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The Department of Education, being entrusted with the noble task of providing quality,

relevant, inclusive, culture-based and gender-sensitive basic education, is committed

towards continuous improvement to better serve its internal and external stakeholders. It is
for this reason why school processes are constantly evolving for better delivery of quality
basic education. As what USEC Rizalino Rivera aptly puts it “Perfection is nor the target
but continuous improvement.”
This Enhanced School Improvement Plan which will serve as a six-year blueprint of
strategic actions in the school level was based from the Division Education Development
Plan, Regional Education Development Plan (REDP) and Basic Education Development
Plan (BEDP) which are aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2030. This
plan that covers the strategic direction of Paniqui South Central Elementary School for SY
2022-2023 to 2027-2028 aims to capture the unique context of the school in addressing its
most pressing concerns in learning recovery and governance.
This Enhanced School Improvement Plan was anchored on the DEDP with its flagship program
FORWARD: Fortified and Optimized: Recovery through Workable, Achievable, and Resilient Delivery
of Education puts forward its goals:
1. Ensure that all learners develop grade level competencies at least at the minimum learning
standards of 60%;
2. Provide access to enabling means and educational resources;
3. Develop adaptive skills of learners for them to be functional and productive citizens;
4. Increase educational access and opportunities for all learners regardless of age;
5. Ensure accessible and equitable education programs to disadvantage school-age children and
6. Support safe and healthy environment to all types of learners through provision on programs to
strengthen students’ resiliency and well-being; and
7. Promote partnerships, upskilling and reskilling of teachers, and strengthen policy-based and digital
governance for an efficient and effective school levels and SDO Operations
For a school to continuously evolve as an organization and as a learning community,
carefull assessment, planning and implementation of programs should gain the active
participation of all internal and external stakeholders in order to come up with data-
driven plans for maximum results. Especially now that schools are slowly gaining its
momentum towards learning recovery, PSCES commits itself towards the achievement of
the strategic direction of the division by taking into consideration its unique context
interms of available data and plans of action.
It is only through collaboration and cooperation with all stakeholders that there will be
ownership of programs and projects. Only then can we be truly assured that what is being
implemented in the school at grassroot level is the real product of School Based
Management that passes through the continuous improvement cycle through which
strategic plans such as this ESIP evolves.
For the stakeholders to develop ownership of the different programs, projects
and activities implemented by the Department of Education from the national to
school level, the School Planning Team convened last November 23, 2022 for
vision sharing and scheduling.
The said activity became a fruitful undertaking because the School Planning
Team Members coming from different sectors of both internal and external
stakeholders were enlightened about the noble role each of them plays towards
the attainment of the department’s mission, vision and core values.
During the said activity, the vision of promoting “Filipinos who passionately love their
country” was emphasized. It was also explained that each and every Filipino should attain the
necessary competencies and values which will enable them for meaningful contribution
towards nation building. Each and every member of the school learning community must take
the initiative in pushing for educational innovations for continuous improvement. If this cause
will be attained, then we can be assured that the school can serve its purpose for the utmost
benefit the learners and the community in general.
The mission of the department of advocating “quality, equitable, culture-based and
complete basic education” was further exemplified. Under the department’s mission
statement, the learners, teachers, school administrators and staff, together with the families,
communities and other stakeholders should work hand-in-hand to produce learners imbued
with the four core values: Maka-Diyos, Makatao, Makakalikasan at Makabansa.
The School Planning Team
Enhanced School
Improvement Plan


Paniqui South Central Elementary School is located on the southern part of the town of
town proper and is situated to a 9600 square meter lot that is almost 450 meters away from the
barrio centro. It was home to 1 school head, 38 faculty members, 3 non-teaching personnel, 2
utility personnel and 1,045 learners. The school houses 15 instructional classrooms, 3 ancillary
rooms, 1 gymnasium and 1 District Office. The school caters most of the elementary school-
aged learners in Poblacion Sur and other nearby barrios of Samput and Coral.

INSERT MAP Of pob sur and site development plan

PSCES excels both in academic and non-academic contest and once awarded as National
Winner of Brigada Eskwela in terms of Coordination in the District. It has been evaluated for
three consecutive school years now as Advanced School (Level 3) in terms of School-Based
As an organization, its strength lies on its highly dedicated teaching force that serves as
frontliners in giving quality and inclusive basic education to elementary learners
Given the right resources and mechanism, the school aims to address its issues and
concerns which is primarily brought by insufficient fiscal resources that support the successful
conduct of all of its programs, projects and activities.
Fortunately, the school has a strong support system coming from its very dynamic
Barangay Council and Municipal Government which play an active role in the evolution of the
school from just a mere place of instruction to a learning community wherein everybody must
take part towards continuous improvement.
Enhanced School
Improvement Plan

Introduction of the
Enhanced School
Improvement Plan

A. School Performance
on Access
Access (Data Required)



Access (Data Required)

Enhanced School
Improvement Plan

B. School Performance
on Quality
Quality of Basic Education
Quality of Basic Education Provision
Quality of Basic Education Provision
Quality of Basic Education Provision
Quality of Basic Education Provision

Quality of Basic Education Provision
Quality of Basic Education Provision
Quality of Basic Education Provision
Quality of Basic Education Provision
Quality of Basic Education Provision
Quality of Basic Education Provision
Quality of Basic Education Provision
Quality of Basic Education Provision

Quality of Basic Education Provision

Quality of Basic Education Provision

Quality of Basic Education Provision
Quality of Basic Education Provision
Quality of Basic Education Provision
Quality of Basic Education Provision
Quality of Basic Education Provision
Quality of Basic Education Provision
Enhanced School
Improvement Plan

C. School Performance
on Equity and Inclusion
Equity (Data Required)
Equity (Data Required)

Indicators 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022

Proportion of
learners (OSC and
8% 6% 5% 10%
OSY) in situation of

- Proportion of learners (OSC and OSY) in the situation of disadvantage

- 4Ps Recipients
- Children with Disabilities
- Any data that will describe the situation of disadvantage/vulnerable learners
Equity (Data Required)

Indicators 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022

Children with
.09% 1% 1.02% 3%
(OSC and OSY

- Proportion of learners (OSC and OSY) in the situation of disadvantage

- 4Ps Recipients
- Children with Disabilities
- Any data that will describe the situation of disadvantage/vulnerable learners
Enhanced School
Improvement Plan

D. School Concerns on
Resilience and Well-Being
Resiliency and Well-being
Resiliency and Well-being
Resiliency and Well-being


Activity 2021 2022 Percentage Percentage
(2021) (2022)

Unified School 503 100%

Contingency Plan on

School DRRM Action 500 503 100% 100%

Plan with 5%
Allocation from
School MOOE
Resiliency and Well-being


Activity 2021 2022 Percentage Percentage
(2021) (2022)

Registered School DRRM 475 503 95% 100%

Resiliency and Well-being


Activity 2019 2020 2021 Percentage Percentage Percentage
(2019) (2020) (2021)

Participation to National 500 500 500 100% 100% 100%

Simultaneous Earthquake
Drill (NSED)
Resiliency and Well-being


Activity 2019 2020 202 Percentage Percentage Percentage
1 (2019) (2020) (2021)

Developed and 499 499 499 100% 100% 100%

Disseminated IEC of
various media on

Advocacy Campaign on 499 499 100% 100%

COVID-19 and Vaccines
Resiliency and Well-being


Activity 2020 2021 2022

Conduct of Psychosocial Support to 100% 100%

Learners during the 1st week of classes

Provision of Psychological First Aid 100% 100% 100%

(PFA) for the well being of affected
learners and DepEd personnel
Resiliency and Well-being



Activity 2018 2019 2020 Percentage Percentage Percentage

(2018) (2019) (2020)

Comprehensive School 499 499 499 100% 100% 100%

Safety (CSS) Monitoring
Resiliency and Well-being
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Resiliency and Well-being
Vaccination Status: Learners and Personnel
Resiliency and Well-being
Enhanced School
Improvement Plan

E. School Concerns on
Enabling Mechanism 1:
Enabling Mechanism 2: Explanation
Professional Developments

Financial Requirements

Financial Requirements
Wash in Schools
Wash facilities


Enabling Mechanism 5:
Partnerships and Linkages
Physical and Percentage increase of the financial contribution of partners

Financial Contribution FY 2021

Total amount of Special Education Fund

Utilization Rate (%)
(SEF) FY 2021
Total International Contribution (in
Total Local Contribution (in Peso) Total Amount

132,765,358.89 0 132,765,358.89 70,400,000.00 85.92%

SWOT Analysis

A 1. Increased enrolment due to annual conduct of offline and

online enrollment campaigns.
2. Contextualized project to ensure that al school-aged
1. Updating of learners’ status in the LIS are delayed
due to unstable internet connectivity in the
community where the school is located.

C children in the community will be enrolled in the school

3. Availability of standardized evaluation and monitoring tool
2. Insufficient medical personnel who can monitor the
health situation and who can help in triage

for SBM.
3. Teachers are still adjusting to the immediate switch
4. Professionally equipped school heads and teachers
from distance education to full face-to-face classes
5. Improved facilities and work areas in the school.

E Opportunities Threats

S 1. Stakeholders’ involvement in enrollment and

dissemination campaigns. 1. Health and occupational hazards encountered

2. Central Office provides the public schools with in the practice of duties and responsibilities
appropriate technologies for the LIS and enrollment during pandemic.
concerns through computerization program. 2. Lack of medical personnel who can handle
3. Sustained partnership activities with different sectors with
triage management in the school.
focus on cleanliness and health safety in the school.
4. Active participation of PTAs in the improvement of the 3. New strains/variants as factors for the surge.
teaching-learning conditions in our school.
SWOT Analysis
Strengths Weaknesses
1. Availability of quality assured learning resources 1. Decline in the performance of learners in numeracy

Q from the school, district and division.

2. Numerous teacher-initiated instructional
interventions and innovations during the ADMs
and literacy
2. Absence of standardized assessment tools in the
division meant to measure learning loss and gaps.

U proven effective per research findings.

3. Consistently growing enrollment in SSES.
3. Assessment results not sufficiently reflecting actual
learning due to issues of academic dishonesty
during the 2-year ADM implementation.
4. Presence of curriculum aligned PPAs in different
4. Difficulties of teachers in applying the pedagogical
learning areas and other skills in learning recovery.

L Opportunities Threats
I 1. Projected increase in the number of COVID cases
after the implementation of full face-to-face
1. Strengthen home-school partnerships to support

T 2.
learning recovery.
Generation of funds for the purchase of learning
2. Shift in education priorities which can be
brought by the change of leadership in the

resources for learning recovery.
3. Strong support from MLGU and BLGU in curriculum department.
SWOT Analysis

E Strengths
1. Learners with learning difficulties and
1. Lack of SPED teachers to handle learners

disabilities are mainstreamed in regular classes
with special needs
2. Provision of access to education for learners
2. Lack of orientation of school
with disabilities through the implementation personnel on the new Child Find

of Child Find Policy. Policy of the department.

I Opportunities Threats
1. Insufficient financial support to fund
1. Tie-up with BLGU to locate OSY for them to
inclusive education programs
return to school
2. Additional teaching plantilla for inclusive
education to be funded by SEF
SWOT Analysis
R Strengths

E 1.

Increasing number of new stakeholders/partners and sustained
partnership with existing partners.
Enhanced implementation of psychosocial support for learners
1. Insufficient professionals/personnel who will facilitate
psychosocial assessment and first aid.

2. Scarcity of emergency go bags and other equipment necessary
and personnel
during emergencies and calamities.
3. Presence of quality assured materials in facilitating psychosocial
3. Insufficient signages in the school that will map the safety

support to learners.
evacuation route.

I 1.
Develop resiliency of teachers, parents and learners in times of 1.
Many classroom necessitates immediate repair due to

E pandemic thru strengthened homeroom guidance and support

system 2.
two years of pandemic and other natural calamities.
Possible new variants of COVID 19 and other

infectious diseases.
2. Increased support from NGO and LGUs in facilitating mental
health awareness.
SWOT Analysis
G 1. Increasing number of new stakeholders/partners and sustained
partnership with existing partners.
1. Insufficient fiscal resources to fund all PPAs.
2. Some DCP packages are not functioning already.
O 2. Implementation of contextualized program in forging partnerships
and resource generation.
A number of school facilities need immediate repair.
Sudden surge in electrical expenses that affected financial

V 3. The school is level 3 in terms of SBM. plans.

4. Regular conduct of SLAC.

Opportunities Threats
N 1. Strong partnership with MLGU and BLGU. 1. Potential “donor fatigue” for some external

A 2. Harmonious relationship between the school and external

partners frequently extending aid to the school
and its.

N 3. Sustained partnership with existing partners.

2. Widespread crisis brought by pandemic.

Enhanced School
Improvement Plan

Key Challenges: Access

1. Shortage of classroom resulting from the implementation of full face-to-

face classes.
2. Gap in transition rate brought by pupils returning to private schools
because of the change in learning modality.
3. Insufficient campaigns to locate learners with learning difficulties and
special needs.

Key Challenges: Quality
1. Although it is a fact that even before COVID 19 there were already learning gaps, these gaps widen
after the less than 2 school year of distance learning.
2. Learners exhibit decline in 3 Rs (reading, writing and arithmetic)
3. Since the learners’ performance was evaluated on the basis of submitted written works and
performance tasks which were carried out at home, we cannot safely say that these outputs were
real reflection of learners’ ability after a particular competency under modular distance learning.
4. Critical resources for learning recovery should be made available on a consistent basis.
5. The increase in achievement rate does not correlate the decline in the results of standard
assessment in the onset of face-to-face classes as shown in the results of reading and numeracy
6. The decline in results of Phil-IRI and EGRA shed shadow on the increase in achievement rate as
reading is the basic tool for learning to take place.

Key Challenges: Equity
1. Lack of special education teachers in PSCES.
2. Lack of funding to seek help of medical practitioners in assessing
learners with disabilities.
3. Lack of classrooms and instructional materials that will cater learners
with special needs.
4. Insufficient knowledge of school personnel on the new Child Find
Policy of the Department of Education.

Key Challenges: Resiliency and Well-Being
1. Absence of Emergency Go-Bag and Rescue Equipment in the school.
2. Insufficient signages mapping the emergency route of school.
3. Lack of training on the part of teachers in conducting counseling and
psychosocial support.
4. Absence of contextualized Child Protection Policy as mandated by
DepEd Order 40, s. 2012.
5. Lack of training of School Child Protection Committee.

Key Challenges: Governance

1. School SBM level of practice must be sustained.

2. Insufficient financial resources to fund all school PPAs.
3. Low psychosocial mental support program to school head and teaching personnel.
4. A number of classrooms need major repair due to termites and other elements.
5. Absence of regular medical personnel for effective triage management.
6. Schools were force to make the most out of their limited non-teaching personnel to cater
medical-related functions to which they have no ample training or expertise.

Enhanced School
Improvement Plan


DEDP Framework
PSCES LRP Framework
Enhanced School
Improvement Plan

a. Key Performance Indicators

FY 2022-2028
Targets: Access and Equity
Targets: Access and Equity
Targets: Access and Equity
Targets: Access and Equity
Targets: Quality (English)
Targets: Quality (Mathematics)
Targets: Quality (Science)
Targets: Quality (Science)
Targets: Quality (Filipino)
Target Proportion of Students Achieving at Least a Minimum Proficiency Level from 2022-2030
Targets: Resiliency and Well-being

Capacity Building in Mental Health

Enhanced School
Improvement Plan

b. Strategies/School Strategic
Goal: Increase educational access and opportunities for all learners regardless
of age
Increase the number of school Conduct of Early Registration List of Enrollment
age children attending K to 12
Basic Education Curriculum.

Strengthen Project PSALM Actively collaborate with the local government unit. Out-of-School youth and Adults are enrolled
(Partnership in Social and given ALS interventions.
Mobilization Activity and
Literacy Mapping) in ALS

Increase the number of Muslim Implementers prepare leaflets/school report card and other Increase number of implementing schools.
learners attneding ALIVE materials to be distributed during the conduct of advocacy
campaign Arabic Language and Islamic Values (ALIVE)
Education in MEP.

Open the program to interested non-Muslim learners who are

interested to learn Arabic Language.
Quality on Basic Education Provision
QUALITY - LEARNERS Goal: Ensure that all learners develop grade level competencies at
least at the minimum learning standards of 60%.

1. Strengthen the a. Conduct systematic K to 12 curriculum a. Completed K to 12 Curriculum

implementation of K review for each grade level process
to 12 curriculum and b. Develop valid, reliable, and standardized b. Developed Valid, reliable and
assessment of assessment tools in all learning areas and standardized Assessment Tools
learning outcomes. grade levels c. Completed Academic Profile
c. Conduct academic profiling of learners to Data of the learners
determine their learning losses and gaps d. Formative and summative
d. Strengthen formative and summative assessment tools
assessment strategies and practices e. & f. Action research proposals
e. Encourage the conduct of classroom- and completed reports for
based/action researches to improve learning dissemination
outcomes f. Improved teaching learning
f. Conduct impact studies of learning recovery outcomes.
programs and efforts
Quality on Basic Education Provision
QUALITY - LEARNERS Goal: Ensure that all learners develop grade level competencies at
least at the minimum learning standards of 60%.

2. Address learning gaps a. Use differentiated instruction across learning a. Fully implemented
approaches in schools
differentiated instruction

and losses areas b. Fully implemented division reading programs, Project

REBUILDERS: Reading Educators: Bolster and Usher
b. Develop and implement effective, efficient, Instruction and Learning Development for Educational
and innovative programs, activities, and Recovery and Sustainability, Projects ALPABASA,
Project Developing a Genuine Love for Reading, Drop
projects (PAPs) Everything and Read (DEAR) Reading to Entice
Academic Development (READ) Among Kindergarten
c. Develop contextualized, localized, and Learners, Play and Learn Different Manipulative
indigenized K to 12 curriculum materials to Activities and Reading materials that Yielding the
strong foundation of a kindergarten learners (PLAY),
address learning losses and gaps Continue to learn at Home by giving varied Activities
with the use of manipulative materials,in order to
enhance the literacy and numeracy skills of the
learners (CHAT), SAVE, Giving Readiness Onward Reading
and Writing (GROW), PAN (Project All Numerates and
MathPARES Peer-Assisted Review Embraced by
Stakeholders), MathSOLVERS, Enhanced 3 Skills Per Day
(C-P-A Behavioral Objectives) Project AMPERES ( Adopting
Measures, Materials, Modules Proven Effective in
Reinforcement of Education in Science Project STEP
(Strategic Techniques Effective for Process-Skills) and other
c. Contextualized, localized, and indigenized curriculum
materials ready for adoption in schools
Quality on Basic Education Provision
QUALITY - LEARNERS Goal: Ensure that all learners develop grade level competencies at
least at the minimum learning standards of 60%.

3. Strengthen monitoring a. Craft Monitoring and Evaluation (M and E) a. Contextualized M and E tools for
and evaluation of the tools for each programs, activities, and each of the PAPs
PPAs projects (PAPs) b. Accomplished periodic progress
reports of the PPAs using Project
b. Conduct regular and periodic monitoring and SMART
evaluation of the PAPs through Project SMART c. Project proposals,
accomplishment reports, and
c. Coordinate with the HRD unit for the training dissemination strategies
of teachers on differentiated instruction d. Improved implementation of the
PPAs based on the M and E
d. Analyze M and E results for adjustment of the analysis.
Quality on Basic Education Provision
QUALITY - LEARNERS Goal: Provide access to enabling means and educational resources
based on the needs and interests of the learners

1. Ensure the availability of a. Quality assure contextualized, localized, and a. Project EQuAL – Ensuring Quality
quality assured (QAed) indigenized K to 12 curriculum materials to Assured Learning Resources
learning resources tailored to address learning losses and gaps. b. Functional Contextualized, Localized,
the identified learning gaps in
and Indigenized Curriculum Materials
each learning area and b. Develop an online electronic system/portal of K to 12 (CLICK) Portal
special curricular programs for the easy access of learning resources by
2. Make quality assured c. School Learning Resources Centers
the teachers and learners. (SLRCs)
contextualized, localized and
indigenized (CLI) learning c. Establish School Learning Resources Centers d. Number of schools, teachers and
resources accessible to all (SLRCs). learners who participated in the
teachers and learners Project (MoST- READ) Mobile Story
regardless of their physical, d. Promote the use of library hub resources in Telling for Recovering Early Grades
mental, socio-cultural and developing early grades literacy, habit of and
economic conditions Reading Skills Development
3. Develop early grades literacy
love for reading. e. Improved attitude towards reading as
and habit of and love for validated by assessment tools
e. Conduct of mobile story telling using library
hub books.
Quality on Basic Education Provision
QUALITY - LEARNERS Goal: Provide access to enabling means and educational resources
based on the varied needs and interests of the learners.

4. Strengthen blended a. Strengthen the use of Project SYMPLE a. Functional and fully operational
learning modalities. among teachers and students Project SYMPLE
b. Conduct orientations on Project SYMPLE
among teachers and learners
b. RBI materials, i. e. Learning Activity
c.Sustain the use of Aral Tarlakhenyo and Sheets (LASs), powerpoint
school-initiated RBI and school TVBIs presentations, scripts, monitoring and
viewership monitoring strategies,
accomplishment reports
Quality on Basic Education Provision
QUALITY - LEARNERS Goal: Develop adaptive skills of learners for them to be
functional and productive citizens

1. Integrate the a. Coordinate with the Planning and Research a. Action research proposals and
Unit on the conduct of relevant researches reports, and dissemination plans
development of resiliency about learners’ resiliency and well-being b. Learning resources aligned with
and well-being of learners b. Design learning resources that integrate the resiliency and well-being ready for
across learning areas, i.e. development of resiliency and well-being for adoption in schools
Makadiyos, Makatao, quality assurance
c. Use the quality assured learning resources in c. Reproduced copies and
Makakalikasan, implementation reports
all learning areas
Makabansa d. Assess the effectiveness of the materials and d. Action research reports and
learning outcomes feedback reports
e. Conduct relevant programs to develop
resiliency and well-being of teachers and
Quality on Basic Education Provision
QUALITY - LEARNERS Goal: Develop adaptive skills of learners for them to be
functional and productive citizens

2. Strengthen the a. Action research proposals and

integration of Education reports, and dissemination plans
a. Coordinate with the Planning and Research Unit
b. Learning resources aligned with
4.0 into the teaching- on the conduct of relevant researches about
the integration of 4.0 into instructional Education 4.0 ready for adoption
learning activities in the processes in schools
classroom b. Design learning resources that integrate the c. Reproduced copies and
development of Education 4.0 implementation reports
c. Use the quality assured and Education 4.0-
aligned learning resources in all learning areas d. Instructional plans aligned with
d. Assess the effectiveness of the materials and the thrusts of Education 4.0
learning outcomes e. Action research reports and
e. Conduct relevant programs to develop the feedback reports
learners’ skills in Problem Solving, Critical
Thinking, Creativity, People Management,
Coordinating with others, Emotional
Intelligence, Judgment and Decision-Making
Service Orientation, Negotiation, and Cognitive
Quality on Basic Education Provision
QUALITY - LEARNERS Goal: Develop adaptive skills of learners for them to be
functional and productive citizens

3.Strengthen home- a. Conduct orientations on parent education on a. Action research proposals and
their roles in learning recovery
school partnership on reports, and dissemination
learning recovery b. Strengthen career guidance strategies in plans
schools b. Learning resources aligned
with resiliency and well-being
ready for adoption in schools
c. Reproduced copies and
implementation reports
d. Action research reports and
feedback reports
Goal: Ensure accessible and equitable education programs to disadvantage
school-age children and youth
Disseminate information on Collaborate with DSWD in the locality and work together so Learners with disability, with difficulty, with
Child Find Policy in the that learners with disability shall be enrolled in school. special need are accommodated, enrolled and
implementation of Special experienced what the regular learners do.
Education Program.

Ensures all IP community has Productive collaborations with external and internal Number of IP graduates
complete elementary school. stakeholders.
Resiliency and Well-being
Goal: Support safe and healthy environment to all types of learners through the provision of
programs to strengthen students’ resiliency and well-being

Ensure engagement and Conduct monthly symposium of personal -Attendance of stakeholders in

commitment of family, internalization of health and nutrition values and various school health programs
community and healthy lifestyle to learners.
-Oplan Kalusugan sa DepEd
stakeholders in all school
accomplishment report
initiated programs on

Implementation of Mental a. Regular conduct of periodic comprehensive ● Completed psychosocial

Health and Psychosocial psychosocial support development trainings to support training for teachers
Support (MHPSS) teachers and learners to improve their and learners.
programs to develop resilience to various calamities, disasters and ● Approved and conducted
learner’s resiliency on the like. action researches to improve
adverse conditions and b. Conduct of school-based action researches learners’ resilience to psycho-
situations. relative learner’s mental health and wellness. social challenges.
c. Adaption of standardized mental and ● Learners’ database of
psychosocial health status of learners for psychosocial health status.
learner’s profiling and monitoring. ● Compilation of adapted
Resiliency and Well-being
Goal: Support safe and healthy environment to all types of learners through provision of programs
to strengthen students’ resiliency and well-being

Ensure the Conducts assessment, monitoring and evaluation -Oplan Kalusugan sa DepEd
implementation of oplan that will facilitate the program management and accomplishment report
kalusugan sa DepED six
implementation of OK sa DepEd program - SBFP terminal report
flagship programs
Provide technical assistance regarding the -Summary Health examination Card
implementation of the six flagship program of OK Sa

Strengthen IEC on 1. Project LIGTAS (Lifesaving and Informative Accomplishment/Activity Report

Disaster Preparedness in Guides to Threat Assessment and Survival) -
schools and its Utilization of existing and idle RBI Equipment Research Proposal
surrounding community of which will serve as DRRM Information hubs
and Emergency Response Broadcasting
system to surrounding communities.
2. Provision of standardized Infographics and
training modules on DRRM
Ensure mobilization of Conduct site validation to identify the schools The needs of the schools in
resources for the provision needing new construction, repair and education infrastructures were
of additional educational rehabilitation, and replacement. addressed.
Goal: Promote partnerships, upskilling and reskilling of teachers, and strengthen policy-based-
GOVERNANCE and digital governance for an efficient and effective school levels and SDO operations.


Improve the level of Assessment, planning implementation and Summary of SBM Validation Results
practice of level 2 evaluation of technical assistance for continuous
schools, sustain the SBM improvement of schools practices and processes
level of practice of level 3
schools and maintain zeroon areas identified as dimension of school
level 1 schools. operations.

Regular meeting and kamustahan, coaching and

mentoring,trainings and showcasing of best

Enhance efficient Capacitate the teaching, teaching-related and List of approved research studies
delivery of services in in non-teaching personnel in crafting research
schools and in SDO through seminar-workshop List of research funded by the Policy
through research and Research Program Fund
innovations Provide technical assistance in the preparation of
research proposals and completed
Goal: Promote partnerships, upskilling and reskilling of teachers, and strengthen policy-based-
GOVERNANCE and digital governance for an efficient and effective school levels and SDO operations.


Generate at least 51% Monthly Needs Assessment in different levels List of School Recipient and
additional resources, in (School, District, Municipal and Provincial) Donations
line with the Adopt-a-
School program Quarterly convergence among stakeholders to Inventory of Needs
facilitate emergence of and to address
stakeholder needs and challenges Deed of Donation
Develop partnerships and Quarterly conduct of Conferences/ Summits to List of Partnerships
linkages with Education engage with Education Partners and to create
Partners impactful projects and activities that support Memorandum of Agreement/
Basic Education Understanding

Ensure a 100% Bi-annual Coordination Meeting with active List of Sustained Partnerships
sustainability of existing partners; conduct of multi-stakeholder evaluation
partnerships of ongoing and completed projects Memorandum of Agreement/
Conduct of regular Awards and Recognition Understanding
across levels (School, District and Division)
Goal: Promote partnerships, upskilling and reskilling of teachers, and strengthen policy-based-
GOVERNANCE and digital governance for an efficient and effective school levels and SDO operations.


Conduct skill-building
exercises to give teachers a. Conducted and documented
Retool teachers with Education 4.0 and K to 12
the tools they need to Pedagogies-aligned teaching strategies in order for capability enhancement activities
construct flexible, custom them to properly respond to learning and reading
learning and reading recovery PAPs in their schools b. Progress reports
recovery programs
c. Results of Monitoring and
Equip teachers with beginning and emergent reading Evaluation (M and E)
pedagogies and methods to specifically respond to
the learning and reading lags of the learners d. Percentage of learning and reading
improvements of the learners
Goal: Promote partnerships, upskilling and reskilling of teachers, and strengthen policy-based-
GOVERNANCE and digital governance for an efficient and effective school levels and SDO operations.


Strengthen capability Conduct coaching and mentoring sessions a. Improved teaching proficiency level
building programs among online with Grade 4, 5 and 6 elementary of teachers by at least 25%.
classroom teachers, i.e. teachers without specialization in Math as b. Developed further learning
mentees and with high school department heads
MathMENTORS – and Master teachers as mentors. facilitation skills that nurture
Mentoring Elementary values, protective to all learners
Non-Math major Teachers Engage both Mentors and mentees to consider and demonstrate behavior
of Relevant content and transforming the future of education through consistent with DepEd’s Vision,
advanced technology modernizing some
Strategies. Mission and Goals.
teaching methods and processes.
Goal: Promote partnerships, upskilling and reskilling of teachers, and strengthen policy-based-
GOVERNANCE and digital governance for an efficient and effective school levels and SDO operations.


Expedite recording and Use of a web-based application document tracking a. Automated manual recording of
tracking of documents system using latest technologies such as QR Code documents submitted to the D.O
and Barcode Scanner through Project RAP (Records
submitted to the Division b. Developed an Android/iOS
Automation Program)
Office tracking app that can be used for
tracking documents

Facilitate the storage, Create a database platform of all DepEd Tarlac a. Employees Database
retrieval, modification and Employees with integrated services such as PDS,
collection of personnel’s Service Records, Leave Management, among others,
through Project SIMPLE V2.0
data through a database

Provide fast and Create an Online Portal for all ICT Services Request a. Number of processed online ICT
contactless ICT Services Services Request
Process Online Request without Physically going to
Request through a one-
Division Office
stop online portal
Goal: Promote partnerships, upskilling and reskilling of teachers, and strengthen policy-based-
GOVERNANCE and digital governance for an efficient and effective school levels and SDO operations.


Speed up the process of Minimize waiting time with queue management through Number of received and released documents
receiving and releasing PROJECT QUEUE
documents in the Records Unit

Facilitate monitoring of Available Uploading Manual Template Recording of

of Number of recorded disbursement voucher
Cash Balance for Payment of Financial Transactions online through google processed
Personnel Benefits, MOOE
Expenses and Capital Outlay
sheets to facilitate the Recording of
Obligations through Online Real- Disbursement Voucher Processed
Time Recording of Financial
Transactions and Monitoring of
Cash Balances

Expedite the Recording Online Recording of Cash Advances Number of recorded cash advances and
and Monitoring of downloaded for School Maintenance and Other liquidation reports
Downloaded Cash Operating Expenses and submission of
Liquidation Reports Facilitates monitoring of
Advances and Unliquidated Cash Advance and Utilization of
Liquidation Reports MOOE for Non-Implementing Unit Elementary
and Secondary Schools
Enhanced School
Improvement Plan

c. Key Interventions
Enhanced School
Improvement Plan


****These shall include current material, financial,

and human resources, and organizational capacity. It
will also outline how the units will execute its
strategies. This answers the question “Who will do
Enhanced School
Improvement Plan


Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

PILLAR 1 - ACCESS Increase the number ● Number of conducted of Early Registration ● CID
of school age children ● List of Enrollment ● SGOD-
attending K to 12 Planning &
Basic Education Researcht
Strengthen Project ● Number of Out-of-School youth and Adults CID-IPED.
PSALM (Partnership in are enrolled and given ALS interventions.
Social Mobilization
Activity and Literacy
Mapping) in ALS
Increase the number ● Number of implementers prepared CID-IPED
of Muslim learners leaflets/school report card and other
attneding ALIVE materials to be distributed during the
conduct of advocacy campaign Arabic
Language and Islamic Values (ALIVE)
Education in MEP.
● Number of implementing schools
Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

PILLAR 2 - EQUITY Disseminate ● Number of learners with disability, with CID-IPED

information on Child difficulty, with special need that are
Find Policy in the accommodated, enrolled and experienced
implementation of what the regular learners do
Special Education
Ensures all IP ● Number of accessible K to 12 Basic CID-IPED
community has Education in IP communities
complete elementary ● Number of IP graduates
Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

PILLAR 3 - QUALITY Strengthen ● Number of completed K to 12 Curriculum ● CID

assessment of process ● SGOD-
learning outcomes ● Number of valid, reliable and standardized Planning
Assessment Tools and
● Number of completed Academic Profile Data Research
of the learners
● Number of formative and summative
assessment tools
● Number of action research proposals and
completed reports for dissemination

Address learning ● Number of fully implemented differentiated CID

gaps and losses instruction approaches in schools
● Number of fully implemented division
reading programs
● Number of contextualized, localized, and
indigenized curriculum materials ready for
adoption in school
Strengthen ● Number of contextualized M and E tools for CID
monitoring and each of the PAPs
evaluation of the ● Number of periodic progress reports of the
Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

PILLAR 3 - QUALITY Strengthen blended ● Number of functional and fully operational ● CID
learning modalities Project SIMPLE and implementation plan ● OSDS-ITO
● Number of implementation plan
● Number of RBI materials, i. e. Learning
Activity Sheets (LASs), powerpoint
presentations, scripts, monitoring and
viewership monitoring strategies,
accomplishment reports

Integrate the ● Number of action research proposals and ● CID

development of reports, and dissemination plans ● SGOD-
resiliency and well- ● Number of learning resources aligned with Planning
being of learners resiliency and well-being ready for adoption and
across learning in schools Research
areas, i.e. Makadiyos, ● Number of reproduced copies and
Makatao, implementation reports
Makakalikasan, ● Number of action research reports and
Makabansa feedback reports

Strengthen the ● Number of action research proposals and ● CID

integration of reports, and dissemination plans ● SGOD-
Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

PILLAR 3 - QUALITY Strengthen home- ● Number of conducted orientations on parent ● CID

school partnership on education on their roles in learning recovery ● SGOD-
learning recovery ● Number of action research proposals and Planning
reports, and dissemination plans and
● Number of learning resources aligned with Research
resiliency and well-being ready for adoption
in schools
● Number of reproduced copies and
implementation reports
● Number of action research and feedback

Ensure the availability ● Number of functional Contextualized, CID

of quality assured Localized, and Indigenized Curriculum
(QAed) learning materials of K to 12 (CLICK) Portal
resources tailored to ● Number of School Learning Resources
the identified learning Centers (SLRCs)
gaps in each learning ● Number of schools, teachers and learners
area and special who participated in the Project (MoST-
curricular programs READ) Mobile Storytelling for Recovering
Early Grades Reading Skills Development
Make quality assured ● Number of improved attitude towards
Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
PILLAR 4 - RESILIENCY Ensure engagement ● Number of Oplan Kalusugan sa DepEd SGOD-SHU
and commitment of accomplishment report
family, community ● Number of participants in various school
and stakeholders in health programs
all school initiated
programs on health.

Implementation of ● Number of completed psychosocial training SGOD-SHU

Mental Health and for teachers and learners.
Psychosocial Support ● Number of approved and conducted action
(MHPSS) programs researches to improve learners’ resilience to
to develop learner’s psycho-social challenges.
resiliency on adverse ● Number of learners’ database of
conditions and psychosocial health status.
situations. ● Number of adapted psychosocial monitoring
● Number of Trained / Capacitated PFA
Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
PILLAR 4 - RESILIENCY Ensure the ● Number of students and personnel SGOD-SHU
AND WELL-BEING implementation of medically assessed ,evaluated and treated
oplan kalusugan sa
● Number of SBFP beneficiaries
DepED six flagship
programs (Resiliency ● Number of schools given technical
and Well-being) assistance, monitored and evaluated
● Number of conducted assessments,
monitoring and evaluation that facilitate the
program management and implementation
of OK sa DepEd program
Ensure mobilization ● Number of conducted site validation to SGOD - EFU
of resources for the identify the schools needing new
provision of additional construction, repair and rehabilitation, and
educational facilities.
(Resiliency and Well- replacement.
Being) ● Number of school recipient on school
building program
Strengthen IEC on ● Number of standardized Infographics and SGOD-DRMM
Disaster training modules on DRRM
Preparedness in
● Number of accomplishment/activity reports
schools and its
● Number of Research Proposal
Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

GOVERNANCE Improve the level of ● Number of conducted assessment, planning SGOD - SMME
(ENABLING MECHANISM) practice of level 2
implementation and evaluation of technical
schools, sustain the
SBM level of practice
of level 3 schools and ● Number of regular meeting and
maintain zero level 1 kamustahan, coaching and
schools. mentoring,trainings and showcasing of best
(Governance) practices.
Enhance efficient ● Number of approved research studies SGOD-Planning
delivery of services in ● Number of research funded by the Policy and Research
in schools and in Research Program Fund
SDO through ● Number of capacitated teaching, teaching-
research and related and non-teaching personnel in
innovations crafting research through seminar workshop
Provision of additional ● Number of conducte of annual deployment OSDS-
Senior High School plan based on updated database of Personnel
Teachers to schools enrollees and requests for teacher needs
with SHS teachers ● Number of deployment report
Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

GOVERNANCE Generate at least ● Number of generated resources SGOD - SMN

(ENABLING MECHANISM) 51% additional ● Number of School Recipient and Donations
resources, in line with ● Number of monthly needs assessment in
the Adopt-a-School different levels (School, District, Municipal,
program Provincial)
● Number of Quarterly convergence among
stakeholders to facilitate emergence of and
to address stakeholder needs and

Develop partnerships ● Number of conducted Conferences/Summits SGOD- SMN

and linkages with to engage with Education Partners
Education Partners ● Number of MOA/MOU

Ensure a 100% ● Number of sustained partnerships SGOD - SMN

sustainability of ● Number MOA/MOU
● Number of Bi-annual coordination meeting
existing partnerships
with active partners
● Number of conducted multi-stakeholder
evaluation of on-going and completed
Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
GOVERNANCE Strengthen capability ● Number of improved teaching proficiency ● CID
(ENABLING MECHANISM) building programs level of teachers by at least 25%. ● SGOD
among classroom ● Number of developed learning facilitation (HRD)
teachers, i.e. skills that nurture values, protective to all
MathMENTORS – learners and demonstrate behavior
Mentoring consistent with DepEd’s Vision, Mission and
Elementary Non-Math Goals.
major Teachers of
Relevant content and
Strategies. (Quality)
Conduct skill-building ● Number of equipped teachers with ● CID
exercises to give beginning and emergent reading ● SGOD
teachers the tools pedagogies and methods to specifically (HRD)
they need to respond to the learning and reading lags of
construct flexible, the learners
custom learning and ● Number of Retooled teachers with
reading recovery Education 4.0 and K to 12 Pedagogies-
programs aligned teaching strategies in order for them
to properly respond to learning and reading
recovery PAPs in their schools
● Number of Conducted and documented
Enhanced School
Improvement Plan


Risk Management

Identified Risk Severity

Institutional Risk Risk Categories Probability Impact Overall Rate Mitigation

High/Medium/Low High/Medium/Low
Lack of allocation of funds for Financial 4 4 4 Strengthen partnership
health facility ( wash area, clinics) with stakeholders to
and medications sponsor the medical
supplies and facilities

Resurgence of COVID-19 Strategic 5 5 5 Promote advocacy on

pandemic which may affect covid-19 vaccination
curriculum delivery and and observance of
implementation of PPAs minimum health

Change and redirection of Strategic 5 4 4.5 Realign plans with the

educational agenda by the new priorities of the new
administration administration
Limited access to technology Strategic 5 4 4.5 Teachers should innovate
and poor internet connectivity with whatever digital
resources they have and
at home which may affect the collaborate with
support of parents and other stakeholders for their
stakeholders towards digital support
integration in the curriculum
Risk Management

Identified Risk Severity

Institutional Risk Risk Categories Probability Impact Overall Rate Mitigation

High/Medium/Low High/Medium/Low
Increase of unemployed SHS strategic 5 4 4.5 Strengthen partnership
graduates due to skills mismatch with our stakeholders to
needed by the industries sponsors our medical
supplies and facility

Health and Operational 5 4 4.5 Strengthen health

occupational hazards advocacy and
encountered in the campaign regarding
practice of duties and preventions
responsibilities during
the pandemic.
Damages on school properties Strategic 5 5 5 Conduct building and
caused by natural calamities site inspection to
(e.g., earthquakes, strong identify damaged
typhoons) school properties
Limited access to technology and Strategic 4 4 4 Schools should
poor internet connectivity at innovate using the
home which may affect the available resources
learners towards digital they have and seek
integration in the curriculum assistance from
Risk Management

Identified Risk Severity

Institutional Risk Risk Categories Probability Impact Overall Rate Mitigation

High/Medium/Low High/Medium/Low
Lack of allocation of funds for Financial 4 4 4 Strengthen partnership
health facility ( wash area, clinics) with stakeholders to
and medications sponsor the medical
supplies and facilities

Resurgence of COVID-19 Strategic 5 5 5 Promote advocacy on

pandemic which may affect covid-19 vaccination
curriculum delivery and and observance of
implementation of PPAs minimum health

Change and redirection of Strategic 5 4 4.5 Realign plans with the

educational agenda by the new priorities of the new
administration administration
Limited access to technology Strategic 5 4 4.5 Teachers should innovate
and poor internet connectivity with whatever digital
resources they have and
at home which may affect the collaborate with
support of parents and other stakeholders for their
stakeholders towards digital support
integration in the curriculum
Risk Management

Identified Risk Severity

Institutional Risk Risk Categories Probability Impact Overall Rate Mitigation

High/Medium/Low High/Medium/Low
Teachers inability to respond to the Operational 5 4 4.5 Provide training on
competencies required by the classroom management,
Education 4.0 adaptive skills, and
content knowledge of
education 4.0
Potential “donor fatigue” for some Strategic 4 5 4.5
external partners frequently Strengthen networking
extending aid to the Division and to Establish linkages
its programs with potential external
Inability to cope up of some Strategic 4 4 4 Look for another
business or industry partners with potential partners for
the demands of automation and students’ work
large scale e- transactions causing immersion program
closure or trimming down of labor
force which may entail refusal to
accommodate partnerships with
learning institutions for students’
work immersion
Risk Management

Identified Risk Severity

Institutional Risk Risk Categories Probability Impact Overall Mitigation

High/Medium/Low High/Medium Rate Strategies

Mandanas-Garcia ruling to be Operational 5 5 5 Stronger coordination between

completed in 2024 which fully local government units and
transfers or devolves the delivery of DepED schools in the
basic services to LGUs including
promotion of education agenda
and provision of education
services and needs.

Classroom shortage due to Strategic 5 5 5 Construction of high rise

increasing population of public buildings for schools that lack of
school learners buildable space; prioritize the
use of rooms as classrooms;
and shifting of classes

Teachers inability to respond to the Operational 4 4 4 Conduct training to equip the

competencies required by the Education
teachers with the teaching
competencies required by the
Education 4.0
Enhanced School
Improvement Plan


****These shall show the strategies in order of priority

over the next six years. This need not be detailed but
shall show an indicative sequencing and prioritization.
Indicative Timelines

1. Learning Recover and transition

Phase 1 -
2022-2024 2. Addressing the remaining learning and transition gaps

3. Focus on quality with three focus areas:

(a) strengthen programs on reading, numeracy, socio-emotional learning, 21 st century skills, and reskilling of teachers;

(b) sharpen skillsets of teachers in contextualization to address the concerns of diverse learners; and

(c) strengthen instructional leadership and supervision to improve quality teaching

1. Continuation of programs and projects on access, quality, equity, and learners’ rights and resilience
Phase 2 –
2025-2028 2. Produce innovations to prepare the learners for the demands of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (FIRE)

3. Program and impact evaluation

4. Development of new programs to address emerging education issues and opportunities

5. End of plan assessment

Communication Plan
DEDP Dissemination from SDO Tarlac Province to Schools and Stakeholders
In order to implement the Division Education Development Plan effectively and efficiently, it must be disseminated
properly from the Schools Division Office to all schools, learning centers and their stakeholders. The DEDP and all
communications related to it will be disseminated thru the following channels.

Division Official Website DepEd Tayo - Tarlac Province Face to Face Meetings

Research Support
Department of Education Basic Education Development Plan 2030.

Focus Group Discussion with selected elementary and secondary school heads

Briones welcomes 24.7M learners for SY 2020-2021, declares opening of classes a victory. October 56, 2020. Retrieved from
Briones welcomes 24.7M learners for SY 2020-2021, declares opening of classes a victory | Department of Education (

Carmen, LG. (2022). Addressing the Reading Comprehension Difficulties of Grade 11 Students through the Utilization of Indigenized
Infographic Materials. Unpublished Action Research. Department of Education SDO Tarlac Province.

Catalan, AG. (2020). ARTS AND MINDFULNESS EXERCISES iNTEGRATION (AMEN) Approach in Promoting Positive Mental Health Amid
COVID-19 Pandemic. Published Action Research. Department of Education SDO Tarlac Province.

Dayagbil, F. T. et al. Teaching and Learning Continuity Amid and Beyond Pandemic. Retrieved from Frontiers | Teaching and
Learning Continuity Amid and Beyond the Pandemic | Education (

Dela Cruz, MT. (2021). Promoting Pupils’ Learning in Reading Using Appointment Clock. Unpublished Action Research. Department
of Education SDO Tarlac Province.

Gamundoy, J. (2022). English Language Learning Amidst Pandemic: A Phenomenological Inquiry on the Online Language Learning of Senior

High School Students. Unpublished Action Research. Department of Education SDO Tarlac Province.
Research Support

Palafox, Q. (2022). Management of Children-At-Risk in SY 2021-2022 in the Public Secondary Schools in the SDO
Tarlac Province. Unpublished Basic Research. Department of Education SDO Tarlac Province.
Pineda, J. (2020). Enhancing the Mental Well-Being of Grade 11 Learners Using Minimizing Indifferences and
Negative Dispositions (MIND) Strategy. Unpublished Action Research. Department of Education SDO Tarlac Province.

Ramos, R. (2020). Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPS) Practices among Schools in Moncada, Tarlac:
Basis for Mental Health and Psychological Support System (MHPSS) Developmental Plan. Unpublished Basic
Research. Department of Education SDO Tarlac Province.

Ramos, V. (2022). Pampagtuturo ng Pagbasa at Komprehensyon sa Panahon ng Pandemya Gamit ang Panturong
Panuorin. Unpublished Action Research. Department of Education SDO Tarlac Province.

Robillos, S. (2022). Improving the Reading Comprehension of Grade IV Pupils Using Reading Puzzles. Unpublished
Action Research. Department of Education SDO Tarlac Province.

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). (2021). Recovering lost learning: what can be
done quickly and at scale. UNESCO COVID-19 Education Response Education Sector issue
Enhanced School
Improvement Plan

*** The Data Capture Form summary and
Pareto Analysis must be included as annexes,
together with other documents cited in the
School Initiated Interventions

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