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Yusmardiansah, 48 yo, Male, MW 17

• Chief Complaint:
• Breathlessness since 1 month ago
• Present Illness History
• Breathlessness since 1 month ago, breathlessness is not
influenced by positition, weather or food. Breathlessness
has gotten worse since 1 week ago.
• Cough (+) increase than before, pleghm (+), no blood
• No fever.
• No blurry visions.
• Mixturition and defecation was normal
Present Illness history

o Patient has been known has lung cancer since 3 months

Past Illness History

• No history of Hypertension
• No history of Asthma
Physical Examination
• General Appearance : Moderate
• Consciousness level: CMC
• BP : 118/76 mmHg
• HR : 140x/minute
• RR : 40x/minute
• T: 36.7º C
• SO2: 91 % (room Air), 98% on NC 5lpm
Physical Examination
• Eye
• conjunctiva anemic (+/+)
• Icteric sclera(-)
• Neck
• JVP 5-2 cmH20
• Lung:
• Inspection: statically & dynamically symmetric
• Palpation: fremitus right=left
• Percussion: sonor
• Auscultation: bronkovesicular, Rh +/+ at basal of
lungs, Wh -/-
Physical Examination

• Cor:
• Inspection: ictus is not seen.
• Palpation: ictus is palpated at 1 finger medial
• Percussion:
• Left border: 1 finger medial LMCS ICS V
• Right border: linea sternalis dextra
• Upper border: ICS II
• Auscultation: regular, murmur (-)
Physical Examination
• Abdomen: Left Right
• Inspection: no enlargement
• Palpation: Hepar and Lien were not
• Percussion: tympani
• Auscultation: bowel sound (+) N

• Extremities:
• Oedema pretibia -/-
Haemoglobin 8,6g/dL
Haematocrit 26%
Leucocyte 19.750/mm3
Thrombocyte 152.000/ mm3
Diff count 0/1/6/82/2/3
PT/APTT/D-dimer 10,3/51,6/635

Random Blood glucose 158

Ureum / Creatinin 28/0,5
Na/K/Cl 135/3,8/101

BGA 7,518/26,7/64/22,0/0,4/
Rontgen Thorax
Working Diagnosis

• Lung tumor suspect malignancy

• Mild anemia normocitic normocrom cb cronnic
• Hipercoaguable state

• Rest/ soft diet high calory high protein

• IVFD NaCl 0,9% 8 hours per kolf
• Inj cefepime 3 x 2 gram (iv)
• Inf levofloxacin 1x750 mg (iv)
• Drip amidaron 300mg (iv)
• Inj heparin 2 x 5000 unit (sc)
• Parasetamol 3 x 500mg (po)
• Asetil sistein 3 x 200mg (po)

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