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to Workshops on
Basic Basic Telephone Skills
Basic Basic Telephone Skills

Tip # 1
Be Prepared
* Have a pen and paper handy at the phone.
* Use big Sheets of paper , so messages won’t get lost
* Prepare yourself mentally to answer the phone
Basic Basic Telephone Skills

Tip # 2
Answer Professionally
* Use the three part greeting when answering a business call
* The three part greeting should apply to all internal calls.
Basic Basic Telephone Skills

Tip # 3
Know How to Put Someone On Hold
* Ask the caller if he or She is “able” to hold..
* Give people a choice of whether ready or not to hold.
* Some people will not be able to hold ,so handle their
needs immediately
Basic Basic Telephone Skills

Tip # 4
Control the conversation
* Take control of the conversation when a caller starts
to ramble.
* Use the “back on Track” technique.
* Use more a direct approach when “Back on Track “
does not work.
Basic Basic Telephone Skills

Tip # 5
Take Accurate Messages
* Take telephone messages word for word
* When Time permits offer to read the messages back
to the caller
* Write date and time on every message/request
Basic Basic Telephone Skills

Tip # 6
Avoid Mouth Noises
* Noises over the phone are offensive to the caller.
* The mouthpiece of the phone amplifies noises
* Avoid eating , drinking etc. when on the phone
Basic Basic Telephone Skills

Tip # 7
Give the caller your Undivided Attention
* Don’t do other things while on the phone unless it
pertains to the call.
* Don’t ignore the caller
* Always give the caller your undivided attention
Basic Basic Telephone Skills

Tip # 8
Be Sincere
* When you say something mean it.
* Answer calls as if your job depends on it, it usually does.
* When you answer the phone ,you have an obligation to
make a good impression for the company.
* Be sincere and show conviction.
Basic Basic Telephone Skills

Tip # 9
Give Spoken Feedback
* You need to show the caller you are paying attention by
using spoken feedback signals.
* Some good spoken feedback phrases are :Okay , Yes,
I understand , Fine and we will do that
Basic Basic Telephone Skills

Tip # 10
Leave a good last Impression
* Remember the last impression is just as important as
the first impression.
* Use positive phrases in closing a conversation such as
“ Thanks for calling “,have a nice evening “etc.
Basic Basic Telephone Skills

Its Fun to be Good !

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