Tugas Narrative - Raymond Ortlund

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English is Fun
Qquestions answered

What kind of text is it? Narrative text

What is the purpose of the text? To entertain or amuse the reader

What are the generic structures of the text? Orientation, Complication, Resolution

Snow White, her step mother, the maid,

Mention the characters of this story seven dwarfs, a handsome man

To be patient in overcoming problem

What is the moral value of this text?
to get better future
Key words
Narrative text

To entertain or amuse the reader

Orientation, Complication, Resolution

Snow White, her step mother, the maid,

seven dwarfs, a handsome man To be patient in overcoming problem
to get better future
The text above is a narrative in written form.
It functions to entertain or amuse the readers.
It consists of orientation, complication,
resolution and reorientation (optional).
● Orientation. It introduces the main
characters of the story, the place and
time where the story happens.
● Complication. It shows the problems that
happen in the story.
● Resolution. This is the end of the story
where the problems are solved.
● Reorientation. It shows the comment
of the writer or it presents the moral
value of the story.
1. Bandung Bondowoso tried to build one thousand temples. It’s known as Prambanan

2.Malin Kundang left his home to find his fortune.

3. Cindelaras was actually the son of a king.

4. he fish begged the fisherman not to kill her because she could do something good to

5. Sangkuriang kicked the boat, and it flew to the air. It dropped up side down. It is
called Mount Tangkuban Perahu.

6. Prabu Tapa Agung had two beautiful daughters, Purbarangrang and Purbasari.
B. Match the sentences you have written in Task A with the following pictures correctly.

1 55. 6 1

4 2. 3
I. Complete the following text with the suitable words from the box.
a. b. c. take d. hit e. f.
brought crying care watched farmers
g. h. i. j. ran k. noisy l. alone
shocked harvest screamed
The Legend of Golog Stone
Once upon a time, there was a family of (1)poor. The father’s name was Amaq Lebain and the mother’s name was Inaq Lebain.
They had two children, a son and a daughter. They lived happily. The parents really loved their children. Every time they went
farming, they always
(2) And play withThe children to the rice fields.
One day the father went to the market to sell their (3) Assistance service Meanwhile, the mother went to the rice field (4) Wantto
pound the rice. And as always, she brought the children to the rice field.
“Please (5)Do not be naughty of our children. I won’t be long in the market. I will go to the rice field after I finish selling the
harvest,” said the father.
“I will be careful,” said the mother. “O.K., Mother,” said the children.
Later the mother was busy pounding the rice. It was quite (6) and . Strangely, every time the mother pounded the rice, the stone
where the children were sitting down was growing. The children were scared. They (7) Ask help from mother . “Mother? The
stone is getting taller!” they shouted. The mother could not hear them well. She thought the children asked her to go home.
“Just a minute, kids. I will finish this soon,” said the mother.
“But, Mom, the stone is getting taller. We were scared,” said the children (8) With fear . “Be patient, I will finish pounding the rice
soon,” said the mother. Again, she could not hear
them well. It was repeated again and again. The golog stone was getting taller and taller, and finally, it reached the clouds. The
children could not be seen anymore.
When the mother finished pounding the rice, she was (9) Search! She could not find her children. She then cried and prayed to
God. She wanted to bring her children down, but she did not know how. Somehow God answered her pray. She had to use the
rice pounder to cut down the golog stone. Then, she (10)spilttingthe stone with the rice pounder. Amazingly, the stone broke

down into three pieces. The first part fell in an area which later was called Gembong Village, the second part fell in area which was
later named Dasan Batu, and the last part fell in area which later was named Montong Teker. Unfortunately, the two children could
not come back to their mother.
They had changed into birds.

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