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Monday, January 2, 2023 1-1

Learning Objectives

Upon the completion of this unit you can:-

 Describe the Concept of Product and Services;

 List Product/Service Development Process; and

 Discuss the Intellectual Property Protection

Monday, January 2, 2023 1-2

4.1 The Concept of Pdt./Service Technology

• Organization's success is dependent on

customer satisfaction and delight.
• Customer satisfaction is achieved through the
development of product and service, which
have all attributes required by the customer.
• A success product or services do not only have
an attractive package design but should be
also able to provide robust/healthy
Monday, January 2, 2023 3
• Thus, product design must be practical
enough for production and powerful enough
to provide a competitive advantage.
• The essence of product design is to satisfy
customer and maximizes the value for the
customer at minimum cost.
• This may not require development of new
product, but an enhancement to existing
product or service.
Monday, January 2, 2023 4
• Most companies apparently are
introducing a wide variety of smaller,
more efficient, and more intelligent products,
coupled with a leaner, more efficient
approach to operation, by eliminating an
existing pain or adding significant tangible
• Goal: to create products and services by
identifying an emerging trend and to match
that trend with the right technology and
understanding of the purchasing dynamics.
Monday, January 2, 2023 5
4.3 Product/Service Dev’t Process
• Once the opportunity is selected,
and a business model has been
designed, the next step is to develop
a commercial version of the
opportunity which in most cases is
either a product or a service.

Monday, January 2, 2023 6


• Product development is the

process through which companies
react to market signals, respond
to changes in customer demand,
adopt new technologies, foray
into new areas, and ensure
continuous growth.
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• Product/service development process

involves the following four distinct stages.
1. New Idea Generation
• starts with search for ideas.
• Some of the more fruitful sources of ideas
for entrepreneurs include consumers,
existing products and services, distribution
channels, the federal government, and
research and development.
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2. Idea Screening
• the purpose is to lessen the number of ideas
to few vital/valuable ideas.
• The ideas should be written down and
reviewed each week by an idea committee
who should sort the ideas into three groups-
Promising Ideas, Marginal Ideas, and Rejects:
• Each promising idea should be researched by
committee member.
Monday, January 2, 2023 9
3. Concept Development and Testing
• Refining attractive ideas into fast able product
concepts since people do not buy ideas but
• Concept Testing: - calling target consumers/
customers for testing product concepts and
then getting the consumers’ reactions.
• At this stage, the concepts can be in words or
picture description.
Monday, January 2, 2023 10

4. Marketing Strategy Development

• Developing plan for introducing the new
product into the market.
• undergo further refinement in subsequent
• Consists of three parts:
• (1) Market size, structure, behavior ;
• ( 2) Planned price, distribution strategy, and
marketing budget of the 1st year; and
• (3) Long run sales and profit goals, marketing mix
Monday, January 2, 2023 11

5. Business Analysis
• evaluate the proposals’ business
• prepare sales, cost and profit
projections to determine whether
they satisfy the company's objective
or not.
• Estimated Total Sales
• Estimating Cost and Profits
Monday, January 2, 2023 12

6. Product Development
• Develop one or more physical version of the
product concept.
• Find a proto type that the
consumers/customers see as embodying the
key attribute described in the product
concept statement.
• Functional tests are conducted under laboratory &
field conditions (Durability, Speed, Cost, saftey,
Monday, January 2, 2023 13

7. Market Testing
• The stage of launching the sample
product/service with the brand name.
• The goals are to test authentic of
consumer/customer settings, the market is
and how users react to handling, using and
repurchasing the actual product.
• It yields several benefits include more reliable
forecast of future sale, and pretesting of
alternative of future sale.
Monday, January 2, 2023 14

8. Commercialization
• When (timing), Market entry timing is critical.
• it will face three choices.
1. 1st choice:- is First Entry. To enjoys the "first mover
advantage" of locking up key distributors & gaining
2. 2nd choice:- goes with Late Entry Strategy-which
has three advantages include:-
less cost of educating the market;
Can see product fault and
can learn the size of the market.
Monday, January 2, 2023 15

3. 3rd strategy- Parallel Entry:- can take the advantage

of opting for the latest technology and production
process and operate at higher volume of operation.
 This leads to reduced production cost and
production of quality goods and services.
 A new businessman can thus provide improved
quality goods and services at lower cost and further
tap the market with an innovative marketing
• Where (Geographical Strategy):-scope of
market area.
Monday, January 2, 2023 16
4.3 Product/Service Protection

4.3.1 What is Intellectual Property?

• It is a legal definition of ideas, inventions, artistic works and
other commercially viable products created out of one's
own mental processes.
• protected by such legal means as patents, copyrights, and
trademark registrations.
4.3.2 Patents
• A patent is a contract between an inventor and the
government in which the government, in exchange for
disclosure of the invention,
• the exclusive right to enjoy the benefits resulting' from the
possession of the patent.
Monday, January 2, 2023 17
• Utility Patent: protects any new invention or
functional improvements on existing inventions.
• Design Patent: protects the appearance of an
object and covers new, original, ornamental,
and unobvious designs for articles of
• A patent provides the owner with exclusive
rights to hold, transfer, and license the
production and sale of a product/process.

Monday, January 2, 2023 18

• What Can Be Patented Then?
• Processes: Methods of production, research,
testing, analysis, technologies with new
• Machines: Products, instruments, physical
• Manufactures: Combinations of physical
matter not naturally found.
• Composition of matter: Chemical compounds,
medicines, etc.
Monday, January 2, 2023 19
4.3.3 Trademarks
• word, symbol, design, or some
combination of such, or it could be a
slogan or even a particular sound that
identifies the source or sponsorship of
certain goods or services.
• These are distinctive names, marks,
symbols or motto identified with a
company’s product or service and
registered by government offices.
Monday, January 2, 2023 20
Benefits of a Registered Trademark
• notice your exclusive rights
• to sue in federal court for trademark
infringement, which can result in recovery of
profits, damages, and costs.
• establishes incontestable rights to use the
• prevent importation of goods with a similar
• It entitles you to use the notice of
Monday, January 2, 2023 21
4.3.4 Copyrights
• Copyright is a right given to prevent others
from printing, copying, or publishing any
original works of authorship.
• Copyrights provide exclusive rights to
creative individuals for the protection of
literary or artistic productions.
• It protects original works of authorship
including literary, dramatic, musical, and
artistic works, such as poetry, novels, movies,
songs, computer software, and architecture.
Monday, January 2, 2023 22
4.4 The Intellectual Property System in
• Ethiopia became a party to the convention establishing the
world Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in
February 1998
• The Country had joined the Nairobi Treaty on the
Protection of the Olympic Symbol in 1981.
• It is a member of the Treaty establishing the Common
Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) which
was formed in 1994,
• the Partnership Agreement between members of the
African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States and
the European Union (EU).
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• The Ethiopian has established Intellectual Property Office
in the year 2003 containing the understated Objectives:-
• To facilitate the provision of adequate legal protection for
and exploitation of intellectual property in the country;
• To collect, organize and disseminate technological
information contained in patent documents and encourage
its utilization;
• To study, analyze and recommend policies and legislation
on intellectual property to the government; and
• To promote knowledge and understanding of intellectual
property among the general public;

Monday, January 2, 2023 24

• According to the proclamation a patent, an
invention must fulfill three conditions to be
(1) it must be new-
(2) It should be capable of industrial application-
industrially manufactured or used; and
(3) It must be "non-obvious”- occurred to any
specialist working in the relevant field.
• The proclamation excludes the following from
• Inventions contrary to public order or morality;
Monday, January 2, 2023 25

• Are a form of product that consists of

activities, benefits, or satisfactions offered for
sale that are essentially intangible and don’t
result in the ownership of anything.
• There are many types of service, ranging from
local beauty salons to international consulting
• Some rely on individual skills of entrepreneurs
and grow only to the extent that owners can
work longer hours or individually become
more productive.
Type of Service Firms

• Professional Service: personal skills and knowledge of individuals

• E.g. physicians, lawyers, certified public accountants, and
• Personal Service: individual service and relies on individual skill,
• E.g. software engineers, tailors, barber, travel counselor, and
management consultants.
• Merchandising:
• E.g. retail stores, restaurants, video rental shops.
• Distributive service:
• E.g. Wholesalers, contract warehouse, export-import agents,
transport firms, mail or express companies.
• Information service:
• E.g. private schools, banks, newspapers, research labs, Medias,
counseling centers, clinics, and travel agencies.
The nature and Characteristics of Service
• Service Intangibility: service cannot be seen, tasted,
felt, heard, or smelled before they are bought.
• Service inseparability: means that service cannot be
separated from their providers, whether the providers
are people or machine. If a service employee provides
the service, then the employee is a part of the service.
• Service Variability: means that the quality of the
services depends on who provides them as well as
when, where, and how they are provided.
• Service Perishability: service cannot be stored for late
sale or use.

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