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• The object of Lexicology

• Theoretical and practical value of Lexicology
• Links of Lexicology with other linguistic
• Methods of lexicological research
• General problems of study in Lexicology
• 7 lectures (14 hours)
• 8 seminars (16 hours)
• Self-study (60 hours)
• Consultation (1 hour)
• exam
Exam Structure
• 2 theoretical questions
• lexicological analysis of text
Topics for discussion
• Etymology (the origin of English words)
• Morphology (morph.structure of words)
• Word Formation
• Semasiology
• English Vocabulary as a structure
• English Vocabulary as a System
Topics for discussion
• Synonyms, antonyms, etc.
• Free Word Groups
• Phraseology
• Regional Variants and Dialects
• Lexicography
• Lexicological Analysis
• Akhmanova O.S. Lexicology. Theory and methods. – M.: Nauka, 1972. – 340 p.
• Anikeyenko I.G., Boitsan L.F. English lexicology: Seminars. – K.: KNLU, 2006. – 110 p.
• Arnold I.V. The English word. – M.: Prosveshcheniye, 1966. – 346 p.
• Ganetska L.V. Lexi-maker. – K.: KNLU, 2004. - 80 .
• Ginzburg R.S., Khidekel S.S., Knyazeva G.Y., Sankin A.A. A course in modern English lexicology. – M.:
1979. – 230 p.
• Rayevska N.M. English Lexicology. – K.: Vyshcha shkola, 1979. – 335 p.
• Амосова Н.Н. Основы английской фразеологии. – Л.: ЛГУ, 1963.
• Арнольд И.В. Лексикология современного английского языка. – М.: Изд-во лит. на иностр. яз.,
1989. - 351 с.
• Кунин А.В. Английская фразеология. – М.: Высшая школа, 1970. – 344 с.
• Мостовий М.І. Лексикологія англійської мови. – Харків, 1993.
• Никитин М.В. Лексическое значение слова (структура и комбинаторика). – М.: Наука, 1983. –
200 с.
• Харитончик З.А. Лексикология английского языка. – Минск : Вышэйшая школа, 1992. – 229 с.
• Kveselevich D.I. AND Sasina. Modern English Lexicology in Practice. Вінниця: Нова Книга,2003, 128
LEXICOLOGY as a branch of linguistics and its
links with other linguistic disciplines
• Lexicology (from Gr. lexis ‘word’ and logos ‘learning’)
is the part of linguistics which deals with the
vocabulary of a language and words as its main units.
So, what’s the object of Lexicology?
• The English word with its properties and vocabulary
are 2 main objects of English Lexicology. The word
together with word equivalents (ready-made units -
‘set expressions’) make up the vocabulary of English.
Functions of the word
 Nominative (words name things, facts, events, actions,
phenomena, properties, relationships, concepts etc.
 Referential (words refer to objects, facts, events, etc.)
 Deictic (words point at smth.)
 Representational
 Communicative(in case it is a one-word sentence)
Word – a two-faceted unit:
Morpheme – Word – Word-combination

Morpheme VS. Word

language unit language & speech unit
smallest, indivisible divisible into morphemes
not autonomous autonomous (can occur
in speech)
a part of the word part of word-combination
or free word-group
What does it mean “to
know the word”?
To know the word means to know
• its meaning(s)
• structure (morphological, synthetic, semantic)
• word combinations (set expressions)
• functions
• spelling
• sound form (pronunciation)
• grammatical valence/y (being a notional or
auxiliary part of sentence)
Problems of lexicology
1) Essential character of linguistic unit, definition of the word;
2) Systemic description of vocabulary;
3) Regularities of evolvement, development and functioning;
4) Semantic analysis of the word, components of meaning;
5) Word building, morphemic structure and derivational
6) Classification of words;
7) Word as a structure and vocabulary as a system;
8) Combinability of words, free and set word groups (idioms);
9) How are words kept in our memory (by association? access to
words on the whole or to its parts?) etc.
Methods of Lexicological Research
Diachronic: the focus - on historical lexicology (deals
with the evolution of word-stock, origin, change and
development of words, linguistic and nonlinguistic
factors modifying their structure, meaning and
Synchronic: the focus - on descriptive lexicology
(deals with the vocabulary at a given stage, with
morphological and semantic structures of words)
(first distinguished by the Swiss philologist F. de
Methods of Lexicological Research
a) word as a morphological structure:
morphemes, allomorphs, productive /
nonproductive, etymology of morphemes;
b) word as a synthetic structure: word formation
(one-root words, compound words, derivatives,
derivational compounds);
c) semantic structure: semantic changes,
transformation of meanings, metaphor,
metonymy, polysemy.
Methods of Lexicological Research
Systemic (word as a system): vocabulary (native
and loan words), lexico-semantic groups (parts
of speech), semantic fields, thematic groups,
morphological groups (word families, e.g. dog-
doggish-doglike etc.);
Statistical: classification of data based on trends,
typical properties, frequency of occurrence
Approaches to Classification of words
Approaches and principles of classification (groupings) are
various according to:
a) grammar
b) structure
c) morphology
d) semantics
e) stylistics
f) territorial and other properties
f) notional – auxiliary words;
g) word-families – ‘гнізда слів’
Linguistic relations between words
 Syntagmatic relations ( SR between words are linearly ordered
and depend on context, i.e. a stretch of speech sufficient to
determine the meaning of a polysemantic word. SR are studied by
contextual, distributional, transformational and other types of
W W W (I W ( I – love - milk)
 Paradigmatic relations (PR between words are vertically ordered.
PR determine the vocabulary system and deal with
interdependence of words within the vocabulary.
W (I) love milk
W (cats) prefer meat
W (people) eat vegetables
Links with other linguistic branches
with Grammar: “s” – lexicalization of the gr. form (colours - ‘banners’,
advices - ‘info’, customs, damages – ‘compensation’, tights – women’s underwear
Word building via conversion – word has other gr. paradigm: look - to look, mother – to
mother, import – to import, rebel – to rebel ‘to resist’ etc.
Gr. context becomes valid for the meaning:
She took a book (V + N)
She took to thinking/travelling (V + Gerund)
She took me to be asleep (V + obj. with the Infinitive)
You were late. I took it. (V + Pron.)
BUT: to smoke a cigarette
to smoke fish (meat)
the table is round
the table is rich here only context/situation is valid
Flying plane is dangerous (meaning is ambiguous, gr. context here is powerful).
with Phonetics. Meaning depends on:
• stress (rebel - rebel, object – object ,)
I can’t eat anything – I can’t eat anything.
a ‘dancing ‘girl (Participle I) – a ‘dancing girl “dancer”
• length (beach - bitch, seat – sit, heat - hit)
• voiced/voiceless consonants (said – sat, head - hat)
• intonation (You are too clever – with positive / negative
connotation)(different register of communication)
with Stylistics for it studies lexicological problems of meaning,
synonymy, differentiation of words according to the sphere of
Lecture Two. Methods of research in
• See lectures for master students

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