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Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy

Learning Objective
• To compare renewable and non-renewable resources.

Success Criteria
• To explain the difference between a renewable and non-renewable energy source.
• To describe how electricity is generated in power stations.
• To evaluate the effectiveness of renewable energy sources.
How Many Words?
How many words can you make from these letters?


Can you find the word that uses all the letters?
How Much Do You Know?

What are fossil fuels?

Fuels formed over millions of years from dead

animals and plants.

Name 3 fossil fuels.

Coal, oil and gas.

Name the numbered parts of the

power station.

1.boiler 2. turbine
3. generator 4. transformer
How Much Do You Know?
What happens in each part?
1. Coal or oil is used to heat up water until it
is boiling.
2. The steam produced turns a turbine.
3. The spinning turbine turns a generator to
produce electricity.
4. Increases the voltage.

Why is it important that we don’t become too

dependent on fossil fuels?
They will run out at some point.

What’s the alternative?

Renewable energy.
How Much Do You Know?
Use the correct keywords from the box below to complete the sentences,
showing how electricity is produced in a coal fired power station.

transformer generator oil

turbine furnace
steam pylon water

Coal is burnt and the heat produced is used to heat up

and produce .

The steam produced is used to drive a .

 This in turn turns a and electricity is produced.
Renewable Energy: Quick Fire
How many different renewable energy sources can you name
in 30 seconds?

Share your answers with the person sitting next to you.

Have they got any different answers?
Who thought of the most?
Renewable Energy
You are going to be given an information sheet about one type of renewable
You have 3 minutes to memorise as much information as possible. The
minimum you must know is:

• name;
• how it works;
• advantages;
• disadvantages.
Renewable Energy: Speed Dating
One of you will visit a table and talk about the renewable energy you
represent, while the other person will stay where they are and be visited by a
different renewable energy.
After two minutes, everybody will return to their original places and share
information with their partner and update their renewable energy sheet.
Swap roles and visit the next type of energy, until
your record sheet is complete.

Pause for Thought

Everybody needs to swap roles
when told to do so and not before.
Remember which table you visited last to
ensure you visit them in order.
Record Your Findings
Type of How It Works Advantages Disadvantages
solar power





Energy Transfers Match and Draw
Match the renewable energy with its advantages and disadvantages.

Can you match the last boxes, showing the energy changes?
What Would Happen If...

What would happen if, What would happen if, as a

from tomorrow morning, top scientist, you had to
each person was given a choose the best renewable
reduced amount of energy?
What’s youridea?
idea? energy source - which
What would you be able to would you choose and
live without? why?
Complete the Energy Resources Homework Activity Sheet. You may
have to do some extra research!

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