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Group Members

 Njuguna Ann Teresa
Debrah Muinde
Xavier Yego

 To organize is to harmonize, coordinate or arrange in
a logical and orderly manner.
 For that reason ORGANIZE the following into a
Logical and Orderly manner.

 Also Observe the Diagram drawn on the Board


 Organizing is the second function of management.
Planning  Organizing Staffing
Directing  Controlling
Organizing can be defined as the process that
initiates implementation of plans by
clarifying jobs, working relationships and
effective deploying resources for attainment
of identified desired goals.
Principles of Organizing

 Principle of unity
 Division of labour
 Authority responsibility
 Delegation
 Span of control
 Unity of command
 Departmentalization
 Cooperation and Clarity

Specialisation and division of work- In order for a
company to operate at its peak, activities are divided amongst
members of the organisation, this brings division of labour.
Continuity- There is coordination of various activities within
the organisation as people with a defined relationship strive to
work together to achieve the organisations goals.
Orientation towards goals- every organisation is made
up of its own goals and purposes. Organising is the overall
function employed to achieve the overall goals and objectives

Flexibility- The organising system ought to be flexible so that
change can be incorporated easily. It ensures the ability to adapt and
adjust by the organisation members in response to the change taking
place in the external environment.
Differentiation- This is the chain of systematic division of labour
that takes place by assigning authority responsibility to an individual
who is supposed to be specialized in the job.
Interaction with other systems- All systems in an
organisation are interdependent on one another. Mutual dependence
necessitates interaction and consequently adaptation
Nature of Organization
Common goal-
 They main purpose of an organisation is to
achieve its common goals.
Division of labour-The work needed to accomplish the goals
is divided into a number of functions and sub-functions.
Authority structure-There is an arrangement of positions
into graded series. Such systems create a series of superior and
subordinate relationships
Group-It is people who constitute the dynamic element of an
organisation. They work in groups in the various departments of
an organisation.

 Communication-There is free flow of communication through
various channels among people across various departments.
 Coordination- The diverse efforts of various functional
departments are integrated towards the common objectives through
the process of coordination.
 Environment- No organisation is functioning in a vacuum. Social,
political. Economic and legal factors exert influence on the

 Rules and regulations-Every organisation is governed by a set

of rules that is needed for the orderly function of people
Importance of

Efficient administration: it brings together
various departments by grouping similar and related
jobs under a single specialization.
Resource optimization: organizing ensures
effective role job fit for every employee in the
organization, it helps in reducing confusion and

Benefits specialization: it is the process of
organizing groups and subdivide the various activities
and jobs based on the concept of division of labour.
This helps in the completion of maximum work in
minimum time ensuring the benefit of specialization.
Promotes effective communication: organizing
is an important means of creating coordination and
communication among the various departments of the
organization. Different jobs and positions are
interrelated by structural relationship.

Creates transparency: the jobs and activities
performed by the employees are clearly defined on
the written document called job description which
details out what exactly has to be done in every job.
Expansion and growth: when resources are
optimally utilized and there exists a proper division
of work among departments and employees
management can multiply its strengths and
undertake more activities.

 What is the Importance of organising in an
 Which is the second function of management?
 Name any characteristics of Organising.

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