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The Natural Order Hypothesis

 States that learners maintain an order while learning

forms and rules of a language.
 Krashen observes that we acquire the rules of a
language in a particular order, some rules tending to
come early and others late. The order does not
appear to be determined solely by formal simplicity
and there is evidence that it is independent of the
order in which rules are taught in language classes.
 The order is maintained both in acquisition and
The Natural Order Hypothesis
Evidence of order in learning forms/rules :
Pronoun : he, him
Article : a, the
Copula : be, am, is , are
Progressive : ‘-ing’
Plural : ‘-s’
Auxiliary : be +verb+ ‘-ing’
Regular past : ‘-ed’
Irregular past : came, went, etc
Long plural : ‘-es’
Possessives : -’s
3rd person singular : ‘-s’
The study was conducted by Dulay and Butt (1974)

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