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The Punishment Of My Enemies Who Took The Shot

"I'M going to kill off My humanity.  Only a few will survive.  They haven't taken the shots.  Those I will
preserve.  The rest are damned forever.  They will go to Hell, even the Lake of Fire forever, My son. 
They will not repent.  They want the world, the things of the world.  Those I will punish, with flaming
fire those who don't obey My Gospel for their lives.  They won't obey Me.  Those I must punish. 
There will be no relent or let up for all eternity while they are boiling in liquid fire of My design.  The
devils are there, those fallen angels fallen from My grace.  They have no life in them.  They are
damned forever.  Satan too.  He fell from My grace.  He has no life in him.  He tricked humanity to
take the shot that damned them.  They have no life in them, they are damned forever.  All My people
who took the shot will be burnt alive in liquid fire forever, the price for following Satan's devices. 
They will be burnt.  Burned forever in the Lake of Fire.  Oh the suffering they will have to endure
forever, boiling in the liquid flames of My wrath!  Burnt forever!  It is the Second Death.  All My
people who took the shot will be damned forever.  It erased their DNA, and put My enemy's image in
it, encoded in the DNA of his design.  Oh the pain and suffering for taking a false god which warped
them forever!  They will never be the same.  All who took the shot will face My wrath for eternity. 
Away, My enemies, into the Lake of Fire, where you will be punished forever and ever!  Oh the pain
they will have to endure, the agony, the suffering forever!  That's what you get, O workers of sin and
iniquity, serving Satan, My enemy.  Oh the pain they will endure, and it will be agonizing forever.  Oh
the torture, the agony forever!  It would have been better that they had not been born!  Satan tricked
them, they trusted in medicine to save them, not Me.  Oh My wrath endures forever, away O wicked
ones to your doom forever!  Oh be punished, My wrath lives forever, even forever and ever against
My wicked ones.  They have forsaken Me for the world.  They will be punished forever.  The LORD
has spoken.  Amen and amen forever and ever!"

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