves
(kidnapped from surrounding nations by traffickers) in
the farms of Ivory Coast while knowing about the

● Even there are manufacturers such as cloud nine which

don't use these beans and use untainted beans to produce
organic chocolate.

● They were also manipulating farmers by buying from

them at cheaper prices and pressurizing them reduce cost
which result in child slavery.

● By buying at cheaper prices they were selling chocolate

higher prices and earning a hefty amount of profit
Unethical Activities & Business Ethics Theories
Utilitarianism can also be applied here as consequential theorists would argue that “ends justify
the means”. Bentham would argue that these chocolate industries are providing “the greatest
amount of pleasure for the greatest number” by selling chocolates on a global level to satisfy the
taste buds of billions regardless of the means. they would argue that this is a pleasure maximizing
action by the chocolate industries rather than a pain maximizing one, hence this is the right course
of action.

Modern right based ethics where every one is entitled to rights which are natural and
conventional. Here they are not giving those children their right as by kidnapping them and using
them as slaves.

Ethical egoism where they are just pursing their own interest rather than other so by using kids as
slaves to cut their cost and increase profits.

Adam Smith, the father of capitalism would here argue his concept of the Invisible hand by stating that in a free market
economy where profit seeking is the top priority will ultimately benefit society thus in this case, the chocolate industries are
ultimately fulfilling the sweet cravings of the society through selling chocolates.
Unethical Activities & Business Ethics Theories
Deontological ethical theorist would argue as he is against the concept of “ends justifying the means” and would analyze the
action in itself rather than the consequence and would say “treat other people as ends in themselves, never as means to an
end” similar to how the chocolate industries were treating the child slaves as means to an end.

CSR types
They were following the economic where reducing cost to increase their profits.
They were not following the legal one where they had to comply with the rules of the good corporate governance.

Voluntarily they were not giving something to society, they were taking from it.
Ethically they did know it was wrong to buy from where slavery is being conducted still they did it.
Core Operation
When confronted with this issue corporate representatives denied all
rumors of child labor and trafficking but the investigations of the
filmmakers brought to light the continued widespread use of
trafficked child slaves on cocoa plantations.

Nestle & other companies declined an invitation to watch the film

and to answer response mistrati set up a large screen next
to Nestle’s headquarters’ in Switzerland, forcing employees to catch a
glimpse of child labor in the cocoa industry.
Consumers play an essential role in diminishing the food industry’s injustices. Child slavery on cocoa farms is a difficult
issue to fully address because the most serious abuses take place across the world.

F.E.P. has created a list with vegan chocolates that we do and do not recommend based on the sourcing of the cocoa. Other
than a few exceptions (which are explained), we encourage people not to purchase chocolate that is sourced from Western

Government should make awareness campaigns where famers who should know about the earnings of these factories who
are buying beans from them at a cheaper price and child slavery is not a ethical way to reduce their cost.

Government should also help farmers understand new innovative ways to produce beans using technology.

Government should penalize these CMA firms and give that money to those children who were kept as slaves.

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