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God Punishes Both The Satanists And His People The Christians

"The Satanists I must punish-- they are everywhere in world government, My son.  They are everywhere
on Earth, but especially those who worship Satan in heart and thought and action, those I must punish
exceedingly.  They will be very few when I Am finished with them, says the Living God.  Punish I will with
eternal torment, for they refuse to come unto Me, Jesus.  Punish I will, for they refuse to obey Me, the
Living God, but obey Satan, the enemy instead.  Those I will punish exceedingly with flaming fire, coals
of fire on their head for all eternity, for they have refused to come unto Me, but have worked Satan's
devices while on Earth.  And work all kinds of devilment and havoc against My people they tried, and
some have succeeded in bringing punishment unto them, for they were worthy, refusing to obey Me
while on Earth.  I said Go unto all the nations, but they refused, so I sent the scourge of Satanists into
their lives to destroy them, My wicked people.  And punish I will, until both groups are devoured from
the Earth, for many have refused to obey, permitting that they do their own will.  I Am God!  I will punish
My people who refuse to work My will while on earth.  What thinks they that they shall make it to My
Heaven?  Surely they shall not, says the Living God.  They shall be cast down into Hell to meet with the
Satanists of all ages who worked against Me in thought and deed.  For I Am a Righteous God, and all
who obey must do so in Spirit and Truth, which you have refused to do, My people.  You think the
Satanists are a threat?  Consider Me, the Living God.  I have the power to cast into Hell body and soul
alive eternally.  And nobody shall get out until I say so to face Me on the Day of Judgment, great and
terrible.  There they shall answer for every misdeed, and every disobedience in refusing to obey Me, the
Living God.  The Satanists are nothing before Me, and nothing before you, unless you let them, by
refusing to obey Me, says God.  Obey Me and you will be safe from all harm, and everything that the
enemy shall throw at you in his vain attempts to thwart My plan.  Obey Me and all will go well with you,
says the Living God.  Go and obey Me, I have much for you to do.  Thus says the Living God of Eternity. 
Obey.  You Lord has spoken.  Amen and amen."

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