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 Educational administration is the process of providing

instructional leadership, management of the day to day activitie,

setting educational standards and goals, establishing policies and
procedures required to achieve them in schools, preschools, day
care centres, colleges and universities.
 It is the administration and management of institutions designed
to Foster teaching and learning.These institutions include public
and private schools, technical education colleges, special
education institutions, public and private universities.
 Definition:"All those techniques and procedures employed in
operating the educational organization in accordance with
established policies is defined as administration." -Good
 To Gulick and Urwick “ administration is a process of getting things
done through the effort of others in goal achievements.”
 “School administration is the hub of the educational process.All
the plans, policies and practices are bound to fail unless and until
there is a sound administration in school.” - Dr. Jaswant Singh

 Aims:
 1) organizing the school for democratic living
 2) All round development of students
 3) The study of students
 4)To follow definite procedure
 5)intented engagement opportunities
 6) Curriculum change
 7) To develop a permissive atmosphere
 8)To develop among the students a sense of belonging
 9)Help with personal problems.

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