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The Effects of Teenage Pregnancy to

the Academic Performance of the

Students in Saint Joseph Institute of
Background of the Study
• Teenage Pregnancy
• The Effect to the Academic Performance of
the Students
• Lack of Awareness
Statement of the Problem

1. What are the profile of the respondents in terms of Age,

Grade, Year Level.
2. What are the effects of Teenage Pregnancy on the
Academic performance of the Students of SJIT in terms of
Grade and performance task.
3. On the basis of the findings of the study, what
intervention programs may be propose to increase the
awareness of students in SJIT.
Significance of the Study

• Students
• Teachers
• Parents
• Future Researchers

• Research Design
• Research Respondents
• Research Procedure
• Research Instruments
Review Related Literature

• Teenage pregnancy poses significant non-health risks unique to this

stage life course.(Natividad 2013)
• Teenage pregnancy is a global problem and there are many
campaigns and awareness-raising efforts to reduce its accurance.
(Sanador 2016)
• Teenage pregnancy poses additional health risks for both the mother
and baby. (Parungao 2014)
• Approperaite care and needs for children. An under performing
teenage mother ended up being a housewife. (Pogoy 2014)
Result and Discussions
• Forty-nine (49) participants voted grade and another eleven
(11) participants only voted high grade.
• Performance task there were only thirty-one (31) participants
voted “fail” , and twenty-seven (27) participants voted
• Participants suggested to do simenar, webinar, and sex
education about teenage pregnancy.
• Fifty-eight (58) respondents voted for “Yes” and two (2)
respondents answered “NO”.
• Forty (40) respondents answered that teenage parents can’t
focus in their studies.

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