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Designing an Intervention
• Identify the beneficiaries based on the numeracy test results & other
empirical data
• Identify the target critical competencies to be covered by the intervention
• Give a diagnostic test.
• Profile every learner based on the result of the diagnostic test.
• Maintain an Individual Learning Progress Profile for every project
• Request the instructional supervisors to validate the learning progress of
the beneficiaries.
• At the end of the implementation of the project, reward the beneficiaries.
• Include the intervention in the SIP & AIP and institutionalize it.
Sample Intervention


Other possible interventions

• Synchronized Math Drill – 10 minutes after recess
• 5 Minute Drill- done at the start of every math class
Administration of the Numeracy Test
• Pre-Test – at the start of the SY
All Grades 2, 3, 4 & 7
All Grades 5, 6, 8, 9 & 10 who are considered as non numerates last SY
• 2nd quarter test – right after the end of Q1
All learners who are considered as non-numerates based on the result of
the pre-test
• 3rd quarter test – right after the end of Q2
 All Grades 1 & all learners who are considered as non-numerates based on
the result of 2nd quarter test
• Post Test – at the end of SY
 All learners who are considered as non-numerates based on the result of
thank you
good luck!

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