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Features of Quality in TFS

Defect Tracking system: -On the .NET framework -Web Access (Team plains) Reporting for Testing part Preparing test cases and test plan Automation testing tool that consists of -Functional Testing -Stress Testing -Load testing

Defect Tracking
Defect (Bug) - A software bugis the common term used to describe an error, flaw, mistake, failure, or Fault in a computer program that prevents it from behaving as intended (e.g., producing an incorrect or unexpected result.

Defect Tracking Cont.

Defect tracking:

The practice of recording all defects found in the executable software and other work products and monitoring them throughout the project

TFS (Team foundation server)Defect Tracking System

Features of the system: -DefectLifecycletracking. -Defectsreports. -Projectstatustrackingintermsofdefects. -Easeofuse,userfriendlyUI. -Abilityofloggingtothesystemwithoutanysoftwaretobe installed(e.g.VS2008,SQLetc)throughtheTeamplain webaccess. -Abilitytorelateabugtoacertaintask. -Abilitytocustomizethetemplateofbugthroughatool calledPowerTool. -TakesthefeaturesofVSintermsofaccessand permissions. -Abilitytocustomizethegeneratedreportsthroughaquery -IntegrationwiththeEMAILinordertofollowup


Process Template
What is a process template?

What does a process template look like?

v Behind the scenes its just a bunch of XML

Whats Included?
vWork Item Type Definitions vWork Item Links vQueries vReports vPortal Settings vSource Control Settings

Process Templates available

v What process templates are available? In the Box 3rd Party (Not Included at the current TFS) Microsoft Process Template (Not Included at the current TFS)

Process Templates available (In The Box)

MSF for Agile Software Development

Lightweight/Flat Stretch to fit Targets teams implementing Agile project management practices

MSF for CMMI Process Improvement

Deeper hierarchy Stretch to fit Targeting teams interested in deep traceability/auditability

MSF for Agile Hierarchy

Managing your product backlog as User Stories As a <> I want to <> so that I can <>. Stories are broken down into specific tasks Bugs are tracked during the iteration

Planning Execution

MSF for CMMI Hierarchy

Requirements are created at many levels and tracked as a hierarchy


Tracking changes to features.

Work during execution


Implementation verification

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