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Social Factors Affecting Consumer

Social Factors affecting Consumer Behavior

Human beings are social animals. We need people around to talk to

Social factors play an essential role in and discuss various issues to reach to better solutions and ideas.
influencing the buying decisions of consumers. We all live in a society and it is really important for individuals to
adhere to the laws and regulations of society.
Social Influence….
Social Factors influencing
consumer buying decision can be
classified as under:
• Reference Groups
• Immediate Family Members
• Role in the Society
• Status in the society
Every individual has some people around who influence
him/her in any way. Reference groups comprise of people
that individuals compare themselves with.
Reference groups are generally of two types:
• Primary Group : consists of individuals one interacts

Reference with on a regular basis. Primary groups include:

• Friends

Groups •

Family Members
• Co Workers
• Secondary Groups :Secondary groups share indirect
relationship with the consumer. These groups are more
formal and individuals do not interact with them on a
regular basis, Example - Religious Associations, Political
Parties, Clubs etc.
Role in society

•Each individual plays a dual role in the

society depending on the group he belongs
to. An individual working as Chief Executive
Officer with a reputed firm is also someone’s
husband and father at home. The buying
tendency of individuals depends on the role
he plays in the society.
Social Status

•An individual from an upper middle

class would spend on luxurious items
whereas an individual from middle to
lower income group would buy items
required for his/her survival.
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