Sacrament of Penance Reconnecting It Teen

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d a n d
t h G o
c t w i o k en
c o n ne in g br
t o re r h a v .
Ho w a ft e nn i ng
h ur c h b y s i
t h e C c t io n
n ne
h at co
Original Sin is washed away at
baptism. So why do we keep
on sinning?
We are all born with a defect,
the inherited result of Adam’s
sin: at birth, we are already
separated from God, and
need to have this washed
away by Baptism.
This defect is like a division in
us that continues to influence
Why does sin us in our choices and
matter ? actions… we always stand in
need of God’s grace.
Sin ruins our wholeness.
Sin cuts our relationship
with God.
 We turn our backs to God.
When the
relationship between
God and human
beings was It is like a good
established there phone connection
was an uninterrupted with uninterrupted
connection between
them. Humans give
honor and worship to
God and obey Him.
God gives us His
Sanctifying Grace.

STATE OF GRACE = the state of being in a solid

relationship with God; the connection with God
is not broken.


SIN causes a break and disconnection

in our relationship with God; a loss of


We must be aware of what is
considered a sin which needs
to be confessed.

A review follows…
ACTUAL SIN are those sins which a person actually
commits. "Actual sin" is an act which is against the will
and law of God.

There are two kinds of “Actual sin”:

1. SIN OF COMMISSION – These are sins
we choose to do on purpose.
2. SIN OF OMMISSION – These are sins
which happen when we fail to do good
Actual Sin

There are two ranks of “Actual sin”:

1. MORTAL SINS - A bad sin against

the law of God; it deprives the sinner of
sanctifying grace. It cuts off our relationship
with God.

2. VENIAL SINS – A less serious offense against

the law of God; it does not deprive the sinner
of sanctifying grace. 10
Actual Sin
There are three conditions which must exist for a sin
to be MORTAL:
1. It must be a serious matter; seriously wrong.
2. The person must know it is seriously wrong.
3. The person must want/will/choose to do it.

It is up to every Catholic, especially at your age, to

learn and know the difference between what is right
and what is wrong.
So, with all this talk about sin, rebellion
against God, choosing to do wrong and
failing to do good….
… their any hope for human beings?
Even though we sin God is always there to forgive.
That is what God promises.
To bring us salvation and forgiveness of sin and
reconciliation with Him.
We are not doomed to be lost forever because of our
sin thanks to God sending us His Son, Jesus.
Yes!! It is called…

Sacrament of
As a Sacrament…

Penance is an outward
sign, instituted by Christ
to give Grace.
Jesus said to Peter…

“Whose sins you forgive are

forgiven them, and whose
sins you retain are retained.”
John 20:23
Let’s look at the Sacrament of Reconciliation

 To know what the 2 kinds of sin are

 To know the 4 stages of the

Sacrament of Reconciliation

 To understand how the Sacrament

helps people.

Sacrament of

Re = to do something again
Con = with
Cilia = an eyelash, or a delicate hair like
structure that resembles one
Ation = the action of doing something

It literally means to once again

re-establish “eyelash to eyelash”
contact in a reconnected relationship.

In other words, reconciliation brings us

eye to eye with God once more.
So, how do you know you need
to go to Confession?
A well informed conscious; knowing right
from wrong and what behaviour is sinful and
which is not is important.
When we have sinned we say that “our
conscience begins to bother us”.
We are aware that we have sinned.

We have broken the Commandments.

So, how do I get ready for a good

Once a month or every other month is

a good idea to examine our consciences.
Get quiet and ask yourself:
Have I sinned?
Have I done what I should not have done?
Did I fail to do something I should have?
The 4 Elements of a Good Confession

 Confession: admitting what you’ve done wrong

and telling sins to the priest.

 Contrition: feeling genuinely sorry for doing it…

expressed by saying an “act of contrition”

 Absolution: receiving God’s forgiveness In Jesus’


 Penance: a task you agree to undertake to prove

you’re sorry/ make up the damage
The 4 Elements of a Good Confession

 Confession: Each of these must be in your heart

and on you mind as you make a
 Contrition:

 Absolution:

 Penance:
How to make a good confession.

 First,
get quiet and make an Examination of
How to make a good confession.
 When quiet….
 Ask yourself how you have sinned since your
last confession.
A good way to do this is to think of the 10
Commandments or Seven Deadly Sins.
 Orask yourself what are the things that have
gotten you in trouble lately!
How to make a good confession.

 Youalways have the

choice to go to confession
without the priest seeing
you, that is, behind a screen

 or face to face.
How to make a good confession.

 Enter the Confessional.

 After the priest greets you in the name

of Jesus, make the sign of the cross and
say: "Bless me Father for I have sinned.
It has been (state how long) since my
last confession. These are my sins."
How to make a good confession.
 Tell your sins simply and honestly to the
priest. You might even want to talk about
why and how you committed these sins and
ask the priest for advice or direction.
How to make a good confession.

 Listento the advice the priest gives

you and accept the penance from him.
 Then make an Act of Contrition for
your sins.
 The priest must hear you say the Act
of Contrition said by you out loud.
A good Act of Contrition expresses
sorrow for sin and asks God for help.

Which one do you know?

You can only be forgiven if you are truly

sorry and after you complete your penance.
How to make a good confession.
Oh my God,
I am sorry for my sins with all my heart.
In choosing to do wrong
And failing to do good,
I have sinned against you
whom I should love above all things.
I firmly intend, with your help,
to do penance, to sin no more,
and to avoid whatever leads me to sin.
Our Savior Jesus Christ
suffered and died for us.
In His name, my God, have mercy. Amen.
How to make a good confession.

After you’ve said the Act of Contrition

the priest will give you absolution.
Whether you can see him or not he will
raise his right hand over you and say the
Absolution Prayer.
How to make a good confession.
The Absolution Prayer
God the Father of mercies,
Through the death and resurrection of His Son,
Has reconciled the world to Himself
And has sent the Holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of our sins.
Through the ministry of the Church
May God grant you pardon and peace.
I absolve you of your sins
In the name of the Father, and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
How to make a good confession.
The Absolution Prayer

When the priest says:

“I absolve you of your sins
In the name of the Father,
and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit. Amen”
he is blessing you. Whenever a priest blesses you,
you bless yourself as well.
How to make a good confession.

 Always thank the priest after confession.

 Leave the Confessional.
 Tryto perform your penance as soon as
possible even before you leave church.
How to make a good confession.

 Whilesaying your penance thank God for

His mercy and forgiveness
 Tryto promise not to commit these sins
again with God’s help.
 Now that’s a good confession!
Importance of the Sacrament
of Reconciliation
 What difference does it make?
 What are you like after the Sacrament?
1. You have a closer relationship with God.
2. You are forgiven and restored to grace.
3. You have better self esteem: a peaceful, happy
4. You are spiritually stronger to fight sin and evil.
5. You are reconciled with God & His Church.
Where does the Sacrament come from?
 Jesus’whole mission was about reconciling
people to God. He died in order to do this.

Jesus often healed

people by saying “your
sins are forgiven”.
Forgiveness of sin is
essential for us to be
healthy in mind and
spirit, if not in body.

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