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Assignment No.

Role of Honeybees and Importance

of Apiculture

Prepared by- Ramanuj Bhiva Kumbhar ADPU/18/4861
Roles of Honeybees
They are the most efficient pollinators indeed.
 They help to increase the quantity of crop yield.
Effective pollination assures good shape and size of fruit crops
thereby farmers fetch good price for that quality product.

Provide many valuable products that includes-

Bee venom
Bee wax
Protects crops from wild animals
Many trials have shown that elephants are deterred
from entering the plantations and thereby secures
the crop against loss.any farmers have adopted this
by maintaining beehives along the fence.
Importance of Apiculture
• Provides Honey, beewax, bee pollen, propolis, bee venom; all
of them are very important as source of nutrition, medicine
and supplements and off course, income by selling them.
• Honeybees are most effective animal pollinators which
pollinate variety of crop plants, which ensures good quality
and quantity of yield.
• Requires very small space for accommodation.
• Steady source of income.
• Do not compete with, but supports the agricultural crop
• Acts as protective fencing against intrusion by wild animals.
Thank you

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