Mapeh 10 P.E Lesson 1

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▪ Add your first bullet point here
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• Identify strength and weaknesses for
development and improvement;
• Motivate in selecting sports for recreation,
competition and lifetime participation.
• Provide baseline data for selection of one’s
physical activities for enhancement of health
and skill performance;
Lifestyle - is the way of living that includes
your possessions, attitude, and mainly your
standard of living. A way of life for living is
basically considered a lifestyle. There are many
different types of lifestyle which are followed by LIFESTYLE
many people. Lifestyle factors include your diet,
health, and many other things. Research
conducted by some researchers reveals the fact
that a good lifestyle has some choices like; AND
•Hydrated body.
•Nutrition. WEIGHT
•Stop alcohol and smoking.
•Sleep and rest.
•Doing workouts.
Weight Management – is defined
as the “Long-term approach to a
healthy lifestyle.” it involves
combining components of smart LIFESTYLE
eating exercise and other measures
that work in harmony for sustained
healthy weight. AND
In defining just what a healthy
weight is, we look at the Body Mass
Index (BMI), which defines the range MANAGEMENT
of 18.5 to 24.9 as normal and
What Are Healthy Habits?
• ​A healthy habit is any activity or behavior that can benefit your physical, mental,
or emotional well-being. ​At first, these small changes might not seem that
effective.  But when put together dozens of these tiny habits you can create a
framework for a healthy life.
• It is important to remember that healthy habits can be created in stages. What
might be an unhealthy habit for one person today may be a healthy habit for
someone else.
• For example, pretend you have an unhealthy habit of eating two bowls of ice
cream every night. Cutting this down to one bowl or even just half a bowl is
making progress towards the healthy habit of cutting down on unhealthy food.
However, for someone who doesn't eat these foods to begin with, eating a bowl
of ice cream a night would not be considered a healthy habit.
Physical Activity (Fitness) 
• Getting physical activity benefits both your body and your mind. It helps
keep your weight in control, fights off chronic diseases, reduces stress,
improves your mood, and gives you a sense of accomplishment.
• Getting physical activity does not have to involve hours at the gym.
Instead, there are many ways that you can make small changes throughout
the day to make your life less sedentary and get your body moving.
• You can even involve your friends or family in your physical activity so
you can have some time to interact with the people you love while also
benefiting your body. There are so many types of physical activities that
you could add to your day, it is just important to find one that you enjoy
and stick with it.

1. Do housework. 19
2. Take 30-minute early morning walks.
3. Implement the two-minute walking habit for every hour that you sit.
4. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
5. Walk whenever you can.
6. Use a treadmill desk.
7. Use a height-adjustable desk.
8. Aim for 10,000 steps a day. Wear a step-tracking device.
9. Take a dance break. 20
10. Go hiking more often.
11. Do yoga.
12. Go rock climbing.
13. Go geocaching.
14. Workout during TV commercials.
15. Do some deskercise.
Forgiveness (Healthy Lifestyle)
• While forgiveness may seem like an antiquated notion of our rushed and
quick-to-react society, there are many health benefits to it, even today.
• When you are consciously able to let something go, even without an
apology, it reduces your anger, stress, and tension.
• The physical burden of feeling hurt takes a toll on the body, so being able
to release those negative feelings and replace them with positivity is a
healthy habit.
• Choosing to not forgive someone increases your anger and contributes to a
feeling of loss of control. Holding onto a grudge can increase muscle
tension, heart rate, and blood pressure, which are all harmful to your health.
16. Don't go to sleep angry. 30
17. Focus on understanding yourself instead of blaming others.
18. Live in the present instead of being stuck in the past.
19. Do it for yourself and your own peace of mind.
20. Remember the times when you were forgiven.
21. Remember people when they were children.
22. Remember why you love people.
23. Remember that it's better to be kind instead of right.
24. Observe, don't judge. 18
25. Take responsibility for your own shortcomings.
26. Acknowledge your growth from the experience.
Portion Size Control (Healthy Eating)
• Sometimes, it isn't what you eat, but how much of it you are eating.
• For example, avocados are extremely healthy and have a lot to offer in
terms of nutrients and healthy fats. However, they are very dense in
calories, so eating three avocados per day would not be a healthy habit.
• Eat until you are physically satisfied, and then stop. If you think you may
still be hungry, wait 20 minutes, drink a glass of water, and reconsider if
you really need another helping.
• Also, start eating on smaller plates so you feel as if your plate is full before
you sit down to a meal. You will probably be surprised at the amount of
food that actually accounts for a serving size.
27. Avoid eating when feeling stressed. 29
28. Use portion-control containers to store your meals.
29. Use portion-control plates when eating at home.
30. Listen to your hunger cues.
31. Drink plenty of water and healthy fluids.
32. Keep a food diary or journal.
33. Make and drink healthy smoothies.
34. Learn how to read nutrition labels. 28
35. Stay away from fun-size candy bars and other treats.
36. Plan your meals every week.

37. Make your own single-serving snack packs.

38. Limit distractions during meal times.
39. Take probiotics daily16
40. Stick to your grocery list.
41. Try turmeric supplements
42. Take smaller bites and eat slowly.
43. Chew your food at least five times before
swallowing. 17
44. Drink before you get thirsty.
Adequate Sleep (Healthy Living)
• Sleep plays a very important role in maintaining general well-
being and a healthy lifestyle. Getting enough deep sleep at night
 can help protect your mental and physical health, your overall
quality of life, and your safety.
• How you feel while you're awake is greatly dependent on the
quality of sleep you are getting at night. While you are sleeping,
your body is replenishing itself to support healthy brain function
and optimize your physical health. Sleep also plays a large role in
the growth and development of children.

73. Avoid caffeine in the afternoon. 26

74. Avoid heavy meals close to bedtime. 27
75. Keep your pets out of the bed.
76. Be consistent in your sleep schedule.
77. Don’t drink too many fluids before bed.
78. Quit smoking.
79. Set your room temperature between 60-67 degrees F.
80. Shut off electronics at least an hour before bed.
81. Wear socks.
82. Get spiritual.
83. Visualize. Think happy thoughts.
84. Keep a sleep log.
85. Have a wind-down sleep routine.
86. Learn how to get back to sleep.
87. Make sure that the room is dark and quiet.
88. Use an essential oil diffuser with the right essential oil for sleep.
Try Something New (Healthy Lifestyle)
Everyone gets into a typical routine where they do the same thing pretty
much every day. However, there are many ways to mix up your schedule
a bit so you can try new things. Changing your routine will help you 
challenge yourself and learn new things.
If you are hesitant at first, you may end up surprised at how much you
enjoy your new activity or the new people you meet. Trying new things
will lead to increased confidence and a higher level of self-esteem, while
also reducing boredom and loneliness. This will help drive your personal
growth, improve your health, and increase longevity.
89. Learn a new language. 15
90. Watch a foreign language film (with subtitles, of course).
91. Try eating at a new restaurant. Let the waiter pick out your meal.
92. Travel to somewhere you've never been before.
93. Sign up and attend a class related to your work.
94. Try a new sport.
95. Cook a easy meal you've never tried before.
96. Take a different route to work, or get there in a new way.
97. Take a road trip by yourself or with your partner. (
Here are some road trip questions for couples.)
98. Try a new look.
99. Listen to a new (to you) genre of music.
100. Read a book from an author you've never heard of.
101. Try a new form of exercise.
102. Watch a new play or musical.
103. Watch a drag show.
Strength and Flexibility (Fitness)
Your muscles naturally lose strength and
decrease in size with age. They will likely
also become less supple and stiffer. These
changes can affect your range of movement
in your joints and cause you to lose tissue
elasticity, which will lead to tight muscles.
106. Pushups. 25
107. Crunches.
108. Curl to press.
109. Fly to tris.
110. Lying march.
111. Ball squat.
112. Dips.
113. Tripod row.
114. Shoulder and chest.
115. Arm across chest.
116. Triceps stretch.
117. Glute stretch.
118. Adductor stretch.
119. Single leg hamstring.
120. Standing quadriceps.
Laugh (Healthy Living) 
Some researchers believe that laughter really might be the best medicine,
because it can help you feel better and reduce stress. Having a positive
attitude, being open to letting loose, and having a good sense of humor
will also help you to develop relationships with other people and form
strong bonds.
Studies have actually found that when people laugh, their brains go
through the same changes that they do when people are mindfully
meditating. This makes people feel refreshed and ready to conquer
problems that they run into throughout the day. The therapeutic value of
laughter is still being studied, but so far, it has only shown positive
121. Learn the therapeutic benefits of laughter.
122. Commit to laughing more.
123. Watch silly TV shows and movies.
124. Consider checking out a laughter yoga club.
125. Join a laughter-based exercise program.
126. Engage in voluntary, self-initiated laughter.
127. Schedule time to watch funny videos on YouTube.
128. Spend more time with your pets.
129. Read funny books or newspaper comics. 13
130. Have a favorite comedian.14
131. Watch a stand-up comedy show live or on YouTube.
132. Listen to funny podcasts.
133. Meet up with old friends and reminisce.
134. Visit an amusement park.
135. Look at your old pictures.
Family and Friends (Healthy Lifestyle)
We are not created to live alone. We are born with our mothers, and quite possibly
other surrounding family members. Throughout various stages of life, we depend on
other people to help us accomplish things along the way.
In order to do most anything, you have to have some sort of cooperation of other
people. Humans have evolved to cooperate in order to survive. Having both family
and friends that you can rely on, turn to, and socialize with will give you a sense of
belonging and allow you to relate to people who share your values and beliefs.
A very important part of self-care is to make it a priority to develop and maintain
human relationships. Sometimes it takes effort during our busy lives to keep in touch
with all of our loved ones, but it is a very healthy habit to do so.
136. Make it a point to eat dinner together as a family.
137. Schedule a weekly family night. (This can be one of 
several house rules you can set for your kids so they grow into well-rounded adults.)
138. Schedule yearly family vacations. 23
139. Exercise, do chores, and play together.
140. Read bedtime stories to young kids, and share books with older ones.
141. Keep and continue to grow your family photo albums.
142. Get to know your children's friends.
143. Help your kids with homework.
144. Go camping together. 24
145. Bring your kids to school.
146. Leave love or encouraging notes.
147. Work on common goals with (a) friend(s). Be each other's accountability partner.
148. Host a sleepover.
149. Plan a reading date with your friend(s).
150. Help your friends with chores.
151. Meet up with friends for lunch at least once a month.
Address Addictive Behaviors
When you think about the word “addiction,” you may only think of alcohol, tobacco, and drug

However, there are other behaviors that may be healthy in moderation, but that can end up
becoming addictions. Things like food, caffeine, Internet usage, and gambling can all become
addictive for some people.

There are safe levels for these types of behaviors, and we need to recognize and address our
habits in order to know when they are in excess. 
It is important to consider your personality when doing this. Studies have shown that there are
connections between impulsiveness, compulsiveness, and addiction.
You have to be able to self-reflect to see if you have any repetitive behaviors that you do
without a rational motivation.​

A full-blown addiction occurs when you have an inability to stop a harmful behavior even
though it has negative consequences. If you see a problem, it is important to act to address the
152. Start by admitting that you have a problem. 11
153. Understand the consequences of your addictive behavior.
154. Assess how bad your addictive behavior is.
155. Know and consider your personality. 12
156. Discover what's driving the behavior.
157. Understand your habit loop. Identify your triggers. Learn 
how to break bad habits.
158. Engage in a new, different routine that disrupts your addictive
159. Keep an accountability journal. (like the Freedom Journal)
160. Reward yourself.
161. If you feel you need professional help, consider seeing a therapist.
Quiet Your Mind (Healthy Living)
Taking some time out of the day to quiet your mind and meditate
 is a great way to reduce stress. It can help you connect your
body with your mind and release any built-up tension from
things that are happening in your personal or professional life.
This will also give you a chance to reflect on anything going on
in your life, and accept or deal with problems that have been
keeping you from being successful or achieving your goals. Your
mind needs rest throughout the day so it can be ready to take on
the next task that comes your way.
162. Practice a morning breathing exercise.
163. Create an “if-then” plan for times when monkey mind starts to get the better of
164. Practice morning meditation.
165. Practice shower meditation.
166. Be an observer of your own thoughts.
169. Start a journal or write your “morning pages.”
170. Create a tea or coffee ritual.
171. Practice yoga.
172. Recite mantras or positive affirmations.
173. Build focus.
174. Practice mindful eating.
175. Take a digital break regularly.
176. Take a music break.
177. Decrease distractions.
Gratitude (Healthy Living)
Reminding yourself what you are grateful for each day will help
keep your spirits up and fend off any lingering depression. Focus
on the positives in your life rather than the negatives, and keep
your strengths in mind as you start each day.
Making this deliberate point of being thankful for everything
you have in your life is beneficial for your happiness and overall
well-being. Sometimes we forget the small things that we take
for granted every day that we actually wouldn't know what to do
178. Keep a gratitude journal.
179. Give at least one compliment every day.
180. Say thank you 21
181. Say grace before meals.
182. Each morning, think of at least three things you are grateful for. 22
183. Smile more often.
184. Volunteer for organizations or causes you believe in.
185. Write a friend, relative or new acquaintance a thank you note for being part of your
186. Make a gratitude collage.
187. Appreciate nature.
188. Listen actively when someone else is talking.
189. Write and send a thank you notes.
190. “Look for the helpers.” – Fred Rogers
191. Be thankful when you learn something new.
192. Reward effort.
• Gratitude • Forgiveness
• Quiet Your Mind • Physical Activity
• Family and Friends • Lifestyle
• Laugh • Weight Management
• Strength and Flexibility • Health Information
• Adequate Sleep • Health Products
• Portion Size Control • Health Services

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