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Terminal Handling with S-Lang

It encapsulates all the low-level terminal handling

through a set of routines that allow direct access to
the video terminal and automatically handle
scrolling and color.
S-Lang's terminal handling abilities two categories
1. set of functions for reading keystrokes from the
terminal in a controlled manner.
2. routines for full-screen output to the terminal.
Commands to install slang (only root can install)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install slang2_2.2.2
gcc –slang program.c
Initializing S-Lang Input Handling

int SLang_init_tty(int abort_char, int flow_ctrl, int

abort_char - If -1 is passed, the current tty interrupt
character (usually, Ctrl-C) is retained; otherwise , the
interrupt character is set to the value passed.
Terminal-level flow control allows the user to pause
output to the terminal to prevent scrolling and then
restart it.
opost - output post processing on the terminal.
Restoring the Terminal State
Reading Characters from the Terminal
SLang_getkey() - returns a single character from the
Checking for Pending Input

To check for available characters without blocking.

int SLang_input_pending(int timeout);
SLang_input_pending() returns true if characters become
available within n tenths of seconds. It returns as soon as
the characters are available; it returns false if no characters
become available within the timeout period.
If a timeout period of zero is given, SLang_input_pending()
tells whether characters are currently available.
while (ch != 'q' && SLang_input_pending(20))
The program now waits a maximum of two seconds for more
input. Once two seconds pass without any input, it exits.
Output Handling

two sets
1. terminal-handling functions (the SLtt family)
2. higher-level screen management functions (the SLsmg
family) ---- string output, line drawing, and screen-
querying functions
 SLtt function family works directly with the
terminal; functions that map closely with capabilities
defined in the terminal database.
 Includes routines for defining foreground and
background color pairs and turning the cursor on and
Initializing Screen Management

void SLtt_get_terminfo(void); - to look up the current

SLtt_get_terminfo() is to set the physical size of the
screen to the size listed in the terminal database.
The number of rows and columns on the terminal
are stored in SLtt_Screen_Rows and
SLtt_Screen_Cols , respectively.
Initializing the S-Lang's screen management layer is
void SLsmg_init_smg(void);
Updating the Display

updates the physical terminal with the results of any
screen drawing that has been done since the previous
time it was called.
Moving the Cursor

extern void SLsmg_gotorc (int row, int column);

upper-left corner of the screen is (0, 0)

bottom-right corner is (SLtt_Screen_Rows - 1,
SLtt_Screen_Cols - 1) .
void SLsmg_set_char_set(int useAlternate)
nonzero argument - new characters written to the display
are mapped through the alternate character set.
Zero - disables this mapping, allowing characters to appear



Writing to the Screen

1. void SLsmg_write_char(char ch); - writes the

2. void SLsmg_write_string(char * str); - writes the
3. void SLsmg_write_nchars(char * chars, int length); -
The length characters pointed to by chars are written to
the screen.
4. void SLsmg_write_nstring(char * str, int length);
5. void SLsmg_printf(char * format, ...);
6. void void SLsmg_write_wrapped_string(char * str, int
row, int column, int height, int width, int fill);
Drawing Lines and Boxes

1. void SLsmg_draw_hline(int row);

2. void SLsmg_draw_vline(int column);
3. void SLsmg_draw_box(int row, int column, int
height, int width);
Using Color

void SLtt_set_color(int entry, char * name, char * fg,
char * bg);
ioctl - control device
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
int ioctl(int d, int request, ...);
The ioctl() function manipulates the underlying device
parameters of special files.
terminals controlled with ioctl() requests.
The argument d must be an open file descriptor.
The second argument is a device-dependent request code.
The third argument is an untyped pointer to memory.
TIOCGWINSZ - Fill in the winsize structure pointed to by the
third argument with the screen width and height.
7.#include <slang/slang.h>
8: int main(void) {
 9: struct winsize ws;
 10:
 11: /* get the size of the terminal connected to stdout */
 12: if (ioctl(1, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws)) {
 13: perror("failed to get window size");
 14: return 1;
 15: }
 16:
 17: SLtt_get_terminfo();
 18:
 19: SLtt_Screen_Rows = ws.ws_row;
 20: SLtt_Screen_Cols = ws.ws_col;
 21:
 22: SLsmg_init_smg();
 23:
 24: /* heart of the program goes here */
 25:
 26: SLsmg_gotorc(SLtt_Screen_Rows - 1, 0);
 27: SLsmg_refresh();
 28: SLsmg_reset_smg();
 29: SLang_reset_tty();
 30:
 31: return 0;

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