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The Punishment Of My Unjust Officials Of Justice

"Tell My Leftists at the Department of Justice that I will punish them, even with boiling
fire in the Lake of Fire forever and ever! For I Am a vengeful God, and you have offended
Me by releasing Antifa terrorists into the streets, where they can do more damage. And
My Black rioters who did damage, you released them into the public to do more damage.
For I Am against you in all your ways, and I will punish all you wicked evildoers for
showing preference to your own kind, the Leftists you refused to prosecute and
imprison. And because of your preference to My Leftists who should be in prison, I will
give you My justice for showing preferential treatment to the wicked, even the Leftists
who roam the streets nowadays in My America. For I will kill you, and put your souls in
Hell for eternity, where you will roast in boiling flames for showing preference to My
wicked. Even now My burning anger is against you, and shall burn against you for all
eternity. Do not mess with the Living God, for I Am A God of vengeance and justice
forever. And your deeds have not gone unnoticed before Me. Judgment you will
receive, even loss of life and property, and all things shall be taken away from you. And
put in Hell I will all wicked evildoers, but especially those who pervert justice by showing
preferential treatment of the wicked. Burning in Hell is where your soul shall go, even
burning in the Lake of Fire forever after the Day of Judgment. All shall stand before Me,
the Living Judge of all mankind, and you shall not escape My wrath, except you repent
now. The Living God has spoken. Amen and amen."

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