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Monday, January 2, 2023 1-1

Learning Objectives

at the end you will be able to:

• Identify opportunity in the environment,
• Evaluate the opportunities in the environment,
• Generate business idea,
• Explain the concept of business planning,
• Identify components of business plan,
• Develop business plan,

Monday, January 2, 2023 1-2

2.1 Opportunity Identification and Evaluation
• There are five main steps namely;
1)Scanning the Environment/ Getting the Idea and
business opportunities.
• Idea is a thought or suggestion about a possible
course of action.
• Opportunity is a favorable time or set of
circumstances for doing something.
• Business opportunity is a gap left in a market by
those who currently serve it,
Monday, January 2, 2023 3
2)Opportunity Identification

• The process of discover and exploit opportunities

that others miss.
• It is the process of seeking out better ways of
• Make effective use of abstract, implicit and
changing information from the changing external
3)Opportunity Development
• The process of combining resources to pursue a
market opportunity identified.
• involves systematic research to refine the idea to
the most promising high potential opportunity.
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4)Opportunity Evaluation
• assessing whether the specific product or service has
the returns needed for the resources required. To justify
• product or service, market opportunity, industry
characteristics, costing and pricing, profitability, capital
requirements and issues and risks
5)Assessment of the Entrepreneurial Team
• Entrepreneurial focus
• Salesman personality
• Managerial skill
• Sense of ownership
Monday, January 2, 2023 5
2.2 Business Idea Development
• The process of generating and developing
business idea.
• A business idea: is a short and precise
description of the basic operation of an
intended business. The three business ideas;
1.Old Idea – copies of an existing business idea
2.Old Idea with Modification –to fit a potential
customer’s demand.
3.A New Idea – an invention of idea for the first
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2.3 Business Idea Identification
• Which need will your business fulfill for the
• what kind of customers will you attract?
• What good or service will your business sell?
• Who will your business sell to?
• How is your business going to sell its goods
or services?
• How much will your business depend upon
and impact the environment?
Monday, January 2, 2023 7
2.4 Methods for Generating Business Ideas

1. Learn from successful business owners

• What kind of idea did these businesses start with?
• Where did the ideas come from?
• How did they develop their ideas into successful
• How does the business profit and fit into the local env’t?
• Where did they get the money to start their business?
2. Draw From Experience
• Your own Experience
• Other People’s Experience /consumers/
3. Survey Your Local Business Area
Monday, January 2, 2023 8

4. Scanning Your Environment

For example think about:
 Natural resources/e.g. clay,
 Characteristics & skills of people in the local
 Import substitution/produce locally,
 Waste products,
 Publications/internet, web-site, newspapers,
articles /,
 Trade fairs and exhibitions???
Monday, January 2, 2023 9
5. Brainstorming
• Opening up your mind and thinking about
many different ideas.
• You start with a word and then write down
everything that comes to mind relating to
that subject.
6. Structured Brainstorming
• Process of thinking the different processes
that are involved in the operation of a
particular business
Monday, January 2, 2023 10

Monday, January 2, 2023 11


7. Focus Group
• on a structured format
• led by moderators.
• an open and in depth discussion:
• the discussion is either Directive or non-
directive manner.
8. Problem Inventory Analysis
• consumers are provided with a list of
Monday, January 2, 2023 12

9. Free Association
• the simplest method
• 1st word or phrase related to the problem is written
• 2nd then another and another, with each new word
attempting to add something new to the ongoing thought
10. Forced Relationships
• is the process of forcing relationships among some
product combinations.
11. Attribute Listing
• list the attributes of an item or problem and then look at
Monday, from
January 2, 2023 a variety of viewpoints. 13
2.5 Business Idea Screening

1) Macro screening: down ideas to 10.

• own competencies (see strength detector)
• own equity?
• demand of my product/service
2) Micro Screening: down ideas into 3.
• Solvent demand
• Availability of raw materials
• Availability of personal skills
• Availability of financial resources
3) Scoring the Suitability of Business Idea:
• Deciding on starting a business.
Monday, January 2, 2023 14
2.6 Concept of Business Plan
• The first and the most crucial step for starting
a business.
• A road map for starting and running a
• Involves Identification of opportunities,
Scanning the external and internal
• It provides information to all concerned
people like the venture capitalist and other
financial institutions
Monday, January 2, 2023 15
The objectives of a business plan are to:
• Guide plan implementation and give directions to
the vision.
• Evaluate the prospects of business.
• Monitor the progress after implementing the
• Persuade others to join the business.
• Seek loans from financial institutions.
• Identify the SWOT analysis of the plan
• Identify the resources, document ownership
arrangements, future prospects and projected
growths of the business venture.
Monday, January 2, 2023 16
2.7 Developing a Business Plan
2.7.1 Business Planning Process
1) Preliminary Investigation
• Before preparing the plan entrepreneur
 Review available business plans (if any).
 Draw key business assumptions on which the plans
will be based (e.g. inflation, exchange rates,
market growth, competitive pressures, etc.).
 Scan the external and internal environment to
assess the strengths, weakness, opportunities and
Monday, January 2, 2023 17

2) Opportunity Identification and Idea

3) Environmental Scanning
• analyze the prospective strengths, weakness,
opportunities and threats of the business
enterprise with the intended set up area.
4) Feasibility Analysis
• A study of finding whether the proposed project
would be feasible or in greater detail.
5) Report Preparation
• The business plan report is prepared.
Monday, January 2, 2023 18
2.7.2 Essential Components of Business Plan

I) Cover Sheet: the cover page involves the

name of the project, address of the
headquarters (if any) and name and address of
the promoters.
II) Executive Summary: the first impression
about the business proposal. Should be in brief
(not more than two or three pages) with
financial figures and salient features of the
• E.g. Generating interest in the minds of the
Monday, January 2, 2023 19

III) The Business: business concept, objective, a brief

history, ownership, address of the proposed
IV) Funding Requirement: how these requirements
would be fulfilled.
• Debt equity ratio should be prepared, how much
finance would the company require and how it
would like to fund the project.
V)The Product or Services: includes the key features
of the product, the product details about the patents,
trademarks, copyrights, franchises, and licensing
Monday, January 2, 2023 20

VI) The Plan: involves functional plans for marketing,

finance, human resources and operations are to be
1) Marketing Plan: Marketing mix strategies are to
be drawn & including cost.
2) Operational Plan: includes
(i) Plant location:
(ii) Plan for material requirements, inventory
management and quality control
(iii) layout and input –output process
(iv) Suppliers and seasonality of supplies
Monday, January 2, 2023 21
3) Organizational Plan: indicates the pattern of flow of
responsibilities and duties in the organization
• management structure
• It is also budgeted.
4) Financial Plan: usually drawn for 2-5 years for an existing
• For a new organization the following projections are
a) Projected Sales
b) Projected Income and Expenditure Statement
c) Projected Break Even Point
d) Projected Profit and Loss Statement

Monday, January 2, 2023 22


e) Projected Balance Sheet

f) Projected Cash Flows
g) Projected Funds Flow
h) Projected Ratios
VII) Critical Risks: investors are interested in knowing
the tentative risks to evaluate the
• Viability involved risk of the business
• This can further give confidence to the investors as
they can calculate the risks involved from their
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VIII) Exit Strategy: The exit strategies would

provide details about how the organization
would be dissolved, what would be the share of
each stakeholder in case of winding-up of the
• It further helps in measuring the risks
involved in investing.
IX) Appendix: The appendix can provide
information about the Curriculum Vitae of the
owners, Ownership Agreement and the like.
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2.8 Sample Business plan Format
• You can this sample search from
• Tips:-
The detail this format depends on the size
of the business
The format varies as per the nature of the

Monday, January 2, 2023 25

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