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Unit 5: Weather Warnings

Vocabulary in Context
strategy (n): a p to achieve a part. purpose: chiến lược

previous (a): happening or existing before the event or object that you are talking about: trước (thời gian, thứ tự) = prior (a)

exhibit (v): to show clearly that you have or feel a part. feeling, quality or ability: bày tỏ; ái mộ = display (v)

phenomenon (n) -> phenomena (pl): a fact or event in nature or society, esp. one that is not fully understood: hiện tượng

assistance (n): help or support: sự giúp đỡ

-> assistant (n): a person who helps or supports sb, usu. in their job: người phụ tá

-> assistant (a): giúp đỡ; phụ; phó

orient (v): to direct sb/st towards st: định hướng

coherent (a): logical and well organized: dính liền; cố kết -> coherence (n): sự kết lại với nhau; tính chặt chẽ

section (n): any of the parts into which st is divided: khu; khu vực

core (a): most important, main or essential: cốt lõi; trọng tâm

energy (n): a source of power: năng lượng

interval (n): a period of time b/t two events: khoảng thời gian

reinforce (v) : to make st stronger: củng cố; tăng cường

ensure (v): to make sure that st happens or is definite: bảo đảm

route (to st) (n): a part. way of achieving st: đường đi

Unit 5: Weather Warnings

Reading Skill
Reading Charts and Graphs
Unit 5: Weather Warnings
Unit 5: Weather Warnings
Unit 5: Weather Warnings

Vocabulary Activities
Unit 5: Weather Warnings

Vocabulary Activities
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