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Documents on the record because they use

contract law
•Also remind her that I have several follower watching their illegal retaliation see:

•See: THEY HAVE RIGHTS TOO. I am getting tired of these NAZIS/Foreign corporations violating our rights and acting like they are the SALT OF
THE EARTH. They should have been in GITMO with Judge Amy B. Jackson. They dont get to kill my cousin and hurt her mother anymore.
•NOTE: They violated 18 USC 245 yesterday WILLFULLY which is a crime. Please note that it is $75,000 for the first ADA offense and &155,000 thereafter as it pertains to ADA violations and they
WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE 3 times (fraudulent inducement) because they have no fear of violating rights and lying. Who the hell do they think they are?: See:

w that THE JUDGES and PROSECUTORS are corrupt as hell as they ignore the rule of law and NOT establish Subject Matter Jurisdiction. THAT's their game. So, tell Jessica, I dont appreciate her
and the DEPT OF CORRECTION HQ gaslighting my clients.  see power point ref: patterns. :

•31 Dec 2022 Declaration

•The Declaration supports the updated QUO WARRANTO

•30 Dec 2022 Updated QUO WARRANTO see:

•Updated memo dated 30 Dec 2022 see:

• V/R
Department of Correction inmate
Claire Wilson, Chair Senate Human Services, Reentry & Rehabilitation

OLYMPIA – Sen. Claire Wilson (D-Auburn) has been chosen to chair

the Senate Human Services, Reentry & Rehabilitation Committee
in the 2022 legislative session.
“I’m honored to assume this new position,” said Wilson. “I will
draw on my long experience as an educator to continue to address
the root causes of the challenges facing our communities,
including ensuring that the needs of our youth are met.”
Wilson has served on the Senate Human Services, Reentry &
Rehabilitation Committee since 2018. The chair position became
open earlier this fall when then-Sen. Jeannie Darneille retired from
the Senate.
“I look forward to continuing Sen. Darneille’s fight for the rights of
those who are most marginalized in our communities,” Wilson
The Senate is scheduled to vote to confirm all committee positions
on the first day of the 2022 legislative session on Jan. 10.
Members of the public interested in participating in legislative
hearings should check for the latest information.
Legislative hearings are streamed live on and are
also recorded and available to view in TVW’s archive.
Tomas P
Fithian and
Charissa •Executive Secretary -
Charissa Reno (
Anita Salario
United States Inc is a foreign
corporation. Everyone else is the

United States Inc Top Judge

Bill Clinton
Attorney General
Barr and Bush
ref: Prisons
Follow how everything evil
connects especially our
courts, jails, prisons and
attorney in building 810.
United States Inc is a foreign
corporation. Everyone else is the

United States Inc Top Judge

Attorney General
Bill Clinton
Barr and Bush
ref: Prisons
Form 95 when you sue the United States Inc, you must sue the prime
United State Inc’s
Attorneys in building
810 gives us the right to
sue the United States Inc
Right to sue letter
from United States
Inc’s attorneys –
must have prime
contracts on the
face of you claim
as they use
contract law
The Prime Contractors of the United States Inc Foreign Corporation
When you think of the United
States Inc Foreign
Corporation, think of the
London Company, INC
Justice Anna affidavit ref: corrupt Justice System. Note: the
DOJ, Attorney Generals, judges, attorney work for the bar.
The DOJ and Judges are connected with Epstein a camera,
and child sex trafficking. The Department of Corrections
(PRISONS) are connected with the courts and corrupt
attorneys. The Prisons are connected with fraud, waste and
abuse and illegal experiments and free labor.
Our actual
Right to sue the main contract must
contracts are with be on the face of the claim. If you
the Principals want to sue the individual you must
sue them in them in their individual
capacity for TREASON
Proof the United States is a foreign corporation
The (agencies) play administrative trickery
We’re an empire now, and when we
act, we create our own reality. And
while you’re studying that reality…
judiciously, as you will …we’ll act
again, creating other new realities,
which you can study too, and that’s
how things will sort out. We’re
history’s actors…and you, all of you,
will be left to just study what we do –
Bush Administration
They all work together to put the innocent Americans in
their jail as they cover up their crimes (e.g. child sex
trafficking, drugs and etc). Their game is (1) not
establishing Subject Matter Jurisdiction and (2) giving
you their free attorneys/prosecutors (the attorneys work
for the BAR)
All courts are privately
owned – KKK Kangaroo
Justice Anna’s
affidavit reference
Jefferson, Washington
and Adams
The Charter
of the Forest
They Control by
illusion of choice
Judge who violated the ADA Act Bradley Hillsborough Clerk
and Bradley o nitore
d ress/M
ADA Tampa Chief of Staff ADA E mail a ct
r A
int Chai Federal
Jo r the r
n d e Unde
u oni tored
at D OD/M
ys t
o p Attorne ecords Ac :
T R r ref
deral e
the Fe lebl ow
o u rnalis
al J
un c tion job
m ultif n inside
To p a
1 b eing
Aunty Eileen
M Pro cess to
r case from EE
s/Ref: Ou
c er / Witnes r
Intel Offi
l court / P ro s
crimina u rt
Cr i m inal Co S tate SGT
a l n
atio n
ngto aveling
W ashi Tr
o men’s
Relief based on the ADA
We are a protected Group

We don’t consent

Under the ADA Act we request ADA

Reasonable Accommodation from the
Justice Anna ref: Justice is based
on the truth and nothing but the
An unrebutted
stands as truth in
commerce/contract law.
19 CJS Corporation & 844 the United States
19 CJS Corporation & 844 the United States is a FOREIGN
Due Process of the
law is indispensable
Our documents
are on the record
as per contract
They don’t follow
their rules
WA State and Securus deny Aunty Eileen
video conference with Shaunel
Deep Staters
United States Inc –
DOJ, corporation is
Proof we paid
for justice

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