Freshers Quiz Finals

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Beginners Quiz

QM: Akhash Kumar
Ping Pong

• Questions are on infi-bounce

• Pounce (+10/-5)
• Direct (10/0)
Question 1
Question 2
This peculiar ‘weapon’ is employed
by British naval officers in an
attempt to scare off pirates along
the east coast of Africa. When
asked about it the navy said that
the Somalian pirates can't stand
western culture making it the
perfect weapon of choice. What
is the ‘weapon’ used?
Britney Spears’ songs
Question 3
In September 2019 , Heinz
came up with Ketchup
bottles with Stickers not
straight but tilted to
significantly indicate
something . It also
proved to be a wonderful
market strategy and
decently increased the
sales too . What do they
Perfect angle to pour the ketchup
Question 4
Until 1980s , some high end restaurants
had two menus based on gender – a gents
menu and a ladies menu. In 1980 when
Kathleen Bick took a male guest to a
restaurant and they were delivered these
gender oriented menus , she got offended
saying that it left her humiliated and filed a
lawsuit which was then dropped but almost
put an end to this practice of having two
gender differentiated menus.
What was the striking difference between
both the Menus ?
The gents menu – the regular one
had the list of items with price
while the ladies menu didn’t
display the price.
Question 5
The Washington Post awards these
ratings. These are most often seen on
entries in a Post column called “Fact
Checker" run by the Pulitzer-winning
journalist Glenn Kessler. This blog
checks facts on various topics, and
has been particularly busy during the
US Presidential elections. Both sides
fib a lot, and so these ratings are
awarded depending on the extent to
which they have been 'economical with
the truth'.In what units are these facts
Question 6

This is the famous

Parisian café. Why
are the teddy bears
placed here ?
Social Distancing
Question 7

Whose ad is
Johnson & Johnsons
Question 8
These jobs were
taken up by people
before 1920s
which became
extinct after the
invention of a
ubiquitous object.
Knockers-up. They wake up
people in the morning
02 Poster
• 11 posters (+5/0)
• First letters of the answers is an anagram of a famous
Indian personality.
• 10 points for finding the anagram
• +10 if you get all 11 right
• Send the answers as a single message along with the
anagram at the end of the round
(8*5) +10
(8*5) +10
Lets start

Aarambaikalangala ??
(8*5) +10
(8*5) +10
(8*5) +10
(8*5) +10
(8*5) +10
(8*5) +10
(8*5) +10
(8*5) +10
(8*5) +10
(8*5) +10
(8*5) +10

Kamal Hassan
Theme Round
03 Unusual bans across the
Question 1
With thousands of ________ descending
upon St Mark’s square and Venice, lured by
the tourists readily doing something in
exchange for Instagram worthy pics, the
Venice law makers have officially made the
particular “Tourist activity” illegal in 2008.
This comes after the fact that the after
effects of doing that activity cost each citizen
275 Euros per year. If you’re caught doing
this activity while touring Venice, you’d be
fined upto 700 Euros.
What common tourist activity was banned
Feeding the Pigeons
Question 2
Greece banned the use of a particular fashion
item in Acropolis especially in Parthenon in
the year 2009. These objects were banned not
due to the fact that you can’t trek with this
but due to the highly concerning reason that
these items can in turn damage the ruins in
the centuries old tourist spots of Greece. They
are nearly 2500 years old and in-order to be
respectful and to protect them, Greece banned
the use of these fashion items in the historical
What day-to-day fashion wear was banned
from use in Acropolis ?
High Heels
Question 3
While discussing about the declaring a
fictional character to be the face of a play area
in the small town of Tuszyn in Poland, it
caused an outrage when Winnie the Pooh was
suggested. Some of the officials burst with
rage that it could be inappropriate for children
because of a certain feature of Winnie . This
also lead them to ultimately declare the poor
Winnie as a “Hermaphrodite”- organisms that
don’t have separate sexes.
Why was Winnie the Pooh banned in
playgrounds in Poland?
Because Winnie the
Pooh doesn’t wear any
Question 4
In 2011, the extremist group in Somalia
called Al-Shabaab used vehicles mounted
with loudspeakers to announce the bizarre
ruling across the country it controls.
Though they had no official explanation
for the ban, the food item is said to have
upset the militant groups due to their
supposed resemblance to the Holy
Christian Trinity.
Which food item was banned in Somalia
because of their resemblance to a
something the group hates ?
Question 5
A friendly fight using _____ is declared
illegal in Germany since an _____ can
be considered as a passive weapon
according to German Law. A Passive
weapon is something used to protect
yourself against another weapon but here
it’s not the same case. Whacking an
opponent hard with _____ and hitting
them could lead to charges of assault.
On what funny kind of fighting has
Germany imposed a ban ?
Pillow Fight
Question 6
Milan in Italy makes it a legal
requirement to perform this human
activity all the time. The only two
times when you’re exempted from
this are when you’re attending a
funeral or when you’re in hospital.
In all other situations, you are
required to keep performing this
activity or you’ll end up facing a fine.
What activity does Milan requires
every person to keep doing?
Keep Smiling always


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