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Circular Economy
Arranged by :
Name : Defron Yerico Situmorang
Class : SMBP A
NIM : 22553
Batch : 2021
Faculty : Faculty of Agriculture
Lecturer : Santa Monica,
Humans and nature are two words that cannot be
separated, where these two elements influence each other.
The influence of nature on humans is more passive, whereas
Human influence on nature is more active, which when
viewed in the fulfillment of human needs, Human activities
on nature always cause damage to the environment the
environment itself.
As living things that have advantages over other living
things, Humans have the ability to exploit nature, so they
can change nature according to what he wanted. However,
even though nature does not have active-exploitative
abilities against humans, but what happens to nature will its
impact on human life.
Before humans found a way to exploit nature,
where humans still depend on nature to fulfill their
needs, the earth was still intact. Whole here means that
the earth is still green, the trees are still growing, the
air is fresh and the natural environment is still shady
and shady.
But when humans start to exploit nature
excessively, the earth is getting destroyed. Many trees
in the forest are cut down to be used as raw materials
for household appliances, while forest land becomes
barren and is converted into urban areas in the sense
of human settlement areas.
Need to know!!!
Life on earth can be likened
to a circle, which means that
all growth will certainly
return to what it was at the
beginning in the place where
life grew, and from the same
place, life will grow again so
that a perfect life cycle is
Need to know!!!
One species waste is
another’s food, energy is
provided by the sun,
things grow then die and
nutrients return to the soil
safely. This can be
explained by the video
However, we humans have broken
the perfect cycle of life, simply because
humans want to grow the economy
unsustainably at the expense of the beauty
of nature. Humans have created a linear
economic model with the motto “Take-
Make-Use-Dispose”. Humans extract
millions of tons of natural resources every
year and turn them into materials for
human needs as they are used and
consumed today, and then humans just
throw them away.
What solutions can be done ???

Designing reusable products, updating,

repairing and only extracting new
resources when they are really needed.
Less use of new materials and energy,
and protecting natural resources. Car
pooling, material recycling, repair and
reuse, and green energy use. There's a
lot to do and it's all part of the circular
cycle. The circular economy is very
possible and will bring new
opportunities in improving the economy
which is certainly environmentally
friendly. So what is a circular
economy ???
The meaning of circular economy
A circular economy is an alternative concept to the traditional
linear economy (make, use, dispose) in which economic actors
keep resources in use as long as possible, are able to extract and
derive maximum value from their use, then recover and
regenerate products and materials at the end of each life. service.
Circular Economy Concept
In a circular economy system, it is very important to
minimize the use of resources, waste, emissions, and
wasted energy by closing the production-consumption
cycle and implementing techniques to extend product life,
design innovation, maintenance, reuse, remanufacturing,
recycling to products. (recycling) and recycling into other
products (upcycling).
In the context of making plastic products sustainable,
the circular economy concept can be implemented in
several ways, for example: plastic recycling, upcycling of
plastics as asphalt mixtures. converting low-economy
value plastics into fuel or energy, and so on.
Main Principles of Circular Economy

The main principle contained in the circular

economy is the 5R, namely Reduce, Reuse,
Recycle, Recovery and Repair.
• Reduce, is reducing the use of raw materials
from nature.
• Reuse, is optimizing the use of reusable
• Reuse, is reusing materials from the recycling
• Recovery, is reusing the resulting material from
the recovery process
• Repair, is make a repair.
In a circular economy there are two types of circles (cycles): Biological
and Technical

Processing Manufacture
and Technical
Packaging Materials

Biological Technical
Cycle of Cycle of
Consumptio Service
n Products Products

Use Use
Recovery of
Parts and
● Product biological materials can increase the
economic value of agricultural products.
● The biological material can also be reused
several times in different products (Cascades),
before the biological material is returned safely
to the biosphere.
● Example of cascading :
1.Cotton clothing first reused as a second-hand
2.Then it is reused in furniture industry as
3.Fibre-fill can then be reused in constructuon
industry as insulation in stone wool.
Technical Cycle
● 1st circle : Trying to repair/reuse the
● 2nd circle : Trying to remake and update
the product instead of throwing it away.
● 3rd circle : If repair/reuse or even
remanufacturing is not possible, then the
reusable parts will be dismantled for
reuse in the manufacture of new
● The final option, is to recycle the
separated parts/components so that they
can be reused instead of raw materials.
1. Innovation in design-less
components, products designed to
be easily disassembled, regenerated,
and recycled.
2. Innovation in business approach-
buying service instead of buying the
3. Technological improvements in
4. Collaboration between public and
private sectors.
As a student who cares about the environment, as a first step,
you can apply the 3Rs first, namely Reuse Reduce Recycle in
daily life, such as:
Choose a container, bag or Choose products
object that can be used several with recyclable Choose products and
times or repeatedly. For packaging. Avoid packaging that are
example, use cloth napkins recyclable and
using and buying
instead of using tissue, using biodegradable.
rechargeable batteries. Reuse products that
generate large Process waste paper
empty containers or packages
amounts of waste. into paper or
for the same or other
functions. For example, used Reduce the use of cardboard again.
drink bottles are reused as single-use materials. Process organic
cooking oil containers. Use Avoid buying and waste into compost
the empty side of the paper to using things you and useful goods.
don't need.
”Even if it's trash or used goods,
if it can still be used, use it as
best you can, if necessary be
creative and form a variety of
new, more interesting products.”
Defron Yerico Situmorang
Life on earth is like fire
that is eternal and will not
run out, but in a moment it
will surely die because of
an action, that's how this
earth is, life that was
originally very beautiful
and eternal, but became
destroyed only because of
human activities.
CONclusion Video
(Can be seen on the right)
Regarding the benefits of
circular economy in ASEAN

Source :

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