Next Steps 1 Exploring Documents

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Next Steps Stage 1

Exploring documents
You will learn how to:

• create and edit a text document

• edit text for a specific audience
• add images or other objects to a document
• refine and organise the layout of a document for a specific audience
• evaluate a finished document (to make sure it does what it is meant to do).
Next Steps Stage 1

You will also learn how to :

• add a border to a document

• add a border to an image
• rotate an image
• add SmartArt to a document
• create and change documents to make them suitable for different
Next Steps Stage 1
Before you start, you should be able to:
• type words and sentences into a document using a keyboard
• use different keys on the keyboard, such as letters, numbers, punctuation, shift, caps lock,
backspace and enter
• select the words that you have typed so that you can make changes to them
• use a mouse to click on simple icons, such as Save, Print, and the Spelling and Grammar checker
• use a spellchecker to see if there are any spelling errors in your text
• choose a suitable name for the document that you have typed
• proofread a document.
Next Steps Stage 1
Skill 1: Adding, changing and moving text

Key words
Text: the words that you type into a document.
Audience: the people who will read your document.
Cursor: a small vertical line in a document that flashes to
show where text will appear when it is typed.
Delete: removing text or images from a document.
Double-click: clicking a mouse button quickly, twice.
Next Steps Stage 1

• Read through your Learner’s book for Skill 1 and Key words
then start on the Activities.
• Save as: used the first time you save a document to
• For Activity 1.1 you will need the file: give it a filename.
• Font: a particular style of typeface.
• Work through Activities 1.1 to 1.4.
• Drop-down menu: a box that has a list of different
things for you to select.
Next Steps Stage 1

• The font style, size and colour that you choose for text can change the way a document looks.
• Some fonts can make the document look more fun and some can make it look more professional or formal.
• You should choose a font for your document that is suitable for your intended audience.
• You can change the style of the font by selecting a different font style from the drop-down menu.
• You can also change the font size and the font colour.
• Sometimes, you may want to make certain text more noticeable than other text around it.
• You may want to make text stand out. You could choose to change the font to do this, or you could choose to make
the text bold, underlined or in italics.
Next Steps Stage 1
Skill 2: Changing the font style, size and colour 

Go to Activities 2.1 to 2.6.

For Activity 2.1 you will need the file and Info_about_vegetables.docx.
For Activity 2.5 you will need the file Menu.docx.
For Activity 2.6 you will need the file Memo.docx.
Next Steps Stage 1
Skill 3: Changing the alignment of text

Go to Activities 3.1 and 3.2

You will need the Menu.docx file again for Activity

Next Steps Stage 1
Skill 4: Adding images and borders into a document

Adding images Key words

• You can add an image into a document by Image: a picture, photo or diagram.
moving the cursor to the line where you want
Insert: to add something in at a specific place.
the image and then clicking on the Insert tab.
• By clicking on the button that says Pictures, Specific: something particular.
you can find the picture that you want to add.  
Complete Activities 4.1 to 4.3
You will need files: Menu.docx and
Next Steps Stage 1
Skill 5: Refining a document for an audience

Read through Skill 5 in your Learner’s book.

• One of the most important things to think about when you are creating and
editing a document is your audience – the person who will be reading it.
• Ask yourself each time you make a decision about content or editing, ‘What
would my audience want?’

Key word Go to Activities 5.1 and 5.2.

Refine: to improve or change. You will need the file: Healthy_Eating_Letter.docx

Next Steps Stage 1
Scenario: Far too busy!

• A quick guide to healthy eating has been created to hand out at school. You
look at the document and realise that the style is muddled, messy and crowded
(there is too much on the page).
• Your task is to use your new skills to edit the document. It needs to be fun and
appealing to students at the school, but also needs to look professional.

Activities 1, 2 and 3.
Next Steps Stage 1
Challenge: Editing

Read and work through You have learned how to insert an image into a document. You will now learn
the instructions for the how to edit that image in ways to make it look a little different.
Challenge in your
Adding a border
Learner’s book.
• To make an image stand out more, you can add a border to it.
• To add a border to an image, you need to select the image first by moving the
Complete Activities 1
mouse pointer over the image and clicking the left mouse button.
to 4.
Rotating an image
To rotate an image, move the mouse pointer over it until two buttons with an
arrow appear. Select to rotate the image 90 degrees to the left or to the right.
This is a graphic that represents information. Choose ‘Insert’ then, ‘SmartArt’.
Next Steps Stage 1
Final project: Healthy body, healthy

• Work with other students to research the content you want to include.
• It is then your job as the editor to take the information and edit it to make it suitable for each audience.
• This is a chance to show how excellent your word processing skills have become!

Complete Activities 1 to 4.

Your teacher wants to make sure that all the school’s students, and their parents and carers,
are eating healthily. She wants you to write an article describing what healthy eating means.
Next Steps Stage 1
What are the risks when using the internet?

• There may be exposure to offensive or illegal websites.

• The search engine providers are able to see all search activity online.
• Cyberbullying can happen on social networking sites.
• It is sometimes hard to know who you are communicating with on social networking sites, and you
could be in danger.
• There may be abusive comments that could damage someone’s reputation.
• Schools, colleges or potential employers look will look at your social networking presence to make
decisions about your suitability.

E-Safety: staying safe while using the internet

Next Steps Stage 1

Keep safe! Personal information could include:

Do not give out personal information! Name, address, telephone numbers, photographs,
family information, school name.
What is personal information?
All of these things help to identify a person.
Personal information is information that can be used
to identify a real person.
If information is about a person, it is likely to be
Do not enter your email address on any sites without
checking with a responsible adult first.
Next Steps Stage 1
Keeping safe when on the internet

• Make sure you have spelled your search word • Some companies pay to have their results at the top
correctly because you may get results that are of no of your list when you search – this means they are
use to you, or are harmful. just adverts.
• When you open a webpage, look for any warnings • They may have ‘Ad’ or ‘Sponsored’ next to them.
that it may contain harmful information.
• If you go to a website accidentally that has harmful
• Remember that not all search results are reliable. information, tell me straight away.
Next Steps Stage 1

What have you learned about documents and

the people they are for (different audiences)?


Complete your answers on the Reflection page for this section.

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