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Action Plan for a

Better Future
Action Plan to deal with Labour
Exploitation in RMG sector of Bangladesh

Submitted by Group -7 (Section 12)

The theme of Oppression in the novel Animal Farm

1.Explain one or two incidents that demonstrate oppression(From Animal Farm)

• The animals learn that cow’s milk and apples are mixed
every day into pig’s mash. When the animals object,
Squealer explains that pigs need that milk and apples to
sustain themselves as they work for the benefit of all
other animals since they’re doing all the brainwork. Then
he continues to ask the other animals a rhetorical
question, “Surely there is no one among you who
wants to see Jones back?” is the first of many times
when Squealer will invoke the name of Jones to
convince the animals that despite the discontent, they
may feel their present life is better and preferable to the
ones they led under their old master. This signals to the
reader that the pigs are slowly changing into a new form
of their old oppressor.
• In order to feed the animals, Napoleon contracts to sell
four hundred eggs a week. The hens rebel and
Napoleon threatens them by cutting their rations entirely.
Nine hens die before the others give in to Napoleon’s
demands. This incident primarily focuses on the violent
tactics employed by oppressive governments.
2. Mention 1 or 2 characters that highlight this theme

• Napoleon - Napoleon emerges as an utterly corrupt opportunist. He is using the

patriotism and drive of the other animals for his own purposes, which initially involve
gaining as much control over the farm's food as he can. He never shows interest in
the strength of the animal farm itself, only in the strength of his power of over it.
• Squealer - Squealer’s lack of conscience and loyalty to his leader make him the perfect
example of who exercises absolute power oppressively.
• Boxer- Boxer epitomizes all of the best qualities of the exploited working classes: dedication,
loyalty, and a huge capacity for labour.  He portrays the working class who suffer to the ruling
class’s oppression.
3.Keyword or quotation that indicate the theme

• “Napoleon is always right”. It demonstrates how the

unwillingness to question the authority condemns the working
class to suffer to a great extent to the ruling class’s oppression.
• “All animals are equal, but some animals are more than
others.” A proclamation by the pigs who control the
government in Animal Farm. The sentence is a comment of
hypocrisy of oppressive government that proclaims the
absolute equality of their citizens but give power and privileges
to small elite where the small elite class oppresses the citizens.
Thank You

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