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Organization Development and Change

Chapter Two:
The Nature of Planned Change

Thomas G. Cummings
Christopher G. Worley
Learning Objectives
for Chapter Two
• To describe and compare three major
perspectives on changing organizations.
• To introduce a General Model of Planned
Change that will be used to organize the
material presented in the book.
• To describe how planned change can be
adopted to fit different kinds of conditions.
Planned Change
• Who initiates change? Managers
• What for is the change? Increased
• Implemented by? Managers with the help of
OD practitioner
• All approaches to OD rely on some theory
about planned change
Kurt Lewin’s Model
• At any given time two forces
1. Those maintaining status quo
2. Those pushing for change
1. Quasi-stationary equilibrium
– Decrease forces maintaining status quo
– Increase forces pushing for change
– Some combination of both
– Kurt argues decreasing forces maintaining status
quo produces less tension 2-4
Lewin’s Change Model

Unfreezing (Psychological disconfirmation)

Movement (Developing new

behaviors, values, attitudes)

(Organizational culture,
rewards, structures)
Lewin’s Change Model

1. Unfreezing. This step usually involves reducing

those forces maintaining the organization’s
behavior at its present level. Unfreezing is
sometimes accomplished through a process of
“psychological disconfirmation.” By introducing
information that shows discrepancies between
behaviors desired by organization members and
those behaviors currently exhibited, members can
be motivated to engage in change activities. 2-6
Lewin’s Change Model

2. Moving. This step shifts the behavior of the

organization, department, or individual to a new
level. It involves intervening in the system to
develop new behaviors, values, and attitudes
through changes in organizational structures
and processes.

Lewin’s Change Model

3. Refreezing. This step stabilizes the

organization at a new state of equilibrium. It is
frequently accomplished through the use of
supporting mechanisms that reinforce the new
organizational state, such as organizational
culture, rewards, and structures.

Action Research Model
Problem Identification
Joint diagnosis

Consultation with a
behavioral scientist Joint action planning

Data gathering & Action

preliminary diagnosis

Data gathering after

Feedback to Client action

Positive Model

• Appreciative Inquiry (AI)

• Reformist and rebellious form of social
constructionism (proposes that certain ideas
about physical reality arise from collaborative
consensus, instead of pure observation of said
• Member involvement in creating a shared vision
about the organization’s positive potential
Positive Model
Initiate the Inquiry

Inquire into Best Practices

Discover Themes

Envision a Preferred Future

Design and Deliver Ways to

Create the Future
Comparison of
Planned Change Models
• Similarities
– Change preceded by diagnosis or preparation
– Apply behavioral science knowledge
– Stress involvement of organization members
– Recognize the role of a consultant
• Differences
– Lewin and AR deficit-based
– General (Lewin) vs. specific activities
– Centrality of consultant role (Lewin and AR)
– Problem-solving (L/AR) vs. social constructionism
General Model of Planned Change

Planning Evaluating
Entering and and
and Diagnosing Implementing Institutionalizing
Contracting Change Change

Different Types of
Planned Change
• Magnitude of Change
– Incremental
– Quantum
• Degree of Organization
– Overorganized
– Underorganized
• Domestic vs. International Settings
Critique of Planned Change
• Conceptualization of Planned Change
– Change in not linear
– Change is not rational
– The relationship between change and
performance is unclear
• Practice of Planned Change
– Limited consulting skills and focus
– Quick fixes vs. development approaches

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