Chap.2 - Inside Reading 2

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Unit 2: The Business of Branding

Vocabulary in Context

revenue (n): receives from its business: thu nhập -> revenues (pl): Tổng thu nhập

symbol (of st ) (n): a person, an object, an event, ect. that represents a more general quality or situation: biểu tượng

convert st (into st) (v): to change or make st change from one form, purpose, system, etc. to another: đổi; biến đổi

consumer (n): a person who buys goods or uses services: người tiêu dùng -> consumption (n) -> consume (v)

equate st (with st) (v): to think that st is the same as st else or is as important: coi như ngang nhau; đánh đồng

brand (n): a type of product made by a company: nhãn (hàng hóa) -> brand (v): đóng nhãn (hàng hóa)

create st (v): to make st happen or exist: tạo ra; tạo nên

label (n): a piece of paper, etc. that is attached to st and that gives information abt it: nhãn; nhãn hiệu = tag, ticket

register (v): to show or express a feeling: biểu lộ; ghi nhận -> register with (v): để ý (về người)

theme (n): the subject or the main idea in a talk, piece of writing or work of art: đềi tài; chủ đề

contradictory (a): containing or showing a contradiction: mâu thuẩn; trái ngược = conflicting

corporation (n) (abbr. Corp.): a large business company: công ty kinh doanh

medium (n) -> media (pl): a way of communicating people: phương tiện truyền đạt

finance (v): to provide money for a project: cấp tiền cho; tài trợ = fund (v)

presume (v): to suppose that st is true, although you do not have actual proof: cho là; coi như là = assume (v)
Unit 2: The Business of Branding

Reading Skill
Finding the main idea
Unit1: Going Underground

Vocabulary Activities

•medium (a) : trung bình, trung, vừa

•medium (n): phương tiện truyền đạt -> (số nhiều): media

•subsidize (v) : trợ cấp, bao cấp

•subsidy (n): tiền trợ cấp
Unit1: Going Underground

Vocabulary Activities

•convert to/into : đổi; biến đổi

•equate with: coi như ngang nhau; đánh đồng

•register with : để ý tới ( về người)

•finance by/with: cấp tiền cho; bỏ vốn; tài trợ = fund (v)
Unit 2: The Business of Branding

Reading Skill
Finding Details
Unit 2: The Business of Branding

Reading Skill
Unit1: Going Underground
Unit1: Going Underground
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