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What are the 4
Let’s business analysis
have a tools we discussed
recap last week?
• Read and Reflect
Pedro is aspiring to become a business entrepreneur.
He recently graduated in senior highschool and he has
the knowledge of the different principles, tools, and
techniques for business which has become one of his
good qualities which can make him a good leader and a
good entrepreneur. But for him to become a successful
entrepreneur he has to think of an idea for a business
that can make him profitable.
Follow-up question
1. What do you think is
his best next step?
2. What do you think he
should do now?
•In this lesson, we will identify the types of
industries in the Philippines in which we are
going to choose from which type of business
are we going to open for us to evaluate and
assess the strategies, techniques and tools
that we will have to use to study the current
market situation which is important to ensure
•It is a group of productive enterprises or
organizations that produce or supply
goods, services, or sources of income.
•In economics, industries are generally
classified into different categories/levels
as primary, secondary, and tertiary.
• Primary Industries
• Secondary Industries
• Tertiary Industries
• Quaternary Industries
• Quinary Industries
• This is considered as the first category
or level.
• Primary industries are those that
extract or produce raw materials from
which useful items can be made.
• Extraction of raw materials includes
agriculture such as mining activities,
forestry, and fishing.
• The second category or level.
• Secondary industries are those that
change raw materials into usable
products through processing and
• Bakeries that make flour into bread
and factories that change metals
and plastics into vehicles are
examples of secondary industries.
• The third category or level.
• Tertiary industries are those that provide
essential services and support to allow
other levels of industry to function.
• Often simply called service industries,
this level includes transportation, finance,
utilities, education, retail, housing,
medical, and other services
• The fourth category or level.
• Quaternary industries are those for the
creation and transfer of information,
including research and training.
• Often called information industries, this
level has seen dramatic growth as a result of
advancements in technology and electronic
display and transmission of information.
• The fifth category or level.
• Quinary industries are those that
control the industrial and government
decision-making processes.
• This level includes industry executives
and management and bureaucrats and
elected officials in government.
Let’s have a recap
What are the classification of
business industries?
Different Manufacturing
types of Retail or Merchandising
industries in Tourism
the International Trade
Philippines Banking or Financial Institutions
• The Philippines has predominantly
always been an agrarian economy.
Being a tropical country, the
Philippines holds a massive
agrarian land mass, extending to
9.7 million hectares of fertile soil
suitable for crops like rice, coconut,
pineapple, mango, paddy, sugarcane,
corn, maize, cassava, coffee, tea,
bamboo, banana, and cacao.
Moreover, the country also produces
healthy poultry and livestock.
• This refers to the processing of
raw materials (ex. Ore, wood, and
foodstuff) into finished products
and into something more useful
through the use of tools and
process that allows individuals
and business to add value to the
products, selling them at a higher
price in the market thus,
marketing manufacturing a
profitable endeavor
Retail and Merchandising
• These consist of establishments
that purchase products from other
businesses or manufacturers and
sell them to customers.
Merchandising companies usually
have merchandising inventories in
their current assets account. They
usually generate profit by providing
markup prices on their goods
available for sale (Abrugar, 2011).
• Tourism industry in the Philippines is very
well known since our country has a very
rich biodiversity of tourist attraction.
From beaches, heritage towns,
monuments, mountains, resorts,
rainforest, island and diving spots. Since
our country is endowed with rich natural
resources, the Philippines can promote
more nature-based tourism. Tourism
provides significant economic benefits,
particularly for small islands and
provinces. Being an archipelago, the
Philippines relies heavily on tourism for its
International Trade (Import and
• The exchange of products and services between
countries is referred to as international trade. It refers
to the export and import of commodities and services in
basic terms. Products and services are sold out of the
country, while goods and services are imported into the
country. Since the Philippines is very rich in natural
resources the country exports more products, which
also means more production, jobs and revenue are
generated for the country
Banking / Financial
• A financial institution (FI) is a company
engaged in the business of dealing
with financial and monetary
transactions such as deposits, loans,
investments, and currency exchange.
Financial institutions encompass a
broad range of business operations
within the financial services sector
including banks, trust companies,
insurance companies, brokerage firms,
and investment dealers (Hayes, 2021)
• The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) has recently stated
that the Filipino Government is opening up the construction
industry to foreign investors with the idea that these investors
can potentially become local contractors by providing them
construction permits. Thus, this is an ideal time for foreign direct
investors to invest in the construction sector. The PSA has
reported a growth of 16.1% towards the end of 2018. Taking part
in the infrastructural development of the country will ensure its
rise into becoming an infrastructure hotspot for Filipino engineers
as well as foreign investors (Business Set up, n.d.).
• Each group bring the following:
• Manila Paper
• Marker/s
• Colored papers
• There will be a draw lot to know which group will be
assigned on each business industry.
• Then they will identify example business on their
assigned business industry (Pampanga)
• Write at least 5 businesses, then the group will explain
• Present it next meeting.
• The group will be graded based on the rubrics.
10 8 6 4
All group members All group members Some group members Only 1 or 2 group
participate equally participate participate members participate

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