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The Modern Periodic Table Of Elements

Class: 4B Group members:

Chua Thiam Poh
Chin Jun Chen
Ng Huan YI
Yap Zheng Tang
The Arrangement in the
Periodic Table of Elements
Characteristic of Periodic Table
1. All 118 elements are arranged in an ascending order of proton number
from left to right.
2. Elements that show similar chemical properties are arranged in the same
Group(Vertical Column).
3. Elements in the same Group have the same number of valence electrons.
4. Elements with same number of shells occupied with electrons are
arranged in the same Period(horizontal row).
5. All elements in a Period have the same number of shells filled with
6. There are 18 Groups and 7 Periods in the Periodic Table of Elements.
Ways to determine the position of an element
a) Position of the group of an element:
Number of valence electrons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Group 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18

• For the elements with 1 or 2 valence electrons,

Group number = Number of valence electrons

• For the elements with 3 to 8 valence electrons,

Group number = Number of valence electrons + 10
b) Position of the period of an element:
Number of shells filled 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
with electrons
Period number 1 2 4 4 5 6 7

Period number = number of shells filled with electrons

Relationship between the proton number a the position of elements in the Periodic Table
of Elements
Element Proton Electron Valence Group Number of shells Period
number arrangement electron filled with
Lithium, Li 3 2.1 1 1 2 2

Berllium, Be 4 2.2 2 2 2 2

Boron, B 5 2.3 3+10=13 13 2 2

Sodium, Na 11 2.8.1 1 1 3 3

Magnesium, 12 2.8.2 2 2 3 3
Potassium, K 19 1 1 4 4

Calcium, Ca 20 2 2 4 4
Group 18
• Located in the far right of the Periodic Table or Elements.
• Consist of elements of Helium(He), neon(Ne), argon(Ar), Krypton(Kr), xenon(Xe)
and radon(Rn).
• These elements are also known as noble gases.
• Noble gases have also been referred to as inert gases.
Chemical Properties of Group 18 Elements
• Noble gases atoms do not donate, receive or share electrons with other atom.
• Noble gases exist as monoatomic atom and chemically inert because they have very
stable duplet or octet electron arrangement.
• The table below shows the electron arrangement of Group 18 elements.

Element Proton Electron Number of valence Electron

number Arrangement electrons arrangement
Helium, He 2 2 2 Duplet

Neon, Ne 10 2.8 8 Octet

Argon, Ar 18 2.8.8 8 Octet

Krypton, Kr 36 8 Octet

Xenon, Xe 54 8 Octet

Radon, Rn 86 8 Octet

Physical Properties of Group 18 Elements
Element Atomic radius(nm) Melting point(°C) Boiling point(°C) Density(g cm−3)
Helium, He 0.050 -270 -269 0.00017
Neon, Ne 0.070 -248 -246 0.00080
Argon, Ar 0.094 -189 -186 0.00170
Krypton, Kr 0.109 -156 -152 0.00350
Xenon, Xe 0.130 -122 -108 0.00550
Radon, Rn - -71 -62 -

When going down Group 18,

• The proton number increases.
• The number of shells filled with electro increases, thus the size of atomic radius increases.
• Increasing atomic size causes the forces of attraction between the atoms to become stronger. So
more heat energy is required to overcome the forces of attraction between the atoms.
• The melting point, boiling point and density of the noble gases increases.
Uses of Group 18 Elements in Daily Life
Element Uses
Helium, He Filling gas for weather balloons, party balloon, scuba diving tank
Neon, Ne Filling gas for advertisement lamps
Argon, Ar Filling gas for filament light bulb
Krypton, Kr Filling gas for airport runway light and high speed photography
flash light
Xenon, Xe Filling gas for stroboscope light and lighthouse lamp
Radon, Rn Used in cancer treatment
Elements in Group 1
- Is made up of lithium, Li, sodium, Na, potassium,
K, rubidium, Rb, caesium, Cs, francium, Fr
- Known as alkali metals
- Located in the vertical column on the left hand side
Physical Properties of Elements When Going Down
Group 1
- Soft metals When going down group 1:
- Low density - Atomic size increase
- Density increase
- Low melting point and boiling
point - Melting & Boiling point decrese

Element Atomic Melting Boiling Density

radius point (°C) Point (°C) (g/cm3)
Lithium, Li 0.133 186 1342 0.534
Sodium, Na 0.186 98 880 0.971
Potassium, K 0.203 64 760 0.862

Rubidium, Rb 0.244 39 685 1.532

Caesium, Cs 0.262 28 671 1.873

Francium, Fr 0.270 - - -
Reactivity increases
Chemical Properties of Group 1 Elements

- Group 1 elements have one electron in valance shell.

- In chemical reaction, these atoms donate one electron and form

an ion with the +1 charge.

M  M+ + e -
Handling Alkali Metals

- Alkali metals very reactive with oxygen and water vapour in air
- Alkali metals must stored in glass bottles and covered by
paraffin oil to prevent from reacting with oxygen in air
Reaction of Group 1 Elements with Water, Oxygen
Gas and Chlorine Gas

React with water will produce React with oxygen gas will produce
hydroxide and hydrogen gas metal oxide
2X + 2 H20  2XOH + H2 4X + O2  2X2O

Group 1
Alkali is X

Metal oxide react with water will

React with chlorine gas will produce
produce alkaline solution
metal chloride
X2O + H2O  2XOH
2X + CI2  2XCI
Uses of Group 1 Element
Lithium, Li Sodium, Na
Used in battery production Used in sodium vapour lamps

Potassium, K Rubidium, Rb
Used in fertilisers Used in fireworks
Uses of Group 1 Element

Caesium, Cs
Used in research of ion
propulsion engines that
used in space

Francium, Fr
Due to its rarity and
instability, it is used for
research purposes only
Elements in Group 17
- Known as halogens
- Exist as diatomic molecules
- located on the left of the noble gases on the periodic table
- Consists of fluorine, F, chlorine, CI, bromine, Br, iodine, I, astatine,
At and tennessine, Ts
Physical Properties of Elements When Going Down
Group 17
- Have different colours When going down group 17:
- Density increase
- Melting & Boiling point increse
Element Physical Melting Boiling Density Colour
state point Point (°C) (g/cm3)
Fluorine, F Gas -220 -188 0.001533 Light
Chlorine, CI Gas -101 -34 0.00300 Greenish
Bromine, Br Liquid -7 59 3.11900 Reddish
Iodine, I Solid 114 184 4.95000 Purplish
Astatine, At Solid 302 380 Unknown Black
Tennessine, Ts Solid 350 610 7.3 silver
Chemical Properties of Group 17 Elements

- Group 17 elements have seven electrons in valance shell.

- In chemical reaction, these atoms receive one electron and form

an ion with the -1 charge.

X + e-  X-
Handling Halogens
- Halogens are very reactive and poisonous
- All experiment that involved halogens must be carried out in
fume chamber 
Reaction of Group 17 Elements with Water, Metal
and Alkali
Halogens react with water will Halogens react with metal will
produce acidic solution formed a metal halide
X2 + H2O <--> HX + HOX 2Fe + 3X2  2FeX3

Group 17
Halogens is

Halogens react with alkaline solution will

formed metal halide, metal halate and water
X2 + 2NaOH  NaX + NaOX + H2O
Uses of Group 17 Element
Fluorine, F Chlorine, CI
Added in small amount to water Used in bleach
to prevent tooth decay

Iodine, I
Bromine, Br As a disinfectant
A substance in fire extinguishers
Uses of Group 17 Element

Astatine, At Tennessine, Ts
Used in medical, can Has no uses outside of basic
be used to treat scientific research
thyroid cancer
Elements in Period 3
Changes in Physical Properties of Elements Across Period

List of element in period 3, symbols, proton numbers and electron arrangement

Physical properties of elements in Period 3
From left to right across Period 3 (Sodium to Argon):
-Atomic radius decrease
-The elements change from metallic properties to semi-metallic
properties, and then to non-metallic properties
-Number of proton increase and positive charge
of the nucleus increase
-Force of attraction between nucleus and
electron increase
-The melting point and boiling point increase from sodium to
silicon, and then decrease from phosphorus to argon
-The electronegavity increase
Changes in Chemical Properties of Elements Across Period
Uses of semi-metal elements
-Elements that show both metallic properties and non-metallic properties.

Semi-metal elements are good electrical conductors at high temperatures

Silicon have been widely used in the microelectronic industry and used as semiconductors in
the manufacture of microchips.
Transition Elements

Placed in Group 3 and 12 in Periodic Table

Special Characteristics of Transition
• Shiny surfaces
• High melting point and boiling point
• High density
• Ductile and malleable
• Good conductors of electricity
• Good conductors of heat
• Form ions with different oxidation numbers
• Form coloured ions or compounds
• Form complex ions
• Act as catalysts in certain reactions
Forming Coloured Ions or Compounds

-Contains iron(lll)
and nickel(ll) ions

Ions or coloured compounds of transition element

Have Different Oxidation Numbers
Forming Complex Ions

Ion of transition element Formula

Hexacyanoferrate(III) ion [Fe(CN)6]3–
Hexacyanoferrate(II) ion [Fe(CN)6]4–
Hexaaquaferrate(II) ion [Fe(H2O)6]2+

Examples of complex ions

Uses of the Transition Elements in
-As catalyst
Chemistry Textbook KSSM Form 4
• http://

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