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"I will punish the Elite, My son.

They have far too much wealth; and I will

punish them all. Many will be rounded up and punished forever in the
Lake of Fire, and the few who repent will live before Me in Heaven. I Am
the Living God, the God of the Universe and the Heavens. I control all,
My son. The Elite are nothing before Me. They must be punished. I see
what they do, and they are working abominations to destroy humanity.
Satanists they are, they do what Satan says. I will put a stop to that, My
son. They will be rounded up and put in the Lake of Fire. There they
shall stay for all eternity, My son, burning in fire. My son, I call all to
repentance; few will obey Me. They will be saved. The rest will be
damned. That goes for the Elite. They will be damned because they
obey Me not. Only a few will be saved. Few will repent. They think their
money will save them. It will not. They will go to Hell forever, damned as
they are. Go and do My will. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen."

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