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Essentials of
Academic Writing
Training Course for Newcomers
Lesson Plan
1. What is academic writing?
2. Characteristics of the academic writing process
3. Formal writing style
4. Structure of an academic paper
5. What is a thesis statement?
6. Types of academic papers
7. Types of essays
8. Practical exercise
1.What is academic writing?

Academic writing is the process of breaking down

ideas and using deductive reasoning, formal voice,
and the third-person point of view.

It is about what you think and what evidence has

contributed to that thinking.

1.What is academic writing?
In contrast to personal writing contexts, academic writing
deals with the underlying theories and causes governing
processes and practices in everyday life, as well as
exploring alternative explanations for these events.

Academic writing follows a particular ‘tone’ and adheres to

traditional conventions of punctuation, grammar, and

2. Characteristics of the academic writing
Outline process
A proper outline is a must for academic writing. An outline will not
only help you formulate your thoughts but also make you aware of a
certain connection between topics. It will also help you determine the
pertinent information to be included in your paper.

There is a certain amount of planning before you start writing the
paper. As a result, your work will be analytical and organized.

2. Characteristics of the academic writing
Tone process
A formal tone should be used. You do not use slang words, jargon, abbreviations, or many clichés.

The language in your paper needs to be clear, and words need to be chosen for their precision. A
thesaurus is a good tool to help you pick just the right words to explain the issues.

Point of View
The point of view is the third-person one, as the focus of academic writing is to educate on the facts,
not support an opinion.

2. Characteristics of the academic writing
Deductive reasoning and an analytical approach are important in academic writing. Much
planning and forethought are needed to have a well-organized paper.

Deductive reasoning is a big part of academic writing as your readers have to follow the path
that brought you to your conclusion.


3. Formal writing style
● An academic essay should be clear, combining formal and
informal elements, impersonal and objective. Sometimes, when
appropriate, personal pronouns might be used in the essay.
● The general presentation of the ideas should be precise and
● It is not advisable to use idioms and colloquial expressions.
● It is important to use vocabulary accurately and make sure that
every word is in the appropriate context.
● It is also crucial to be as precise as possible when mentioning any
facts or figures.

3. Formal writing style
● Avoid adjectives and adverbs that reflect a personal opinion
when it is not necessary.
● Use the full form of the verbs.
● Do not use the passive voice excessively.
● Avoid overly simplistic language.
● When including lists, refrain from using etc, or, and so on.
● Avoid phrasal verbs; always find an appropriate substitute.

4. Structure of an academic paper

In the introduction, you must grab the reader’s attention and

identify the thesis of the paper. You can do this by starting with:
● Several questions (but not direct ones)
● A quote from a famous work or person
● Some interesting facts or information
● A definition of an important term related to the work

4. Structure of an academic paper
● This is the main part of the work.
● The paragraphs must be clearly written and be arranged in a logical order, like
chronologically or in the order of importance.
● Each initial sentence links the preceding paragraph with the following one, and the whole
section flows smoothly.
● Within each paragraph, the sentences need to flow and refer back to the topic.
● Cohesion is achieved by repeating important words, using synonyms for the main subject,
as well as linking paragraphs and sentences with transitional words, like however, therefore,
for example, etc.
4. Structure of an academic paper

Here you re-emphasize the thesis and

summarize all the main points. The
conclusion consists of one paragraph that
shows the final inference to the reader.

5. What is a thesis statement
A thesis statement states the main idea that will be developed further in
Since a thesis the essay.
statement is a part
of a paper that causes A thesis statement states the subject and the purpose of the essay.

many difficulties,
here are some useful A thesis statement conveys the writer's point of view of the subject.
tips for writing a
A thesis statement should include specific language. It also should
strong thesis:
indicate the major subdivisions of the topic. It is always a clear and
concise sentence.

5. What is a thesis statement
1. A thesis statement is usually the last sentence in the introductory
2. A thesis statement is not a fragment. It must be a proper sentence that
states the author’s opinion or presents the ideas that will be
introduced/discussed in the essay.
3. A thesis statement cannot be a question, and it cannot present two
sides of an argument simultaneously.
4. A thesis statement should be specific, but not too narrow. It should not
be just a single fact about the topic.
5. A thesis should not be an indistinct and fuzzy statement.

6. Types of academic papers
is a short literary composition on a particular theme or subject,
usually in prose and generally analytic, speculative, or interpretative.

Creative writing
expresses ideas and thoughts in an imaginative way. The writer gets
to express feelings and emotions instead of just presenting the facts.

6. Types of academic papers
Research paper
is a substantial piece of academic writing, usually done as a requirement for a class, in which the
author conducts an independent research into a topic and writes a description of the findings of that

Case study
is a study of an individual unit, as a person, family, or social group, usually emphasizing
developmental issues and relationships with the environment, especially in order to compare a
larger group to the individual unit.
(Read more

6. Types of academic papers
Annotated bibliography
is a list of sources (usually articles and books) on a selected topic accompanied by a brief
summary and evaluation of each source.
(Find more info here

Term paper
is a long essay, report, or the like, written by a student as an assignment over the course of a term
or semester.

7. Types of essays
Descriptive essay
is a genre of essay that asks the student to describe an
object, person, place, experience, emotion, situation, etc.
This genre encourages the student’s ability to create a
written account of a particular experience.

It is often used in literature courses, but could also be used

in natural sciences, when students are required to describe
an experiment or lab assignment. Descriptive essays can
become a part of a bigger research project in social sciences
as well. 19
7. Types of essays
Expository essay
is a genre of essay that requires the student to investigate an
idea, evaluate evidence, expound on the idea, and set forth an
argument concerning that idea in a clear and concise manner.

This can be accomplished through comparison and contrast,

definition, example, the analysis of cause and effect, etc. These
are often the “classic” 5-paragraph-structured essays and are
used for written in-class exams and take- home exams.

7. Types of essays
Argumentative essay
is a genre of writing that requires the student to investigate a topic, collect, generate, and evaluate
evidence, and establish a position on the topic in a concise manner. Argumentative essay assignments
generally call for extensive research of literature or previously published material. They also require
empirical research where the student collects data through interviews, surveys, observations, or

It has to involve thorough search and evaluation of sources, critically assessing the literature and
organizing it into logical arguments, conducting own research (data- or literature-based) and presenting it
in a convincing and structured way.

1) Academic writing is a form of expository and argumentative prose used by university students and
researchers to convey a body of information about a particular subject.
2) Characteristics of academic writing are as follows:
formal tone
point of view
3) Each and every essay is written according to a basic structure that does not change: an introduction,
body, and conclusion.
4) A strong thesis statement defines and states the point the author is making in the essay; it is the main
argument of the paper.
5) There are many different types of academic papers (for instance: essay, creative writing, research paper,
term paper, case study, annotated bibliography, etc.).
6) The most common types of essays are the following: descriptive, expository, and argumentative.

Thesis Statement Exercise
1. What is wrong with the following thesis 2. Revise these thesis statements to make the
statements? What revisions should be made to language more precise.
make them more effective?
a) “In this essay I will try to prove that drugs such as a) “The two films are different. One focuses on two
Prozac and Paxil are unnecessary and probably women who are close friends, and the other focuses
dangerous.” on two male friends who are really just buddies.”
b) “In his novel The Long Walk, it seems as if
Stephen King is attempting to make a statement
about the evils of laissez-faire capitalism, and in my b) “In The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,
opinion the characters and settings reflected this Robert Louis Stevenson symbolizes English upper
well.” and lower-class society.”
c) “The Great Gatsby is inarguably the best-written
novel of the last 100 years, leaving millions of
readers with either a renewed or disenchanted view
of the “American Dream.”
d) “The cost of a college education is rising sharply.”

Thank you for your attention!


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