Quarter 2, Module 6.2

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Quarter 2, Module 6

MELC 6: Deliver a Prepared

Impromptu Talk on an Issue
Employing the Techniques in Public
Learning Competency

• Deliver a prepared or impromptu talk on an

issue employing the techniques in public
What I Know

Directions: Read each statement carefully. Then, choose the correct

letter of the best
answer and write it on a separate sheet of paper.

1.The `expression in one’s voice generated by altering pitch (highness

and lowness); change
it up to keep the audience engaged refers to _____.

a. volume b. tone c. pacing d. eye contact

What I Know

2. Speaking or presenting with little or no preparation is

called _____.

a. gesticulation
b. pacing
c. impromptu
d. extemporaneous
What I Know

3.Public Speaking is similar to an essay and should have


a. introduction, body, and conclusion

b. written word for word
c. thesis statement
d. should have 5 paragraphs
What I Know

4. What do you mean by having eye contact?

a. Look your audience in the eye for a few seconds at a time.

b. Look at one person in the room most of the time
c. Look at your teacher or the important people the most
d. Look at the ceiling and floor
What I Know

5. To prepare for speaking in public, you should _____.

a. share your speech on social media

b. try out your speech on everyone, even if they are not the audience
plan to address
c. be organized, practice, anticipate questions, and have brief notes
d. buy an expensive technology
What I Know

6. Before you speak, you can _____.

a. stare the audience to make them feel uncomfortable

b. let the audience know you are scared and unprepared
c. ask for a podium or stage to be put in place
d. take a deep breath and have confidence that you are organized
What I Know

7. Your hand gestures and body language should _____.

a. match your words and be natural

b. confuse the audience
c. scare people
d. scripted or planned movements
What I Know

8. During your speech, you should_____.

a. use a lot of “ums” and “ahs”

b. mumble
c. do not use filler language or touch your face or clothing
d. read off your slides because you are nervous
What I Know

9.Before your speech, you should _____.

a. make a cue cards to read verbatim

b. stay up late and worry
c. have confidence that you can wing it
d. practice in front of a mirror, another person, or a video
What I Know

10. To prepare a speech, you need to _____.

a. Know your audience, content, and time frame

b. Write it the night before
c. Create a lot of slides to read
d. Quote a lot of research
In today’s journey, you will be focusing on delivering a prepared
or impromptu talk on
an issue employing the techniques in public speaking.
What’s New

Directions: Watch the sample impromptu speech through

this link:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIN7gv50Q8g. Put a
check mark under the YES column
if you observe the given details and NO of you did not
Impromptu, derived from a Latin phrase
meaning “in readiness” is applied to a speech
given, a poem recited, or a song sung without
advance notice or warning. It is also a speech
that delivers without predetermination or
preparation. In debates, the speech is often
regulated by the arguments of the opponent
Impromptu speeches are delivered with little or no
time for preparation. In most instances, you are called
to speak at the spur of the moment because you are
expected to be knowledgeable about the subject. For
example, your teacher assigned you to read an article
before the class starts. Then, during the class you were
asked to deliver an impromptu speech about what you
have learned from the article.
Another instance to illustrate an impromptu situation
is when you are campaigning for a position in school
and you are asked by your fellow students
to respond to their questions.
That's sixty seconds to inform, to persuade, or to entertain
using between 130 to 150 or so words. Can you get the point
quickly and effectively?Giving impromptu1-minute speech
teaches us about talking smarter, not faster! (*Impromptu -
without preparation time or rehearsal)One technique in
delivering an impromptu speech is the PREP technique
P-oint Start by stating your main point or claim.
R-eason/s Give reasons to explain why your point is true.
Support or back up your case with evidence from research,
facts, data or statistics.
E-xample/s Give one or more examples/illustrations to
support your main point (case)
P-oint Conclude by showing how your position is right.
Extemporaneous is applied to an
unmemorized speech given from notes or an
An extemporaneous speech is a planned and prepared
speech. Unlike memorized or manuscript speeches which
are delivered word-for-word, anextemporaneous speech
is delivered with the help of short notes and a clear
Most people who speak in public often prefer the
extemporaneous method of delivery. Although it might
look more challenging than the manuscript or memorized
speeches, it is more spontaneous and persona
Tips in delivering Impromptu Speech

1. Be confident
2. Focus on the audience
3. Less is more
4. Have a structure
5. Demonstrate powerful body language
Tips in delivering Impromptu Speech

6. Use credible voice tone

7. Turn your impromptu session into a Q and A session
8. Use proper transitions from one point to another
Tips in delivering Impromptu Speech

6. Use credible voice tone

7. Turn your impromptu session into a Q and A session
8. Use proper transitions from one point to another
Tips in delivering Impromptu Speech

6. Use credible voice tone

7. Turn your impromptu session into a Q and A session
8. Use proper transitions from one point to another
Directions: Listen to the speech “I have Dream”
by Martin Luther King Jr. through
Youtube.com. Use the link
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= and answer
the questions that follow.
1. What do you think the speech is all about?
2. What is your impression about the speech?
3. What are the tips you observe in the speech delivery?
What I Have
Directions: Differentiate the following key terms in presenting a
_________ 2.Extemporaneous
What I Can
Directions: Write T if the statement is true, and F if it is false.
____1. The word “impromptu” was derived from a Latin phrase
which means “in readiness”.
____2. Extemporaneous speech is applicable to unmemorized
____3. Maintaining eye contact is not necessary in public
____4.Being confident while speaking catches the interest of the
What I Can
Directions: Write T if the statement is true, and F if it is false.
____5. Deciding what your message will be before speaking does
not help the speaker.
____6. As a speaker, you must show confidence in facing your
____7.Giving good conclusion is mandatory in public speaking.
____8. A speaker must not give an interesting introduction.
____9. Facial expressions and proper gestures help convey the
speaker’s message.
____10.Throwing in an off – the cut- remark catches and holds your
audience’s interest.
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on a
sheet of paper

1.What should you do before your speech?

a. Make a cue cards to read verbatim

b. stay up late and worry
c. Have confidence that you can wing it
d. Practice in front of a mirror, another person, or video camera
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on a
sheet of paper

2. To prepare a speech, you need to _____.

a. Know your audience, content, and time frame

b. Write it the night before
c. Create a lot of slides to read
d. Quote a lot of research
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on
a sheet of paper

3. This refers to the highness and lowness of voice.

a. volume
b. tone
c. pacing
d. eye contac
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on
a sheet of paper

4. What do you call the ‘speaking or presenting with little or no


a. gesticulation
b. pacing
c. impromptu
d. extemporaneous
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on
a sheet of paper
5. Public Speaking is similar to an essay and should have_____.

a. introduction, body, and conclusion

b. written word for word
c. have a thesis
d. should have 5 paragraphs
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on
a sheet of paper

6. What do you mean by having eye contact?

a. Look your audience in the eye for a few seconds at a time.

b. Look at one person in the room most of the time.
c. Look at your teacher or the important people the most.
d. Look at the ceiling and floor.
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on
a sheet of paper

7. To prepare for speaking in public, you should _____.

a. share your speech on social media

b. try out your speech on everyone, even if they are not the
audience you plan to address
c. be organized, practice, anticipate questions, and have brief
d. buy an expensive technology
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on
a sheet of paper

8. Before you speak, you can _____.

a. stare the audience to make them feel uncomfortable

b. let the audience know you are scared and unprepared
c. ask for a podium or stage to be put in place
d. take a deep breath and have confidence that you are organized
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on
a sheet of paper

9. Your hand gestures and body language should _____

a. match your words and be natural
b. confuse the audience
c. scare people
d. scripted or planned movements
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on
a sheet of paper

10. During your speech, you should _____.

a. use a lot of “ums” and “ahs”

b. mumble
c. do not use filler language or touch your face or clothing
d. read off your slides because you are nervous
A. According to Occasion
• Ceremonial Speeches
are speeches given during a ceremony or a ritual
marked by observance of formality or etiquette.

2. Inspirational Speech
The goal of an inspirational speech is to elicit or arouse
an emotional state within an audience.
Speech Style
refers to the distinctive way of communicating. It
consists of a particular pattern of linguistic, vocal,
and nonverbal behaviors. Speech style refers
primarily to the manner one communicates than
the meaning of communication.
Types of Speech
• Intimate
• Casual
• Consultative
• Formal
• Frozen
1. Intimate
It is a style among intimate members of a
family or friends that do not need a complete
language with a clear articulation.
2. Casual
It is the most common speech style used among
friends and coworkers. Jargon, slang, or the
vernacular language are used.
3. Consultative
This style is the standard one. It is best used for
business and professional relationships.
4. Formal
This style is used in formal settings.
Unlike the consultative style, this is one-way.
5. Frozen
It is the most formal speech style
that is usually used in formal contexts such as
speech for state ceremonies, court proceedings,
and religious rituals.

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