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Darrell K.

Rigby, Jeff Sutherland & Hirotaka Takeuchi

Embracing Agile
Hello & welcome
to presentation


Abdul Wasay Khan

Aisha Saleem
Laraib Masood Chaudhry
Abdul Mohid Bin Faisal


• Agile innovation

• Revolutionized the IT sector

• Agile approaches being used across

a wide range of sectors

• Importance of Innovation

• Six important approaches to

capitalize on agile’s potential
Learn How Agile Really Works
• Agility is all about innovation
• It has several varieties -
1. Scrum - emphasizes creative & adaptive teamwork
2. Lean - development, focuses on elimination of waste
3. Kanban - concentrates on reducing lead times & amount of work in
• Increases team productivity & employee satisfaction
• Minimizes the waste, streamlines process and provides more efficiency
• Improves customer engagement and satisfaction
• Broadens organizational experience and builds mutual trust
Example of Scrum
• Organization forms a team of three to nine people.
• The team is cross-functional and includes all the skills necessary to complete
its tasks.
• The team’s “initiative owner” is ultimately responsible for delivering value to
customers and to the business.
• The team creates a simple road map.
• Its members break the highest-ranked tasks into small modules, then start
building working versions of the product in short cycles known as sprints
Understand Where
Agile Does or Does
Not Work

• Complex problems and

unknown solutions
• Constant training
• Product innovation
• Responsiveness to changes in
consumer preferences
• Cadre of eager participants
Understand Where Agile Does or Does Not Work


Consumer preferences
Market Environment Stable and predictable
change frequently

Customers are available Customer preferences are

Customer Involvement for private collaboration, known and mostly likely to
feedback is possible remain unchanged

Impact of Interim May lead to catastrophic

Provide a valuable lesson
Mistakes situations
Understand Where Agile Does or Does Not Work


Complex problems
Research is available
Innovation Type Unknown solutions
Problems can be forecasted
Goal undefined

Customers can use the Customers cannot use the

product’s parts. product until complete.
Modularity of Work
Late changes are Late changes can be
manageable. expensive.
Start Small and Let the
Word Spread

• Start agile in one function and allow

it to spread

• George Tome, project manager in

software development unit at John
Deere in 2002
- Introduced agile practices
Allow “Master” Teams to Customize Their Practices

• Before customizing agile, practice the widely used

• Teams with rotating membership
• Permit experienced practitioners to
• customize agile practices
• Keeping progress and impediments constantly visible
• Spotify – agile practices vary between 70 squads
Practice Agile at the Top

2. Aligning
Spreading a Departments
Catching up
Corporate and Functions
with the Troops
Transition on a Common

Some C-suite activities are not suited to agile methodologies. But

many, and arguably the most important, are. They include strategy
development and resource allocation, cultivating breakthrough
innovations, and improving organizational collaboration.
Practice Agile at the Top (Contd.)
Catching up with the troops
– 525-employee software company
– Reprioritized management activities
– Sales proposals and customer satisfaction
Speeding a corporate transition
– General Electric rebranded itself as a “digital industrial company”
– Two-week sprints and conduct stand-up meetings three times a week
– Chart their progress in an open conference
Aligning departments and functions on a common vision
– Mission Bell Winery
– Responsible for building and continually refining the backlog of enterprise priorities
– Protect the organization from pet projects
Destroy the Barriers to
Agile Behaviors
Research by Scrum Alliance has
found that more than 70% of agile
practitioners report tension between their
teams and the rest of the organization.

Get Everyone Don’t Change Name Only Focus On Lead with

On the Same Structures One Boss for Teams, Not Questions, Not
Page Right Away Each Decision Individuals Orders
Case Study: Pakistan
• Pakistan’s fastest growing flexible workspace
• Aim to inspire collaboration, productivity and innovation
• Future focused & determined to constantly innovate, create new work experiences and
redefine the concept of work-life balance.
• “We love what we do and are not afraid to take risks on our way to becoming the leaders of
change in the innovative workspace ecosystem in Pakistan.”
2. DPL
• One of the leading software developments and IT companies around the world.
• DPL is the pioneer in agile practices and innovation culture in Pakistan.
• Recognized globally in various magazines and rankings for its unparalleled workplace
• Encourages employees to work devotedly and stimulate innovations in the process
• Hosts annual Agile Conference and serves to disseminate the knowledge and best practices
in agile transformation.  
Case Study: International
1. Barclays Bank
• Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD)
• Redesigning many workspaces to be less individualistic and more collaborative
• 300% increase in throughput, 50% reduction in code complexity on 80 apps, test
code coverage up 50%.
• 800 of Barclays teams have successfully evolved to an Agile approach
• Greater levels of happiness, more speed when launching new products, and greater
adaptability than before
2. Amazon
• CEO Jeff Bezos’ obsession with customer loyalty, efficiency, and adaptation.
• Pushed his team to find new ways to use technology to improve delivery times.
• invested heavily in its own fleet of drones
• Amazon has focused on creating cross functional teams
In Conclusion
Embracing Agile in a Nutshell


How it Works Where it is Start Small Master Agile When at the Eliminating
Applicable Innovation Top Barriers
All Questions are Welcomed.

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