Chap.1 - Inside Reading 2

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Unit1: Going Underground

Reading skill
Previewing and Predicting
Unit1: Going Underground
Vocabulary in Context

environment (n): the conditions that affect the behaviour and development of sb/st : môi trường -> environmental (a)

immigrate (to…) (from…) (v): to come and live permanently in a country after leaving your own country: nhập cư ethnic = ethnical (a): connected with or belong to a nation, race or people
that shares a cultural tradition: (thuộc) tộc người; (thuộc) dân tộc

liberal (a): willing to understand and respect other people’s behaviour, opinion, etc. when they different from your own: rộng rãi; hào phóng; không thành kiến -> liberally (adv): tùy tiện; tùy

notwithstanding (prep.): despite st: mặc dù; bất kể

unique (a): being the only one of its kind: độc nhất; lạ đời ; dị thường

location (n): a place outside a film studio where scenes of a film/movie are made: địa điểm; vị trí

-> on location: quay tại hiện trường ->locate (v): - định vị; xác định vị trí

create st (v): to make st happen or exist: tạo ra; tạo nên

technique (n): the skill with which sb is able to do st practical: kỹ xảo

assume (v): to think or accept that st is true but without having proof of it: cho rằng; thừa nhận; giả định -> assumption (n)

similar (a): like sb/st but not exactly the same: giống nhau; tương tự

structure (n): a part. arrangement of parts: kết cấu; cấu trúc

predict (v): to say st will happen in the future: đoán trước = forecast (v)
Unit1: Going Underground

Vocabulary Activities
Unit1: Going Underground

Vocabulary Activities
Unit1: Going Underground

Unit1: Going Underground

6. Too much moisture and not enough fresh air can make an underground home
moldy, like a pipe of wet clothes. (similarly or similar)
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