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Complete the paragraph.

My friend Ali 1____________( likes, like, liking )  surfing. He 2 _____________( go, went , gone )  to Puaena Point

yesterday. Puaena Point is 3_____________ ( X, a , an )  beach in Hawaii. ‘How 4__________( do, was, are )   it?’ I

asked him. ‘I 5. ____________( watches, watching , watched ) ,’ he said, ‘but I didn’t take part. The waves were too


Yesterday, I 1__________( buy, bought, buying)   the new iPhone. How much 2__________( was, do, did)  

it cost? $499.99. It was 3___________( a, X , an )   bargain because the new iPhone normally 4  __________

( go, goes, going) for more—about $900. When I 5____________( shows, showed, showing)  it to my friend Ali, his eyes

nearly popped out of his head.

Marco 1____________( wasn’t, isn’t, weren’t )  in Mexico last week. He 2 _____________( go, went , gone )

 to visit his aunt in Spain. It was her birthday. So, he bought a watch 3_____________ (and, also, too) a camera

as gifts for her. I asked him, ‘How 4__________( much, many, some)  did he pay for it?’ He said the camera was

5_______ ( the less, the most, the more) expensive one.

I am having a party 1. ___________( on, in, at ) Monday. I invited all my friends. Mona and Asma

2.______________( are always, always are ,always) late. They 3.__________( can’t, isn’t , wasn’t ) come

early because of traffic jams. We ordered food. I like Italian food. 4.___________,(But, However, And ) my

friends don’t like Italian food. They prefer 5.______________ ( eat, eating, eats ) Chinese food.

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