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Souradeep Gupta
(Reg No-219302377)

Department of Information Technology

Manipal University,Jaipur

• Introduction
• Literature Review
• Methodology
• Results
• Conclusion
• References
• An address book or a name and address book is a book or
a database used for storing entries called contacts. Each contact
entry usually consists of a few standard fields (for example: first
name, last name, company name, address, telephone number, e-
mail address, fax number, mobile phone number). Most such
systems store the details in alphabetical order of people's names,
although in paper-based address books entries can easily end up
out of order as the owner inserts details of more individuals or as
people move. Many address books use small ring binders that
allow adding, removing and shuffling of pages to make room.
• The objective of this project is to create an Address book using python in which the
user can add a new contact, edit and delete existing contact and view all the contacts.
• In this python project , the user has to click on a button which functions the user
wants to access e.g. – To edit a contact, the user has to first select a contact then
click on view button then edit the contact and then click on edit button. To add a
new contact user has to click on the add button after providing the necessary details.
• Since the project requires the concept of Graphical User Interface, let us see what options does python give us
for developing GUI.
•  Out of all the GUI methods, tkinter is the most commonly used method. It is a standard Python interface to the
Tk GUI toolkit shipped with Python. Python with tkinter is the fastest and easiest way to create the GUI
applications. Creating a GUI using tkinter is an easy task. Tkinter is a standard GUI library for rendering
graphics. To install the library we use the pip install command in the command prompt:

• pip install tkinter

• To create a tkinter app , we need to do a few steps:

1.Importing the module – tkinter
2.Creating the main window (container)
3.Adding any number of widgets to the main window
4.Applying the event Trigger on the widgets
• Now let us see some of the features of tkinter:
• Tkinter provides various controls, such as buttons, labels and text boxes used in a GUI
application. These controls are commonly called widgets.
• There are currently 15 types of widgets in Tkinter. We present some of these widgets as well
as a brief description in the following table:

Button The Button widget is used to display buttons in your application.

Canvas The Canvas widget is used to draw shapes, such as lines, ovals, polygons and
rectangles, in your application
Checkbutton The Checkbutton widget is used to display a number of options as checkboxes.
The user can select multiple options at a time.

Frame The Frame widget is used as a container widget to organize other widgets.

Listbox The Listbox widget is used to provide a list of options to a user.

Menubutton The Menubutton widget is used to display menus in your application.
• tkinter also offers access to the geometric configuration of the widgets
which can organize the widgets in the parent windows. There are mainly
three geometry manager classes class.
1.pack() method: It organizes the widgets in blocks before placing in the
parent widget.
2.grid() method: It organizes the widgets in grid (table-like structure)
before placing in the parent widget. method: It organizes the widgets by placing them on specific
positions directed by the programmer.
Step-1:Creating the GUI and initializing the window
• Tk() use to initialized tkinter
• geometry() sets the window width and height
• resizable(0,0) this command stop window to resize
• Frame is like a container that is used to organized widgets
• The code is on left side and output on right.
• Step 2:Creating User define function to retrieve the operation. 
• These are function are used in this program:
• add: This will add a record in the address book data structure and update the GUI.
• view: This will represent all the values of the selected record.
• delete: This will delete the selected record from the address book data structure and update the GUI.
• reset: This will reset all the input values of the input parameters.
• update_book: This will update the whole address book data structure.
• Complete code
• Label() widget used when we want to display text
• Entry() widget used when we want to create an input text field.
• Button() widget used to display button
• root is the name of our window
• text which display on the label as title of that label
• font in which form the text will be write
• textvariable used to retrieve the text to entry widget
• place() – place widgets at specific position
• command called the specific function when the button will clicked
• I have successfully developed the Address book in python. I used tkinter library for
rendering graphics and a random library to generate random choices.
• i learnt how to create buttons widget and also learn how to call the function using buttons.
• Learnt python from:
• Learnt how to develop Gui from:

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